#!/usr/bin/perl -w # @(#) BIPprint.pl Acquires Brother-Internet-Print files from POP3 server # and passes them to designated printer(s). Small-memory # version. Intended for invocation via inittab entry. # Graham Jenkins, IBM GSA, Feb. 2001. Rev'd: 17 Mar. 2001. use strict; use File::Basename; use Net::POP3; use Date::Manip; use IO::File; my $host="bronzeback.in.telstra.com.au"; # Same host and password for my $pass="MySecret"; # each printer. my $limit=30*1024*1024; # Maximum bytes per print job. my ($printer,$awkprog); defined($ARGV[0]) || die "Usage: ", basename($0). " printer1 [ printer2 ..]\n"; open(LOG,"|/usr/bin/logger -p local7.info -t ".basename($0)); autoflush LOG 1; $awkprog=""; while (<DATA>) {$awkprog = $awkprog . $_}; # Build awk program for later, while (1) { # then loop forever, processing sleep 30; # all printers in each pass, and foreach $printer (@ARGV) {process($printer);} # sleeping for 30 seconds } # between each pass. sub process { my ($flag,$i,$j,$k,$l,$m,$allparts,$user,$pop,@field,@part,$count,$top15, $msgdate,$parsdate,$notify,$reply,%slot,$fh); $user = $_[0]; $pop = Net::POP3->new($host); # Login to POP3 server and get $count = $pop->login($user,$pass) ; # header plus 1st 15 lines $count = -1 if ! defined ($count) ; # of each message. Use apop for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++ ) { # instead of login if server $top15=$pop->top($i,15) ; # supports it. if ($top15) { $msgdate = ""; $notify="None"; $reply=""; for ($j = 0; $j < 99; $j++ ) { if (@$top15[$j]) { # Use arrival-date on POP3 if($msgdate eq "") { # server to ascertain age of (@field) = split(/;/,@$top15[$j]); # message; if it is stale, if ( defined($field[1])) { # delete it and loop for next. $parsdate=&ParseDate($field[1]); # (Search for semi-colon if( $parsdate ) { # followed by valid date.) $msgdate="Y"; if(&Date_Cmp($parsdate, &DateCalc("today","-3 days") ) lt 0 ) { print LOG "Stale msg: $user $parsdate\n"; $pop->delete($i); goto I; # If POP3 server does } # automatic message expiration } # this entire section can be } # omitted. } (@field) = split(/=/, @$top15[$j]); if ( defined($field[0]) ) { if ($field[0] eq "BRO-NOTIFY") {chomp $field[1];$notify=$field[1];} if ($field[0] eq "BRO-REPLY") {chomp $field[1];$reply =$field[1];} if ( $field[0] eq "BRO-PARTIAL" ) { # Comment above line to ( @part )=split("/", $field[1]); # prevent mail notification. chomp $part[1]; } if ( $field[0] eq "BRO-UID" ) { # Determine print-job and part chomp $field[1]; # thereof contained in message. $slot{$field[1]."=".$part[0]} = $i ; $allparts = "Y"; # As we see each message, check for ($k=1;$k<=$part[1];$k++) { # whether we have all parts. $allparts = "N" if ! defined($slot{$field[1]."=".$k}) ; } if ( $allparts eq "Y" ) { # Print and delete all parts. print LOG "$field[1] $part[1] => $user\n"; if(($notify ne "None") && ($reply ne "")) {system "echo Print Job Received, $part[1] pcs|Mail -s$user $reply";} $fh=new IO::File "|awk '{$awkprog}' Limit=$limit |lpr -P $user"; for ($k = 1;$k<=$part[1];$k++) { $pop->get($slot{$field[1]."=".$k},$fh) ; $pop->delete($slot{$field[1]."=".$k}) ; } # If there is enough filespace, $fh->close; # pipe awk output thru gzip to } # a temporary file, then print } # it and delete all parts; this } # caters for connection failure. } } # The awk program here-under } # is used to extract parts from I:} # a file containing multiple $pop->quit() if ($count >= 0); # parts and feed each of them } # through a decoder to stdout. __DATA__ if( Flag == 2 ) { Size=Size+length if(length == 0) { Flag=0; close("mmencode -u 2>/dev/null") } else if(Size<=Limit*4/3) print $0 |"mmencode -u 2>/dev/null" } if( Flag == 1 ) if(length == 0) Flag=2 if( Flag == 0 ) if($1 ~ /^Content-Transfer-Enc/) if($NF == "base64") Flag=1