Index of /public/ftp/pub/linux/system/misc
What you'll find here: various junk (ps, kill, general utility suites, etc)
You can also view this index in terse format, or return to the parent directory.
- fdisk for hard disks using the Rigid Disk Block (26031 bytes)
- BSD utilities (151671 bytes)
- improved version of Unix kill (5575 bytes)
- kill off processes by command name (8976 bytes)
- write/wall like program to express your feeling (7508 bytes)
- The Reker version of cut - like the GNU version, but with additional features. (23146 bytes)
- The Reker version of cut - like the GNU version, but with additional features. (23286 bytes)
- do user usage monitoring through finger (30720 bytes)
- FR is a client of DFC service (DFC -- Dedicated File Cache) (32173 bytes)
- a simple timestamp-based package management system. (18348 bytes)
- Extension of shebang (i.e. #!) script invocation service (5313 bytes)
- Extension of shebang (i.e. #!) script invocation service (5311 bytes)
- Gives ASCII dump of MS-Windows note cards (1503 bytes)
- X/Motif Mail/FTP clients for Linux (3038505 bytes)
- Allows users to view/change various settings or PCI Hotplug slots (23664 bytes)
- Allows users to view/change various settings or PCI Hotplug slots (61039 bytes)
- Allows users to view/change various settings or PCI Hotplug slots (58128 bytes)
- list current working directories of all running processes (1023 bytes)
- Log in a user on a terminal without the user having to enter a username or password. (10748 bytes)
- changes a processes priority level (2451 bytes)
- Posix.1b Real Time Scheduler Tools for Linux (22550 bytes)
- Tester and exerciser for Unix System V semaphore functions (12820 bytes)
- Tester and exerciser for Unix System V semaphore functions (9934 bytes)
- Tester and exerciser for Unix System V semaphore functions (7393 bytes)
- Tester and exerciser for Unix System V semaphore functions (10405 bytes)
- Tester and exerciser for Unix System V semaphore functions (7555 bytes)
- sh-utils-1.12 with a few security enhancements (329171 bytes)
- group of very small standard utilities (37363 bytes)
- shows sytem time in seconds (607 bytes)
- Tape copy program that works across the systems (10674 bytes)
- associates kernel version with names via /proc/totem (12818 bytes)
- Display directory tree, has plenty of options (14862 bytes)
- Show information about a local user. Includes mail, password, login and lastlog information. (332964 bytes)
- Miscellaneous utilities for Linux (1992725 bytes)
- A sample authentication program (24092 bytes)
- CGI script for manipulating the sendmail /etc/aliases file (2953 bytes)
- Find the first occurrance of a command in the PATH. (3517 bytes)
- bash and perl scripts to make linux just a little bit prettier (5777 bytes)
Last updated by using keeper 1.55 on 2005-09-27 15:51:25 UCT