| MZX 1.10 Bug Fix | | This command script fixes the MZX 1.10 snapshot load bug which was | introduced in the binary release by omitting part of the BASIC | source. | | To install, *EXEC this file after the filer has seen MZX. | (Alternatively, set the file type to &FFE and run.) | | This file need only be executed once. | BASIC LOAD "Z80:!RunImage" 51REM Patch level 1 (3/5/94) 245PROCvars 4000DEF PROCvars 4010B=1 4020C=0 4030D=3 4040E=2 4050H=5 4060L=4 4070A=7 4080IXL=8 4090IXH=9 4100IYL=10 4110IYH=11 4120SPWD=12 4130auxastore=16 4140auxfstore=20 4150auxdestore=24 4160auxbcstore=28 4170auxhlstore=32 4180int_en_flg=36 4190int_mode=40 4200int_reg=44 4210mzxstate=48 4220wimpmode=52 4230bordstate=56 4240speedstate=60 4250rfshstate=64 4260rfshcount=68 4270wimpspkr=72 4280 4290BC=&10 4300DE=&11 4310HL=&12 4320AF=&13 4330SP=&14 4340IX=&15 4350IY=&16 4360 4370C_NZ=&20 4380C_Z=&21 4390C_NC=&22 4400C_C=&23 4410C_PO=&24 4420C_PE=&25 4430C_PL=&26 4440C_MI=&27 4450 4460F_Z=&40 4470F_C=&01 4480F_V=&04 4490F_S=&80 4500 4510mzx_sounden=1 4520mzx_multi=2 4530mzx_diag=4 4540mzx_mode9=8 4550mzx_freeze=16 4560mzx_started=32 4570mzx_speedcon=64 4580mzx_realjoy=128 4590mzx_keyenab=256 4600mzx_haltwait=512 4610 4620membase=10 4630regbase=11 4640z80pc=12 : REM ** ABSOLUTE ** PC address 4650flags=9 4660scratch=4 4670regcache=8 4680regs2=7 4690tablebase=6 4700ovfstore=5 4710debug=FALSE 4720ENDPROC SAVE "Z80:!RunImage" QUIT