CALDERA SYSTEMS OpenLinux eSERVER 2.3 November 1999 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenLinux eServer is a Caldera Systems-maintained distribution of the Linux operating system. Caldera Systems OpenLinux eServer 2.3 uses the a 2.2.14 Linux kernel. It also includes other unique features, making OpenLinux eServer the most reliable and easy-to-use Linux available. This document contains the following: - How-to Procedures - Getting Help How-To Procedures ================= Do one of the following: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install OpenLinux eServer 1. Insert the Installation CD. with a bootable CD-ROM drive 2. Restart your computer. NOTE: For details on installing OpenLinux eServer, see the "System Administrators Guide" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install OpenLinux eServer See the "READMEus.txt" file in the "col/launch/ with a diskette floppy" directory on this Installation CD or create a diskette from the OpenLinux eServer Windows setup menu. If the installation does not work for you, see the README file in "col/launch/lisa/floppy" found on the OpenLinux eServer Installation CD. (If your copy of OpenLinux eServer included an install disk, insert the disk in the diskette drive and restart your computer.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install OpenLinux eServer See the "READMEus.txt" file in the from a DOS system "col/launch/dos" directory on this Installation CD. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install OpenLinux eServer See the "READMEus.txt" file in the from an existing Linux "col/launch/linux" directory on this system Installation CD. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install OpenLinux eServer If the installation does not work for you, using LISA see the "READMEus.txt" file in "col/launch/lisa/floppy" found on this Installation CD. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- After OpenLinux eServer 2.3 is installed ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install individual 1. Insert the Installation CD and mount the software packages CD-ROM drive 2. If you installed KDE you can use 'kpackage' if not you can use rpm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting Help ============ OpenLinux eServer v2.3 is a VAR/OEM supported product. For Technical Support please contact the VAR or OEM you purchased this product from. If you need help in locating a VAR please contact Caldera Systems' Customer Service at 888-GO-LINUX or 801-765-4888 internationally. Or via email at Thank you for using Caldera Systems products. Caldera Systems, Inc. PO Box 1920 Orem, UT 84059-1920 USA Information: www: voice: +1 (801) 765-4999 fax: +1 (801) 765-1313 Orders: voice: +1 (888) GOLINUX +1 (801) 765-4888 fax: +1 (801) 765-1313