THE SPECTRUM GAMES DATABASE ARMAGEDDON PUBLISHER Ocean AUTHOR The rather cryptic A.W.S. YEAR 1983 CATEGORY Arcade Rip-off DESCRIPTION It's Atari's Missile Command by everything but name. CONTROLS S - Up, X - Down, N - Left, M - Right, A - Fire Kempston Joystick INSTRUCTIONS Protect your six cities from the incoming nukes by destroying them as they approach. Missiles come down from the top of the screen at varying angles and you must use your limited supply of ammo wisely to blow them out of the sky before they destroy or contaminate your cities. Take care not to allow your gun turret to run out of ammo, or the missiles come down with a vengeance with nothing to stop them! Destroy all of the weapons and it's onto the next stage. But watch out for the satellites which will fire multiple warheads at your cities from much lower! INLAY CARD TEXT CHEATS None that I know of. SEQUELS/PREQUELS None. SCORES RECEIVED Pre-mags? Possibly. URL Grab it from a number of sites, search for, or direct from GENERAL FACTS A pretty good arcade conversion, albeit an unlicensed one! The major differences between this and the arcade Missile Command is that you only get one turret to fire from rather than three, and the super bombs (which you had to hit directly with a missile, they just bounced off explosions) are missing. One of Ocean's first games, I think. Back in the days when they only had one loading screen and just changed the name of the game for each release. As is typical of Missile Command, there is no end to the game - the only guarantee is that you will eventually be destroyed. Armageddon gets remarkably fast at later stages! NOTES Probably the oldest Missile Command game on the Speccy, and also the best as far as I'm concerned! Funny how the old games are the best.