search/keeper-1.40.tar.gz (38701 bytes)
archivist's assistant, used to maintain Sunsite itself (Sep 9, 1997 15:44:53 EST)
libs/liblist-0.1.tar.gz (9368 bytes)
liblist is a C library for double linked lists (Sep 9, 1997 15:18:43 EST)
system/news/readers/xagent-0.6.1.tgz (236751 bytes)
off line NNTP news reader for Linux, uses xforms (Sep 9, 1997 17:55:37 EST)
system/network/chat/BitchX73-extra.tar.gz (1107282 bytes)
aux files for BitchX73 (Sep 9, 1997 2:16:54 EST)
system/network/chat/BitchX73-src.tar.gz (732235 bytes)
ansi color irc client (Sep 9, 1997 2:16:4 EST)
system/network/chat/BitchX73-tcl.gz (442806 bytes)
Tcl interface to ansi color irc client (Sep 9, 1997 2:17:17 EST)
apps/math/symbolic/Kash_1.8.common.tar.gz (1559976 bytes)
shell for algebraic number theory computations (Jun 25, 1997 4:51:39 EST)
apps/math/symbolic/Kash_1.8.galois.tar.gz (3256440 bytes)
shell for algebraic number theory computations (Jun 25, 1997 4:53:45 EST)
apps/math/symbolic/Kash_1.8.linux.tar.gz (2014388 bytes)
shell for algebraic number theory computations (Jun 25, 1997 4:54:37 EST)
system/printing/PriMa-0.3.tar.gz (343913 bytes)
graphical interface to the famous PSUtils (Jul 6, 1997 14:2:23 EST)
system/emulators/apple2-emul-v004-linux.tar.gz (199628 bytes)
Apple IIe emulator for X & Linux (Jul 4, 1997 19:23:31 EST)
kernel/misc-cards/arlan_0.2.tgz (11313 bytes)
ethernet device driver for Arlan 655 radio modem (Jul 28, 1997 16:36:45 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/aview-1.1.tar.gz (49712 bytes)
High quality ASCII art renderer/animation player (Aug 20, 1997 5:8:50 EST)
system/network/chat/bnc-2.0.1.tar.gz (3015 bytes)
Linux IRC proxy daemon (Aug 5, 1997 16:33:26 EST)
system/network/chat/bnc.2.0.1.tar.gz (2836 bytes)
(Aug 5, 1997 15:43:7 EST)
system/mail/mta/bsmtp-0.96b.tar.gz (20308 bytes)
Adds batch SMTP support to sendmail (Aug 26, 1997 7:20:39 EST)
apps/www/converters/c2html-0.1.tar.gz (97225 bytes)
c2html highlights C-language sources like emacs does (Sep 1, 1997 22:32:35 EST)
utils/disk-management/cdrecord-1.4.tar.gz (288984 bytes)
CD-Recording program for SunOS/Solaris/Linux (Jul 8, 1997 4:26:38 EST)
apps/tex/dlh-0.7c.tar.gz (154936 bytes)
fast and flexible LaTeX to HTML translator (Jul 11, 1997 21:50:13 EST)
utils/dos/ext2nt-1.06.tar.gz (399328 bytes)
tools for read-only access to ext2 filesystems from Windows NT (Aug 12, 1997 22:29:44 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.1.7-1.i386.rpm (130646 bytes)
RPM for Intel binaries of fetchmail (Sep 9, 1997 18:14:38 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.1.7.tar.gz (235159 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon (Sep 9, 1997 18:11:47 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-FAQ.html (53827 bytes)
HTML fetchmail FAQ (Sep 9, 1997 18:13:8 EST)
games/amusements/fortune-mod-9708.tar.gz (1408517 bytes)
enhanced version of BSD fortune (Aug 29, 1997 15:50:40 EST)
kernel/misc-cards/icpci-0.3.2.tar.gz (72406 bytes)
Imaging Technologie Inc. IC-PCI card (rev 1) (Jun 23, 1997 5:6:34 EST)
games/amusements/krad1.0-pl1.tar.gz (2478 bytes)
file utility used for kradifying files, or stdin (Jul 18, 1997 15:50:39 EST)
apps/sound/mixers/mygaintool-1.0.tar.gz (13359 bytes)
Linux version of the SunOS Open Windows Gaintool utility (Jul 25, 1997 4:45:25 EST)
system/bbs/net4free_bbs.tgz (6672 bytes)
Net4Free BBS System, version 1.0.0 (Jul 26, 1997 23:7:59 EST)
apps/sound/radio/pcfm-1.00.tgz (7469 bytes)
interface for Gemtek PCFM serial port FM radio (Aug 9, 1997 19:45:31 EST)
apps/database/postgresql-v6_1_tar.gz (2338098 bytes)
RDBMS compliant to ANSI/SQL92 and ISO/SQL standards (formerly Postgres95) (Jun 27, 1997 18:33:34 EST)
system/status/ps/psmisc-16.tar.gz (18354 bytes)
pstree, killall, and fuser source (Jul 28, 1997 5:32:37 EST)
devel/lang/pascal/ptoc.tgz (844978 bytes)
ANSI/Turbo Pascal to C/C++ converter with BGI graphics emulation (Sep 8, 1997 9:32:3 EST)
apps/misc/queuemaster-1.5.tgz (15254 bytes)
Queues program execution of repetitive/long tasks (Jul 25, 1997 18:40:55 EST)
apps/serialcomm/dialout/termite-0.2.0b1.src.tar.gz (74394 bytes)
serial comm program with Telix-like features [src] (Aug 20, 1997 19:36:39 EST)
system/admin/visualadmin-2.0.bin.tar.gz (39609 bytes)
hack user accounts and DNS files via the Web. (Sep 9, 1997 18:20:45 EST)
system/admin/visualadmin-2.0.src.tar.gz (14657 bytes)
hack user accounts and DNS files via the Web [src] (Sep 9, 1997 18:21:5 EST)
apps/sound/editors/wavetools-0.9b.ELF.tgz (39824 bytes)
8 small programs for manipulating mono WAV Files from the commandline (Aug 13, 1997 11:43:24 EST)
apps/sound/editors/wavetools-0.9b.doc.tgz (101164 bytes)
documentation for the wavetools (Aug 13, 1997 11:43:30 EST)
apps/sound/editors/wavetools-0.9b.tgz (43282 bytes)
sources for wavetools (Aug 13, 1997 11:43:41 EST)
libs/X/c++libs/wxWin/wx-1.66-1.i386.rpm (1236036 bytes)
WX interface toolkit for X & Windows (Jul 31, 1997 21:53:21 EST)
system/network/distrib/xpvm-1.2.0.lsm.good (759 bytes)
Tcl/Tk console and monitor for PVM (Aug 6, 1997 15:53:40 EST)
system/network/distrib/xpvm-1.2.0.tgz (184882 bytes)
Tcl/Tk console and monitor for PVM (Aug 6, 1997 15:49:52 EST)
utils/file/managers/ytree-1.61.tar.gz (75695 bytes)
ytree is a nifty filemanager similar to xtree (Sep 2, 1997 16:11:9 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/pppsetup-1.34.tgz (11983 bytes)
script to aid in PPP configuration (Sep 10, 1997 6:47:44 EST)
apps/serialcomm/modem/voice-0.6.tar.gz (34903 bytes)
tools to drive voice modems (Sep 10, 1997 6:46:58 EST)
utils/compress/lzop-0.93.tar.gz (124626 bytes)
Tool to make working with archives easier (Sep 10, 1997 18:26:57 EST)
system/news/readers/peruser-2.30.binaries.tar.gz (127111 bytes)
binaries for peruser offline reader (Sep 10, 1997 14:29:10 EST)
system/news/readers/peruser-2.30.source.tar.gz (86021 bytes)
source for X-based offline news reader (Sep 10, 1997 14:30:11 EST)
system/network/chat/smirc-0.51.bin.static.tgz (923566 bytes)
X11R6 IRC client, based on the Motif widget set (Sep 10, 1997 22:44:31 EST)
system/network/chat/smirc-0.51.tgz (167914 bytes)
X11R6 IRC client, based on the Motif widget set (dynamically linked) (Sep 10, 1997 22:46:56 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/pppsetup-1.35.tgz (12011 bytes)
script to aid in PPP configuration (Sep 11, 1997 0:57:51 EST)
system/network/management/trafshow-1.3.tar.gz (18211 bytes)
shows traffic in ncurses display (Sep 11, 1997 2:0:34 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.1.8-1.i386.rpm (132312 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [RPM] (Sep 11, 1997 16:53:2 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.1.8-1.src.rpm (238503 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [SRPM] (Sep 11, 1997 16:55:55 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.1.8.tar.gz (237169 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon (Sep 11, 1997 16:50:43 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-FAQ.html (55907 bytes)
HTML fetchmail FAQ (Sep 11, 1997 16:51:43 EST)
system/network/chat/uirc-1.0.2.tgz (151850 bytes)
simple irc client for with ANSI COLOR for Linux (Sep 11, 1997 19:37:1 EST)
system/news/readers/peruser-2.31.binaries.tar.gz (127136 bytes)
binaries for peruser offline reader (Sep 12, 1997 0:56:34 EST)
system/news/readers/peruser-2.31.source.tar.gz (86287 bytes)
source for X-based offline news reader (Sep 12, 1997 0:57:4 EST)
games/dungeon/angband-2.8.2 (421940 bytes)
dungeon game based on moria (Sep 12, 1997 9:0:1 EST)
system/daemons/gpm-1.13.tar.gz (309454 bytes)
general purpose mouse - selection, arbritration, lib (Sep 12, 1997 3:46:25 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/xpcd-2.03.tar.gz (101540 bytes)
viewer for PhotoCD's (Sep 12, 1997 6:7:25 EST)
X11/xutils/xtv-1.1.tar.gz (7287 bytes)
Xtv grabs the screen of a remote display (Sep 12, 1997 3:3:6 EST)
system/status/monitor-0.2alpha.tar.gz (34502 bytes)
monitors remote hosts and printers via ping, traceroute, Sun's "rup" RPC program (if you have it) (Sep 11, 1997 17:37:7 EST)
apps/reminder/worktimer-1.3.tgz (53036 bytes)
helps keep time logs of activities (Sep 12, 1997 8:28:27 EST)
games/multiplayer/batnav-0.50.tar.gz (157291 bytes)
battleship for X - up to five players simultaneously (Sep 12, 1997 21:31:27 EST)
utils/console/vchar-1.01.tar.gz (95258 bytes)
vga character editor (Sep 12, 1997 21:30:37 EST)
games/multiplayer/spellcast-1.1.tar.gz (84101 bytes)
multiplayer turn based game of spell combat (Sep 13, 1997 6:31:7 EST)
apps/sound/midi/fXPlayMidi- (71623 bytes)
X front end to playmidi using xforms (Sep 13, 1997 21:58:49 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/sftp-0.06.tar.gz (35926 bytes)
small, fast, efficient FTP client (Sep 13, 1997 11:35:58 EST)
kernel/patches/misc/QNXsched-1.10.tar.gz (11987 bytes)
QNX-style scheduling for Linux 2.0 (Sep 14, 1997 21:58:1 EST)
games/dungeon/angband-2.8.2.rar.sfx (159140 bytes)
dungeon game based on moria (Sep 14, 1997 18:29:33 EST)
games/dungeon/angband-2.8.2.rar.sfx.try2 (892072 bytes)
dungeon game based on moria (Sep 14, 1997 18:33:8 EST)
kernel/patches/misc/QNXsched-1.11.tar.gz (11867 bytes)
QNX-style scheduling for Linux 2.0 (Sep 14, 1997 23:30:55 EST)
devel/make/ (50975 bytes)
cook manual in PostScript (Sep 14, 1997 21:43:42 EST)
devel/make/cook.2.0.tar.gz (548196 bytes)
ource for cook - program constructor using recipes (Sep 14, 1997 21:46:7 EST)
devel/make/ (83219 bytes)
?? (Sep 14, 1997 21:46:42 EST)
system/backup/ftpbackup-2.0.tar.gz (12379 bytes)
backup to/restore from ftp server (Sep 14, 1997 20:12:21 EST)
system/status/qps-1.2.tar.gz (101817 bytes)
An X11 based process status monitor (Sep 14, 1997 19:42:16 EST)
apps/graphics/modeling/pixcon-105.tgz (2381810 bytes)
3D rendering package w/ shading (Sep 15, 1997 0:6:52 EST)
X11/window-managers/wmch-0.1.tar.gz (26661 bytes)
window manager chooser program for X sessions (Sep 13, 1997 16:43:27 EST)
games/amusements/wordlattice-1.0-1.tar.gz (10612 bytes)
generator for word-finder puzzles (Sep 13, 1997 15:5:31 EST)
devel/literate/noweb-2.8a.tgz (1663456 bytes)
literate programming for multiple languages (Sep 13, 1997 23:42:34 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp-system1.2c.tgz (14162 bytes)
a complete PPP connect system supporting multiple lines, firewalling, forwarding (Sep 13, 1997 13:40:1 EST)
apps/sound/midi/fXPlayMidi- (76430 bytes)
X front end to playmidi using xforms (Sep 15, 1997 3:20:30 EST)
science/lab/xmad-2.5.tar.gz (526106 bytes)
Motif program for real time data acquisition (Sep 15, 1997 3:46:37 EST)
science/lab/xmana-0.7.tar.gz (314876 bytes)
program for graphical interactive data analysis, companion to xmad (Sep 15, 1997 3:46:44 EST)
science/lab/xmstat-1.3.tar.gz (488173 bytes)
calculate commonly used statistical tests (t-test, ANOVA, etc.) (Sep 15, 1997 3:46:56 EST)
X11/fonts/Xfstt-0.1.0.tgz (59569 bytes)
X Font Server for *.ttf fonts (Sep 15, 1997 8:26:58 EST)
apps/editors/X/gloe-0.6.tar.gz (48454 bytes)
simple Motif/X based text editor (Sep 15, 1997 8:44:57 EST)
libs/compression/zlibc-0.9f.tar.gz (91191 bytes)
zlibc w/ patch for open(2)ing compressed files (Sep 15, 1997 12:47:4 EST)
system/backup/ftpbackup-2.1.tar.gz (12401 bytes)
backup to/restore from ftp server (Sep 15, 1997 23:19:4 EST)
utils/file/ff-1.4.tgz (53475 bytes)
locate-like utility with permissdion management, caseblind searching, etc. (Sep 16, 1997 5:57:0 EST)
games/strategy/phalanx-6.tar.gz (248974 bytes)
chess program for Linux, Xboard compatible (Sep 16, 1997 5:31:32 EST)
utils/file/stat_1.1.tar.gz (3240 bytes)
A wrapper for stat(2) (Sep 16, 1997 7:56:56 EST)
science/lab/xmstat-1.3a.tar.gz (488198 bytes)
calculate commonly used statistical tests (t-test, ANOVA, etc.) (Sep 16, 1997 3:42:54 EST)
apps/sound/editors/xwave-0.6-loop-patch (9393 bytes)
patch to add a loop button to xwave-0.6 (Sep 16, 1997 9:51:39 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.2.1-1.i386.rpm (132627 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [RPM] (Sep 16, 1997 12:50:36 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.2.1-1.src.rpm (239068 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [SRPM] (Sep 16, 1997 12:53:3 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.2.1.tar.gz (237709 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [src] (Sep 16, 1997 12:29:41 EST)
X11/fonts/Xfstt-0.1.1.tgz (60048 bytes)
X Font Server for *.ttf fonts (Sep 17, 1997 3:15:13 EST)
apps/tex/TeXps.tar.gz (18470 bytes)
TeX-like text directsly in Postscript (Sep 16, 1997 18:19:27 EST)
science/cartography/ivmaps-0.5.7-LINUX.tar.gz (2886191 bytes)
C++ frameworks for map viewers and servers [sources] (Sep 17, 1997 1:48:25 EST)
science/cartography/ivmaps-0.5.7.tar.gz (617545 bytes)
C++ frameworks for map viewers and servers [sources] (Sep 17, 1997 1:47:13 EST)
apps/graphics/draw/ivtools-0.5.7-LINUX.tar.gz (1901141 bytes)
C++ frameworks for drawing editors and servers [sources] (Sep 17, 1997 1:46:19 EST)
apps/graphics/draw/ivtools-0.5.7.tar.gz (1256055 bytes)
C++ frameworks for drawing editors and servers [sources] (Sep 17, 1997 1:45:18 EST)
devel/lang/c++/mimepp-1.0.tar.gz (187003 bytes)
C++ class library for MIME messages (Sep 17, 1997 4:25:41 EST)
science/cartography/vhclserv-0.2.1-LINUX.tar.gz (69019 bytes)
adds vehicle driving on terrain to ivmaps viewers [src] (Sep 17, 1997 1:48:53 EST)
science/cartography/vhclserv-0.2.1.tar.gz (63911 bytes)
adds vehicle driving on terrain to ivmaps viewers [src] (Sep 17, 1997 1:48:51 EST)
utils/compress/TkZip-0.8.6b.tar.gz (69128 bytes)
X front end for various archiving and compression utilities (Sep 16, 1997 19:21:29 EST)
system/filesystems/dosfs/dmsdosfs-0.8.3.tgz (223251 bytes)
extends msdos fs to read 6.x compressed partitions (Sep 17, 1997 13:46:29 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/ImageMagick-3.9.0-elf.tgz (1113484 bytes)
ImageMagick ELF binaries (Sep 18, 1997 4:28:39 EST)
system/daemons/init/chkconfig-0.3c.tar.gz (4007 bytes)
IRIX-like chkconfig (Sep 17, 1997 20:8:58 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.2.3-1.i386.rpm (133518 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [RPM] (Sep 18, 1997 16:47:20 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.2.3-1.src.rpm (239193 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [SRPM] (Sep 18, 1997 16:49:47 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.2.3.tar.gz (237875 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [src] (Sep 18, 1997 16:45:14 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-FAQ.html (56779 bytes)
HTML fetchmail FAQ (Sep 17, 1997 23:33:58 EST)
system/fido/ifmail-2.12.tar.gz (316461 bytes)
FidoNet(r) support package for UN*X [src] (Sep 17, 1997 16:34:47 EST)
libs/inline-math-2.6.tar.gz (14875 bytes)
inline floating-point GCC macros for the 80387/80486 (Sep 18, 1997 15:41:11 EST)
system/network/chat/janbot-3.07c.tar.gz (58438 bytes)
p (Sep 18, 1997 15:35:8 EST)
apps/www/plugins/netcache-1.0.tar.gz (34053 bytes)
allows off-line navigation of the cache of Netscape version 2 and above (Sep 18, 1997 19:20:4 EST)
apps/www/plugins/ns403-fix.linux-2.0.tar.gz (1399494 bytes)
a way to avoid hangs and bus errors in Navigator 4.03 (Sep 18, 1997 5:21:26 EST)
games/arcade/sabre-0.2.1.tar.gz (1928034 bytes)
fighter plane sim for Linux using svgalib (Sep 17, 1997 21:26:2 EST)
system/boot/dualboot/setboot-1.3.tar.gz (20273 bytes)
OS/2 setboot utility for Linux and DOS (Sep 18, 1997 6:19:53 EST)
X11/screensavers/xlockmore-4.04.tgz (953482 bytes)
xlock w/ extra screen hacks (Sep 18, 1997 12:6:54 EST)
apps/serialcomm/dialout/minicom-1.75-s-3.bin.ELF.tar.gz (173059 bytes)
serial comm program with zmodem support -- very nifty (Sep 18, 1997 22:41:6 EST)
apps/sound/players/mp3blaster-1.0.0.tar.gz (24929 bytes)
text-based mp3 player that can group tracks by album (Sep 18, 1997 9:52:31 EST)
system/network/misc/spak-0.5b.tar.gz (19455 bytes)
a TCP/IP packet assembler (Sep 15, 1997 19:47:54 EST)
system/network/telnet/ztelnet-1.0.bin.ELF.src.tar.gz (258040 bytes)
telnet with built-in ZMODEM support (Sep 18, 1997 22:42:56 EST)
system/network/telnet/ztelnet-1.0.tgz (258040 bytes)
telnet with built-in ZMODEM support [src] (Sep 18, 1997 20:32:14 EST)
apps/editors/X/cooledit-3.2.2.Linux.ELF.tar.gz (186017 bytes)
text editor w/ 3d Motif-ish look [bin] (Sep 19, 1997 14:59:16 EST)
apps/editors/X/cooledit-3.2.2.tar.gz (426715 bytes)
text editor w/ 3d Motif-ish look [src] (Sep 19, 1997 14:48:49 EST)
apps/ham/morse/cwbeacon-0.4.tar.gz (16073 bytes)
Parallel port CW beacon (morse code) (Sep 19, 1997 9:10:56 EST)
commercial/dbox-1.34.tgz (749197 bytes)
BBS package for Linux (supports ZConnect) (Sep 19, 1997 8:13:29 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.2.4-1.i386.rpm (133724 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [RPM] (Sep 19, 1997 20:49:11 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.2.4-1.src.rpm (239704 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [SRPM] (Sep 19, 1997 20:51:32 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.2.4.tar.gz (238332 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [src] (Sep 19, 1997 20:47:11 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-FAQ.html (57089 bytes)
HTML fetchmail FAQ (Sep 19, 1997 20:47:51 EST)
apps/database/sql/xmysqladmin-0.4.0.tar.gz (58733 bytes)
GUI front end to the MySQL database engine (Sep 19, 1997 13:10:9 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/pppsetup-1.36.tgz (11975 bytes)
script to aid in PPP configuration (Sep 19, 1997 21:31:57 EST)
kernel/patches/misc/QNXsched-1.12.tar.gz (11883 bytes)
QNX-style scheduling for Linux 2.0 (Sep 21, 1997 3:30:58 EST)
games/arcade/blaster.gz (27352 bytes)
3D X11 networked space game (Sep 20, 1997 12:44:33 EST)
system/bbs/forums-1.4.0.tar.gz (328056 bytes)
Perl-based BBS software (Sep 21, 1997 12:47:30 EST)
system/printing/hp4laser-3.1.tar.gz (10343 bytes)
a shell script print filter for "lpr", "LPRng" supporting LaserJet 4 printers (Sep 20, 1997 19:49:52 EST)
system/printing/hp4laser.tar.gz (10006 bytes)
sources for hp4laser (Sep 20, 1997 18:53:11 EST)
utils/scripts/mkfile-1.1.tar.gz (1298 bytes)
create swap area files (Sep 21, 1997 14:52:56 EST)
system/mail/mua/mmr-1.5.1.tar.gz (138624 bytes)
curses based MIME aware UNIX mailer (Sep 22, 1997 16:38:39 EST)
apps/sound/editors/mp3info-0.2.9.tar.gz (15529 bytes)
get and modify header and TAG info in MPEG Audio files (Sep 21, 1997 13:55:6 EST)
apps/www/plugins/netcache-1.0.tar.gz (34053 bytes)
allows off-line navigation of the cache of Netscape version 2 and above (Sep 20, 1997 20:10:1 EST)
apps/serialcomm/machines/newtl-2.00.tar.gz (61692 bytes)
Unix-to-Newton communications system (Sep 21, 1997 17:1:29 EST)
apps/serialcomm/machines/ (61692 bytes)
Unix-to-Newton communications system (Sep 21, 1997 17:3:48 EST)
system/admin/frontends/MAT.TGZ (425694 bytes)
distributed management tool for Linux, SunOS, and Solaris machines (Sep 22, 1997 22:25:25 EST)
devel/lang/assemblers/optimizer-0.0.9b.tar.gz (31814 bytes)
optimizer for "as" assembler files (Pentium & Pentium Pro) (Sep 22, 1997 3:17:16 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/pppsetup-1.39.tgz (12817 bytes)
script to aid in PPP configuration (Sep 22, 1997 20:50:54 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/sftp-0.5.tar.gz (47190 bytes)
small, fast, efficient FTP client (Sep 21, 1997 13:51:27 EST)
system/daemons/njc-1.0.tgz (35911 bytes)
batch queue system for a network of Unix workstations (Sep 23, 1997 14:31:37 EST)
games/arcade/splumber-1.0.1.tar.gz (746669 bytes)
Space Plumber, a Doom-like first-person 3D game (Sep 23, 1997 11:48:23 EST)
system/status/xstatus/xfsm-1.95.tgz (48844 bytes)
shows file system free space (Sep 23, 1997 10:17:44 EST)
apps/reminder/xlrem-0.90.0.tar.gz (11008 bytes)
(X)(L)ogin(Rem)inder program (read messages and show them) (Sep 21, 1997 18:17:53 EST)
system/status/xstatus/xmem-1.02.tgz (27167 bytes)
displays bar graphs of real and virtual memory use (Sep 23, 1997 10:20:29 EST)
system/network/misc/tn3270-1.0.linux.ELF.tgz (107757 bytes)
bins for 3270 terminal emulator (Sep 21, 1997 19:52:33 EST)
system/misc/webalias-1.0.1.tar.gz (2953 bytes)
CGI script for manipulating the sendmail /etc/aliases file (Sep 23, 1997 13:44:19 EST)
apps/graphics/capture/gscan-0.0.2.tar.gz (266903 bytes)
user-level driver for the Genius ColorPage-CS color desktop scanner on SCSI (Sep 24, 1997 15:22:42 EST)
system/security/lightbar-1.12.tgz (169459 bytes)
Shadow package adding lots of options like animated logins (Sep 23, 1997 19:25:40 EST)
apps/www/plugins/ns403-fix.linux-2.0-rev3.tar.gz (1406926 bytes)
a way to avoid hangs and bus errors in Navigator 4.03 (Sep 23, 1997 15:32:51 EST)
system/status/ps/procps-1.2.1.tar.gz (153589 bytes)
/proc fs based ps, top etc (Sep 24, 1997 18:8:51 EST)
system/network/chat/irc/uirc-1.1.0.tgz (151449 bytes)
simple irc client for with ANSI COLOR for Linux (Sep 24, 1997 14:35:57 EST)
apps/reminder/xlrem-0.91.0.tar.gz (12418 bytes)
(X)(L)ogin(Rem)inder program (read messages and show them) (Sep 24, 1997 0:3:21 EST)
system/network/daemons/mon-0.37e.tar.gz (38914 bytes)
extensible service monitoring daemon in Perl5 (Sep 24, 1997 11:6:24 EST)
system/mail/listservs/BeroList-2.5.1.tar.gz (65088 bytes)
easy to configure mailing-list software (Sep 26, 1997 11:48:29 EST)
utils/disk-management/cdrecord-1.5.tar.gz (334234 bytes)
CD-Recording program for SunOS/Solaris/Linux (Sep 27, 1997 4:14:59 EST)
apps/editors/X/cooledit-3.2.5.Linux.ELF.tar.gz (297198 bytes)
text editor w/ 3d Motif-ish look [bin] (Sep 28, 1997 17:35:20 EST)
apps/editors/X/cooledit-3.2.5.tar.gz (435487 bytes)
text editor w/ 3d Motif-ish look [src] (Sep 28, 1997 17:40:7 EST)
utils/dos/dbgscr-0.6.tar.gz (12112 bytes)
DOS-style debug script generator (Sep 26, 1997 1:26:41 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-top-2.0.tar.gz (101036 bytes)
display 'top' like listing for diald packets (Sep 28, 1997 17:46:50 EST)
science/cartography/drawmap-1.1.tar.gz (87449 bytes)
Cartography package that draws maps of the USA (Sep 26, 1997 2:23:26 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.2.6.tar.gz (239492 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [RPM] (Sep 24, 1997 19:34:37 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.2.8-1.i386.rpm (138404 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [RPM] (Sep 28, 1997 17:57:12 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.2.8-1.src.rpm (244161 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [SRPM] (Sep 28, 1997 17:55:28 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.2.8.tar.gz (242791 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [src] (Sep 28, 1997 17:32:23 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-FAQ.html (62087 bytes)
HTML fetchmail FAQ (Sep 28, 1997 17:34:54 EST)
apps/serialcomm/dialout/minicom-1.75-s-4.bin.ELF.tgz (173905 bytes)
serial comm program with zmodem support -- very nifty (Sep 25, 1997 20:56:51 EST)
apps/www/plugins/netcache-1.3.tar.gz (35204 bytes)
allows off-line navigation of the cache of Netscape version 2 and above (Sep 27, 1997 20:49:36 EST)
devel/lang/assemblers/optimizer-0.0.9c.tar.gz (32409 bytes)
optimizer for "as" assembler files (Pentium & Pentium Pro) (Sep 25, 1997 4:35:4 EST)
apps/www/mirroring/pavuk-0.5.tgz (218233 bytes)
mirroring package for HTTP/FTP/Gopher (Sep 26, 1997 10:29:28 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/ppp-2.2.0g.tar.gz (376920 bytes)
ppp daeomon for 1.2.x and newer kernels (Sep 27, 1997 22:17:57 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/pppsetup-1.41.tgz (17606 bytes)
script to aid in PPP configuration (Sep 28, 1997 17:43:54 EST)
system/network/daemons/rr-1.2.tar.gz (13226 bytes)
reboot a machine remotely over the network (Sep 26, 1997 16:17:10 EST)
apps/graphics/capture/sane-0.63-0.64.diff.gz (22524 bytes)
diifs from previous version (Sep 25, 1997 2:15:58 EST)
apps/graphics/capture/sane-0.64.tar.gz (376486 bytes)
SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) universal scanner interface project (Sep 25, 1997 2:18:3 EST)
apps/www/indexing/sitemap-1.0.tar.gz (4109 bytes)
generate site-map pages from META DESCRIPTION tags in an HTML tree (Sep 28, 1997 12:13:34 EST)
apps/cai/spantut-1.0.tar.gz (25196 bytes)
foreign language vocabulary practise through Q&A self-testing (Sep 25, 1997 16:23:20 EST)
apps/serialcomm/dialout/termite-0.2.0b1.ELF.tgz (128778 bytes)
precompiled termite binaries (Sep 26, 1997 0:1:20 EST)
system/admin/accounts/usrconfig-0.02.tar.gz (13104 bytes)
an easy to use user account configurator. (Sep 25, 1997 22:17:50 EST)
apps/sound/players/wavtools-1.1.tar.gz (17300 bytes)
records and plays wav files with a command-line or X interface (Sep 26, 1997 17:8:47 EST)
apps/database/www/www-sql-0.3.2.tar.gz (116641 bytes)
CGI interface to mySQL (Sep 26, 1997 4:42:8 EST)
apps/www/servers/wwwoffle-1.3.tgz (102546 bytes)
A simple proxy HTTP server (Sep 25, 1997 1:56:27 EST)
system/news/readers/xagent-0.7.2.tgz (255162 bytes)
off line NNTP news reader for Linux, uses xforms (Sep 28, 1997 9:22:24 EST)
apps/reminder/xlrem-0.99.0.tar.gz (14867 bytes)
(X)(L)ogin(Rem)inder program (read messages and show them) (Sep 25, 1997 22:14:59 EST)
system/admin/su/usershutdown-1.0.tar.gz (2196 bytes)
allows selected users, controlled by a file in /etc, to shut down the system (Sep 26, 1997 7:20:56 EST)
apps/doctools/man/coolman-3.2.4.Linux.ELF.tar.gz (104094 bytes)
X Window man page reader with nice 3D GUI (Sep 26, 1997 17:5:41 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/tkAutoPPP-0.5.tar.gz (6584 bytes)
Tcl/tk program for maiintaining a PPP connection (Sep 28, 1997 17:46:0 EST)
apps/misc/mxmap-1.0b4d.tar.gz (256718 bytes)
client for the GPS daemon gpsd (Sep 28, 1997 19:35:29 EST)
apps/misc/mxmap-1.0b4s.tar.gz (743190 bytes)
client for the GPS daemon gpsd (Sep 28, 1997 19:35:46 EST)
apps/misc/mxmaps-1.0.tar.gz (1282040 bytes)
map data file for mxmap (Sep 27, 1997 19:40:42 EST)
system/bbs/blackbox-0.72b.tar.gz (85804 bytes)
Bulletin Board System designed from (Sep 29, 1997 7:9:3 EST)
science/lab/xmstat-1.4.tar.gz (488800 bytes)
calculate commonly used statistical tests (t-test, ANOVA, etc.) (Sep 29, 1997 5:42:24 EST)
kernel/patches/misc/QNXsched-1.13.tar.gz (11890 bytes)
QNX-style scheduling for Linux 2.0 (Sep 29, 1997 23:9:49 EST)
X11/fonts/Xfstt-0.1.5.tgz (60962 bytes)
X Font Server for *.ttf fonts (Sep 30, 1997 3:12:27 EST)
libs/ui/Xterminal-0.0.30.tar.gz (53308 bytes)
text-based Object Oriented User Interface library (Sep 30, 1997 7:18:55 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.2.9-1.i386.rpm (139254 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [RPM] (Sep 30, 1997 18:56:19 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.2.9-1.src.rpm (254247 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [SRPM] (Sep 30, 1997 18:58:53 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.2.9.tar.gz (252768 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [src] (Sep 30, 1997 18:53:40 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-FAQ.html (62143 bytes)
HTML fetchmail FAQ (Sep 30, 1997 18:54:54 EST)
apps/editors/terminal/jered-1.6.0.tar.gz (180769 bytes)
simple to use C/C++ text editor (Sep 30, 1997 16:9:36 EST)
apps/www/mirroring/pavuk-0.5pl1.tgz (221322 bytes)
mirroring package for HTTP/FTP/Gopher (Sep 30, 1997 10:56:16 EST)
libs/X/c++libs/qt-1.30.tar.gz (1977415 bytes)
C++ GUI class library with Motif look and feel (Sep 30, 1997 14:51:46 EST)
system/hardware/set6x86-1.3.tar.gz (52838 bytes)
sets 5x86 and 6x86 config registers (Sep 29, 1997 19:8:20 EST)
apps/serialcomm/machines/sms_client-1.0.0.tgz (10530 bytes)
client for the Cellnet GSM Short Message Service centre using TAP (Sep 29, 1997 12:4:18 EST)
system/ups/usvd-2.0.0.tgz (11927 bytes)
monitor daeon for UPSs that does not require SYSVINIT. (Sep 29, 1997 12:42:53 EST)
system/news/readers/xagent-0.7.3.tgz (254803 bytes)
off line NNTP news reader for Linux, uses xforms (Sep 29, 1997 12:6:46 EST)
games/amusements/nuke-1.0.tar.gz (2265 bytes)
random nuclear holocaust generator, based on an idea by Douglas Hofstadter (Oct 1, 1997 6:57:50 EST)
apps/sound/cdrom/X/CDX-0.6.tar.gz (15014 bytes)
graphical CD-player for X-windows. Includes repeat, mute, track skip, timer, etc. (Oct 5, 1997 16:45:26 EST)
kernel/patches/misc/QNXsched-1.14.tar.gz (14267 bytes)
QNX-style scheduling for Linux 2.0 (Oct 5, 1997 2:39:20 EST)
utils/compress/TkZip-0.8.7b.tar.gz (68981 bytes)
X front end for various archiving and compression utilities (Oct 5, 1997 23:34:30 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.3.0-1.i386.rpm (145497 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [RPM] (Oct 6, 1997 17:49:29 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.3.0-1.src.rpm (261725 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [SRPM] (Oct 6, 1997 17:53:22 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.3.0.tar.gz (260395 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [src] (Oct 6, 1997 17:44:14 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-FAQ.html (69168 bytes)
HTML fetchmail FAQ (Oct 6, 1997 17:46:45 EST)
utils/file/lft-1.3.5.tar.gz (101042 bytes)
list file type (Oct 1, 1997 15:43:24 EST)
apps/sound/editors/mp3info-0.2.10.tar.gz (24021 bytes)
get and modify header and TAG info in MPEG Audio files (Oct 1, 1997 10:14:19 EST)
apps/sound/editors/mp3info-0.2.11.tar.gz (24166 bytes)
get and modify header and TAG info in MPEG Audio files (Oct 5, 1997 15:59:27 EST)
apps/www/plugins/netcache-1.4.tar.gz (37000 bytes)
allows off-line navigation of the cache of Netscape version 2 and above (Oct 1, 1997 21:15:22 EST)
apps/serialcomm/machines/newtonlink-1.25.tar.gz (230815 bytes)
transfer data between Apple Newton PDA and Linux (Oct 3, 1997 12:8:34 EST)
devel/lang/assemblers/optimizer-0.0.9d.tar.gz (33422 bytes)
optimizer for "as" assembler files (Pentium & Pentium Pro) (Oct 2, 1997 3:45:19 EST)
system/news/readers/peruser-2.32.binaries.tar.gz (128295 bytes)
binaries for peruser offline reader (Oct 4, 1997 10:10:6 EST)
system/news/readers/peruser-2.32.source.tar.gz (84553 bytes)
source for X-based offline news reader (Oct 4, 1997 10:10:35 EST)
system/mail/pop/pop3d-1.005l.tar.gz (49781 bytes)
POP3 daemon (Oct 1, 1997 10:55:40 EST)
apps/database/postgresSQL/postgresql-6.2.tar.gz (2607210 bytes)
RDBMS compliant to ANSI/SQL92 and ISO/SQL standards (Oct 2, 1997 0:39:16 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/pppsetup-1.43.tgz (18282 bytes)
script to aid in PPP configuration (Oct 6, 1997 9:21:39 EST)
system/status/ps/procps-1.2.2.tar.gz (154371 bytes)
/proc fs based ps, top etc (Oct 1, 1997 17:36:35 EST)
devel/debuggers/rhide-1.4-1.i386.rpm (0 bytes)
Borland IDE clone [RPM] (Oct 1, 1997 7:27:56 EST)
devel/debuggers/rhide-1.4-1.src.rpm (1012703 bytes)
Borland IDE clone [SRPM] (Oct 2, 1997 7:12:50 EST)
apps/graphics/capture/sane-0.64-0.65.diff.gz (23184 bytes)
diifs from previous version (Oct 5, 1997 0:16:26 EST)
apps/graphics/capture/sane-0.65.tar.gz (385850 bytes)
SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) universal scanner interface project (Oct 5, 1997 0:16:40 EST)
system/admin/shadow-971001.tar.gz (358549 bytes)
shadow password suite (Oct 1, 1997 10:35:52 EST)
apps/www/indexing/swat-2.1.beta1.tar.gz (33123 bytes)
search your website by keywords (Oct 3, 1997 20:58:52 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/tkAutoPPP-0.52.tgz (12928 bytes)
Tcl/tk program for maiintaining a PPP connection (Oct 4, 1997 12:16:32 EST)
utils/package/unrpm-install-16.tgz (188504 bytes)
unpacker for RPM and Debian packages (Oct 3, 1997 11:46:15 EST)
system/news/readers/xagent-0.7.4.tgz (310047 bytes)
off line NNTP news reader for Linux, uses xforms (Oct 3, 1997 16:30:23 EST)
system/network/serial/xisp-2.3.tar.gz (181872 bytes)
X-ISP, an X11 visual interface to pppd/chat (Oct 5, 1997 11:25:41 EST)
games/strategy/xlaby-2.0.0.tgz (19526 bytes)
labyrinth game for X (Oct 4, 1997 17:8:6 EST)
apps/tex/xmbibtex-1.3.tar.gz (131960 bytes)
BibTeX reference manager with Motif interface (Oct 5, 1997 13:24:13 EST)
system/mount/xmmount-4.5.tar.gz (8352 bytes)
motif app for mounting/unmounting filesystems (Oct 5, 1997 13:24:23 EST)
system/network/serial/xpppon-1.2.tar.gz (9526 bytes)
GUI front-end to the ppp-on and ppp-off shell scripts (Oct 5, 1997 21:45:28 EST)
libs/graphics/aavga-0.9.tgz (43248 bytes)
drop-in replacement for svga that renders graphics as ASCII art. (Oct 4, 1997 0:1:9 EST)
system/ups/apcupsd-2.8.tar.gz (79292 bytes)
Monitor APC BackUPS or SmartUPS in "dumb" mode (Oct 6, 1997 16:43:50 EST)
system/admin/log/chklogs-2.0-1.tar.gz (161588 bytes)
perl script for system log maintenance (Oct 5, 1997 16:38:13 EST)
apps/reminder/rolodex/cman15i_rel02.tar.gz (62066 bytes)
a contact manager system (rolodex style) (Oct 4, 1997 10:52:40 EST)
apps/sound/console_beep-0.1.tar.gz (2842 bytes)
pProgramable sound generator using PC speaker. (Oct 4, 1997 10:55:24 EST)
apps/editors/X/cooledit-3.3.1.Linux.ELF.tar.gz (302059 bytes)
text editor w/ 3d Motif-ish look [bin] (Oct 7, 1997 5:4:45 EST)
apps/editors/X/cooledit-3.3.1.tar.gz (438933 bytes)
text editor w/ 3d Motif-ish look [src] (Oct 7, 1997 5:5:41 EST)
apps/doctools/man/coolman-3.3.1.Linux.ELF.tar.gz (110180 bytes)
X Window man page reader with nice 3D GUI (Oct 7, 1997 5:6:51 EST)
system/admin/time/dcf77d-1.01.tar.gz (15358 bytes)
reads time/date from dcf77 receiver on serial port and sets kernel, CMOS (Oct 2, 1997 15:3:17 EST)
science/cartography/drawmap-1.2.tar.gz (88458 bytes)
Cartography package that draws maps of the USA (Oct 4, 1997 5:19:23 EST)
kernel/esep-1.4.tgz (21600 bytes)
a new "evolution scheduler" based on genetic algorithms (Oct 5, 1997 17:47:43 EST)
X11/fonts/freetype-beta.tar.gz (290278 bytes)
a truetype font rasterizer (Oct 6, 1997 10:31:16 EST)
apps/sound/soundcard/gusdj-0.1.tar.gz (8762 bytes)
isables the joystick interface on any GUS revision 3.4 or higher (Oct 1, 1997 19:37:59 EST)
apps/crypto/md5crypt-1.0.tar.gz (8366 bytes)
implementation of the MD5 message-digest algorithm (Oct 1, 1997 10:33:8 EST)
X11/demos/qrash.tgz (1913800 bytes)
successor to HElliZER (Sep 29, 1997 14:55:35 EST)
science/lab/s2000drv-0.5.tgz (15824 bytes)
device driver and BLT/Tk/Tcl-Extension for the Ocean Optics S2000 (Oct 3, 1997 13:17:13 EST)
apps/sound/speech/screader-1.0.bin.tar.gz (126036 bytes)
speech-to-text translastor (Oct 5, 1997 14:47:44 EST)
utils/package/tgzpkg-1.0.0.tar (7168 bytes)
scripts to facilitate installation and removal of .tgz and .tar.gz packages (Oct 1, 1997 12:10:5 EST)
system/network/misc/x3270- (430922 bytes)
X-Windows 3270 Emulator (Oct 1, 1997 9:41:31 EST)
apps/crypto/mapil-0.0.tar.gz (34029 bytes)
PGP interface script for mail user agents (Oct 4, 1997 15:11:50 EST)
apps/math/stereo-0.2.tar.gz (3270259 bytes)
a stereo-photometrology package (Oct 7, 1997 5:15:26 EST)
apps/serialcomm/dialout/minicom-1.75-s-5.ELF.tgz (173971 bytes)
serial comm program with zmodem support -- very nifty (Oct 2, 1997 1:48:32 EST)
science/biology/Bugsx-1.08.tgz (342170 bytes)
draws biomorphs based on parametric plots of Fourier sine and cosine series (Oct 8, 1997 14:43:25 EST)
system/status/Jlmem-1.03.tgz (18471 bytes)
ava Linux MEmory Monitor (Oct 8, 1997 14:43:52 EST)
apps/financial/accounting/banal-0.03.tar.gz (62448 bytes)
book-keeping (and other stuff) for small businesses (Oct 8, 1997 0:24:3 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-1.0-1.noarch.rpm (59795 bytes)
high level diald configuration system [RPM] (Oct 7, 1997 12:47:52 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-1.0-1.src.rpm (61017 bytes)
high level diald configuration system [SRPM] (Oct 7, 1997 12:48:16 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-1.0.tar.gz (57786 bytes)
high level diald configuration system [src] (Oct 7, 1997 12:48:42 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-metered-0.1-1.noarch.rpm (12869 bytes)
configuration files for diald-config to manage a metered interface [RPM] (Oct 7, 1997 12:48:57 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-metered-0.1-1.src.rpm (13146 bytes)
configuration files for diald-config to manage a metered interface [SRPM] (Oct 7, 1997 12:49:4 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-metered-0.1.tar.gz (10914 bytes)
configuration files for diald-config to manage a metered interface [src] (Oct 7, 1997 12:49:20 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-unmetered-0.1-1.noarch.rpm (12712 bytes)
configuration files for diald-config to manage an unmetered interface [RPM] (Oct 7, 1997 12:49:38 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-unmetered-0.1-1.src.rpm (12989 bytes)
configuration files for diald-config to manage an unmetered interface [SRPM] (Oct 7, 1997 12:49:46 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-unmetered-0.1.tar.gz (10757 bytes)
configuration files for diald-config to manage an unmetered interface [src] (Oct 7, 1997 12:50:1 EST)
apps/editors/terminal/le-1.4.0.tar.gz (294571 bytes)
just another text editor, but good at block operation (Oct 8, 1997 14:43:41 EST)
apps/sound/oplbeep-2.1.tar.gz (5781 bytes)
replaces console beep with yamaha chime (Oct 8, 1997 1:19:50 EST)
utils/text/tofrodos-1.3.tar.gz (84208 bytes)
utility for DOS/Unix text file conversion (Oct 8, 1997 7:35:52 EST)
utils/package/unrpm-install-20.ELF.tar.gz (188960 bytes)
unpacker for RPM and Debian packages (Oct 8, 1997 12:37:29 EST)
apps/circuits/ver-0.9.1.tgz (175488 bytes)
Structural Verilog compiler for UN*X operating systems (Oct 7, 1997 19:34:39 EST)
apps/sound/freqs/freq-5.1.tar.gz (271995 bytes)
freq 5.1 (Oct 23, 1997 0:36:9 EST)
system/serial/getty/getty_ps-2.0.7j.tar.gz (132185 bytes)
A versatile getty/uugetty package (Nov 17, 1997 23:4:21 EST)
libs/AppConfig-971117.tar.gz (112546 bytes)
libraries for managing application configuration settings. (Nov 17, 1997 5:56:39 EST)
system/mail/mailhandlers/Autoresponder.v02.tgz (3629 bytes)
software top auto-respond to mail with a fixed reply text (Oct 27, 1997 12:53:23 EST)
system/mail/listservs/BeroList-2.5.2.tar.gz (65851 bytes)
easy to configure mailing-list software (Oct 19, 1997 17:58:37 EST)
devel/lang/lisp/CMUCL-1.4.0.bin.x86.bins.tar.gz (189439 bytes)
Intel binaries for CMU Common Lisp (Oct 31, 1997 11:7:37 EST)
devel/lang/lisp/CMUCL-1.4.0.bin.x86.clio.tar.gz (1541747 bytes)
?? (Oct 31, 1997 11:8:19 EST)
devel/lang/lisp/CMUCL-1.4.0.bin.x86.clm.tar.gz (208117 bytes)
?? (Oct 31, 1997 11:8:25 EST)
devel/lang/lisp/CMUCL-1.4.0.bin.x86.clue.tar.gz (725496 bytes)
?? (Oct 31, 1997 11:8:46 EST)
devel/lang/lisp/CMUCL-1.4.0.bin.x86.clx.tar.gz (1095223 bytes)
?? (Oct 31, 1997 11:9:17 EST)
devel/lang/lisp/CMUCL-1.4.0.bin.x86.defsystem.tar.gz (94713 bytes)
?? (Oct 31, 1997 11:9:20 EST)
devel/lang/lisp/ (1065591 bytes)
CMU Common Lisp documentation (Oct 31, 1997 11:9:47 EST)
devel/lang/lisp/CMUCL-1.4.0.bin.x86.hemlock.tar.gz (1514200 bytes)
?? (Oct 31, 1997 11:10:32 EST)
devel/lang/lisp/CMUCL-1.4.0.bin.x86.lisp-tk.tar.gz (194487 bytes)
?? (Oct 31, 1997 11:10:39 EST)
devel/lang/lisp/CMUCL-1.4.0.bin.x86.naked.tar.gz (3429630 bytes)
?? (Oct 31, 1997 11:13:5 EST)
devel/lang/lisp/CMUCL-1.4.0.bin.x86.pcl.tar.gz (4187656 bytes)
?? (Oct 31, 1997 11:15:15 EST)
devel/lang/lisp/ (765014 bytes)
?? (Oct 31, 1997 11:15:35 EST)
devel/lang/lisp/CMUCL-1.4.0.src.tar.gz (4377930 bytes)
CMU Common Lisp sources (Oct 31, 1997 11:17:37 EST)
system/admin/idle/Clobberd-3.2-RELEASE.tgz (191402 bytes)
user regulator (Nov 7, 1997 9:7:55 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/ImageMagick-3.9.2-elf.tgz (1126772 bytes)
ImageMagick ELF binaries (Nov 19, 1997 10:23:15 EST)
apps/sound/freqs/JXSpectrum-1.0.tar.gz (33101 bytes)
spectrum analyzer with FFT, X interface (Nov 12, 1997 4:0:59 EST)
kernel/patches/misc/PPSkit-0.3.3.tar.gz (37333 bytes)
NTP PPS support (and other time patches) for Linux 2.0.31 (Nov 11, 1997 9:52:34 EST)
kernel/patches/misc/QNXsched-1.15.tar.gz (14431 bytes)
QNX-style scheduling for Linux 2.0 (Oct 26, 1997 2:3:56 EST)
utils/file/QuickTree-971024.tgz (13652 bytes)
MS-DOS TREE hierarchical directory tree display (Oct 24, 1997 18:10:21 EST)
X11/desktop/X-Files-1.41b.tar.gz (134960 bytes)
Filemanager for X-Window system, allows fileops for zip and tar files (Nov 19, 1997 5:24:48 EST)
libs/X/c++libs/Xarm-1.2.7.tar.gz (255173 bytes)
C++ wrapper of the MOTIF library (Nov 8, 1997 10:48:26 EST)
games/arcade/tetris/Xsquarez-0.1.tar.gz (183631 bytes)
yet another falling-block game (Oct 10, 1997 4:39:8 EST)
games/arcade/tetris/Xtris-0.3.tar.gz (346243 bytes)
yet another Tetris for X (Oct 10, 1997 4:42:29 EST)
system/serial/acua-1.33-1.i386.rpm (125165 bytes)
serial line access control and administration [RPM] (Oct 26, 1997 2:4:36 EST)
system/serial/acua-1.33-1.src.rpm (94463 bytes)
serial line access control and administration [src] (Oct 26, 1997 2:4:39 EST)
apps/reminder/rolodex/addressbook-0.7.tar.gz (153331 bytes)
rolodex w/ tcl/tk interface (Nov 2, 1997 14:11:16 EST)
games/arcade/tetris/aftetris-1.11.tar.gz (8432 bytes)
yet another Teris clone (Nov 18, 1997 5:32:58 EST)
games/arcade/tetris/altris-1.2.2.tgz (138979 bytes)
collection of tetris games (Nov 13, 1997 13:16:40 EST)
system/ups/apcupsd-2.9.6.tar.gz (98242 bytes)
Monitor APC BackUPS or SmartUPS in "dumb" mode (Nov 11, 1997 0:19:26 EST)
apps/sound/mixers/aumix-1.8.tar.gz (43013 bytes)
audio mixer for ncurses w/ gpm mouse support (Oct 12, 1997 5:41:39 EST)
utils/scripts/basepak-1.1.tar.gz (12276 bytes)
scripts for hex/decimal/binary conversion (Nov 4, 1997 0:13:56 EST)
apps/tex/bibviewgerman-2.1.1.tgz (501828 bytes)
bibview version that groks German latin-1 conversions (Nov 7, 1997 3:55:53 EST)
apps/tex/bibviewlatin1.tgz (501828 bytes)
bibview-like X11 utility that groks latin-1 (Nov 5, 1997 9:21:52 EST)
system/bbs/blackbox-0.73b.tar.gz (86005 bytes)
Bulletin Board System designed from scratch for Linux (Oct 27, 1997 8:5:9 EST)
system/network/chat/blacklisted-0.2b.tar.gz (3227 bytes)
blacklist utility for taslkd (Nov 20, 1997 16:17:51 EST)
system/mail/mta/bsmtp-0.99.tar.gz (20499 bytes)
Adds batch SMTP support to sendmail (Nov 17, 1997 17:36:10 EST)
apps/sound/cdrom/cdloop-0.99.tar.gz (34442 bytes)
audio-CD-player with looping capabilities intended to aid transcription (Nov 11, 1997 14:24:31 EST)
apps/math/graphs/chart-2.0.0.tar.gz (129802 bytes)
simple, non-interactive svgalib and X11 program for drawing data charts (Nov 21, 1997 2:20:24 EST)
system/admin/log/chklogs-2.0-3.tar.gz (163018 bytes)
perl script for system log maintenance (Oct 18, 1997 13:20:26 EST)
system/boot/loaders/chos-0.8.tar.gz (200921 bytes)
menu based boot loader (Nov 6, 1997 0:44:58 EST)
system/backup/KBackup-1.2.11.tar.gz (107610 bytes)
Karsten's Backup System, powerful backup utility with menu interface (Dec 1, 1997 5:9:15 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/PPPWizard-0.5.tgz (10274 bytes)
automated tool for PPP setup (Nov 18, 1997 22:37:42 EST)
X11/devel/libraries/QtC-0.0.2.tar.gz (235273 bytes)
C bindings for Qt toolkit (Nov 7, 1997 18:4:44 EST)
X11/window-managers/StartSelector.tar.gz (13447 bytes)
let's you choose your wm at startup (Oct 12, 1997 16:9:13 EST)
apps/sound/cdrom/curses/WorkBone-2.4.tar.gz (21873 bytes)
curses based CD player (Dec 2, 1997 19:20:5 EST)
utils/compress/TkZip-0.9.3b.tar.gz (78903 bytes)
X front end for various archiving and compression utilities (Dec 7, 1997 0:19:21 EST)
utils/scripts/ (0 bytes)
?? (Dec 5, 1997 13:59:56 EST)
utils/scripts/alien-5.20.tar.gz (36974 bytes)
convert Slackware tgzs, Red Hat RPMs and Debian debs to .rpm or .deb (Dec 2, 1997 21:40:22 EST)
apps/sound/cdrom/curses/cdplayer-0.1.2.tar.gz (66262 bytes)
ncurses cdplayer (Nov 25, 1997 3:27:56 EST)
devel/make/ (54097 bytes)
?? (Nov 4, 1997 17:31:5 EST)
devel/make/cook-2.2.1.spec (3611 bytes)
RPM spec file for cook (Nov 4, 1997 17:31:41 EST)
devel/make/cook-2.2.1.tar.gz (586668 bytes)
source for cook - program constructor using recipes (Nov 4, 1997 17:37:20 EST)
devel/make/ (95172 bytes)
cook manual in PostScript (Nov 4, 1997 17:39:48 EST)
X11/desktop/coolicon-3.5.2.Linux.ELF.tar.gz (365374 bytes)
X window icon manager/application launcher. (Nov 14, 1997 6:8:42 EST)
apps/doctools/man/coolman-3.5.2.Linux.ELF.tar.gz (144361 bytes)
X Window man page reader with nice 3D GUI (Nov 14, 1997 6:11:29 EST)
devel/lang/c/ctags-1.7.tar.gz (74095 bytes)
tag file generator for use with vi and clones (Oct 14, 1997 23:45:29 EST)
devel/lang/c/cutils-1.5.2-1.i386.rpm (98217 bytes)
basic C development utilities [RPM] (Nov 24, 1997 16:13:36 EST)
devel/lang/c/cutils-1.5.2-1.src.rpm (151692 bytes)
basic C development utilities [SRPM] (Nov 24, 1997 16:17:24 EST)
devel/lang/c/cutils-1.5.2.tar.gz (149592 bytes)
basic C development utilities (Nov 24, 1997 16:21:32 EST)
devel/lang/c/cxref-1.4-1.4a.diff.gz (13645 bytes)
diffs from previous cxref version (Nov 21, 1997 2:16:28 EST)
apps/database/www/dbedit-0.9.13.tar.gz (83234 bytes)
link a web site to a database (Nov 20, 1997 3:59:33 EST)
devel/debuggers/ddd/ddd-2.2.bin.ELF.dynamic.gz (668767 bytes)
ELF ddd with dynamic Motif (Nov 16, 1997 11:33:22 EST)
devel/debuggers/ddd/ddd-2.2.bin.ELF.semistatic.gz (1145594 bytes)
ELF ddd binary w/ static motif (Nov 16, 1997 11:34:0 EST)
devel/debuggers/ddd/ddd-2.2.bin.ELF.static.gz (1607761 bytes)
ddd binary package w/ static everything (Nov 16, 1997 11:34:50 EST)
devel/debuggers/ddd/ddd-2.2.tar.gz (2413086 bytes)
ddd sources (Nov 16, 1997 11:33:0 EST)
system/network/daemons/dhcpcd-0.70.tar.gz (36442 bytes)
daemon for DHCP booting protocol (Nov 5, 1997 15:39:3 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-1.1-1.noarch.rpm (61626 bytes)
high level diald configuration system [RPM] (Nov 21, 1997 3:0:40 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-1.1-1.src.rpm (69121 bytes)
high level diald configuration system [SRPM] (Nov 21, 1997 3:1:6 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-1.1.tar.gz (65525 bytes)
high level diald configuration system [src] (Nov 21, 1997 3:1:38 EST)
games/quake/editskin-0.01f.tar.gz (57438 bytes)
QuakeWorld skin editor for Linux. (Nov 26, 1997 10:43:14 EST)
games/amusements/fdm-1.0.tar.gz (70615 bytes)
yet another pseudohallucinogenic screen saver (Nov 21, 1997 7:37:17 EST)
devel/lang/fortran/fgen-0.2.tgz (24748 bytes)
makefile generator & source-to-HTML converter for f77 code (Oct 13, 1997 9:56:9 EST)
system/fido/fidogate-4.2.9.tar.gz (1186865 bytes)
FidoNet gateway for Linux (Nov 22, 1997 13:12:25 EST)
X11/desktop/fileman-1.0.linux.tgz (1465268 bytes)
yet another file manager, very configurable [shared-lib binaries] (Nov 9, 1997 20:41:45 EST)
utils/disk-management/fsgrab-1.1.tar.gz (10039 bytes)
Ext2fs undeletion tool (Dec 1, 1997 10:6:49 EST)
kernel/tapes/ftape-3.04d.tar.gz (679757 bytes)
floppy tape driver (QIC-40/80/3010/3020 & TR-1/2/3) (Nov 26, 1997 14:50:47 EST)
libs/ftplib-v3.tar.gz (159520 bytes)
C callable libraries for doing FTP from withing programs (Dec 2, 1997 21:1:19 EST)
system/mail/mua/ (3322 bytes)
Interface for inserting PGP into email messages (Nov 20, 1997 19:36:35 EST)
system/daemons/init/sysvinit-2.72.tar.gz (105977 bytes)
init program w/ System V syntax (Oct 24, 1997 8:31:52 EST)
libs/graphics/t1lib-0.4-beta.tar.gz (726025 bytes)
rasterizer library for Adobe Type 1 fonts (Dec 4, 1997 4:38:53 EST)
libs/libserial-0.1.tar.gz (14873 bytes)
simple serial port programming API (Nov 10, 1997 4:24:22 EST)
apps/sound/convert/lilypond-0.1.29.tar.gz (446122 bytes)
converts music definition files to visual or audible output (Nov 6, 1997 12:14:44 EST)
system/keyboards/linux-lt_0.98.tar.gz (110489 bytes)
Lithuanian keyboard mapping (Nov 5, 1997 0:9:33 EST)
apps/sound/editors/lk17.tar.gz (35232 bytes)
a system to make music for a musicbox (Nov 19, 1997 7:33:11 EST)
games/arcade/blaster.gz (28073 bytes)
3D X11 networked space game (Nov 16, 1997 15:7:26 EST)
apps/sound/cdrom/cdshuffle-1.2.tgz (5643 bytes)
plays audio CD tracks in random order, with support for CD changers (Dec 9, 1997 0:32:7 EST)
devel/lang/lisp/clisp-linux-aout.tar.gz (4944865 bytes)
Common Lisp, Linux a.out binaries (Dec 8, 1997 6:24:26 EST)
devel/lang/lisp/clisp-linux-elf.tar.gz (4245452 bytes)
Common Lisp, Linux elf binaries (Dec 8, 1997 6:31:42 EST)
devel/lang/lisp/clisp-source.tar.gz (5126210 bytes)
Common Lisp, full source (Dec 8, 1997 6:15:45 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-metered-0.2-1.noarch.rpm (13128 bytes)
configuration files for diald-config to manage a metered interface [RPM] (Nov 21, 1997 3:1:55 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-metered-0.2-1.src.rpm (14265 bytes)
configuration files for diald-config to manage a metered interface [SRPM] (Nov 21, 1997 3:2:4 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-metered-0.2.tar.gz (11766 bytes)
configuration files for diald-config to manage a metered interface [src] (Nov 21, 1997 3:2:19 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-unmetered-0.2-1.noarch.rpm (12982 bytes)
configuration files for diald-config to manage an unmetered interface [RPM] (Nov 21, 1997 3:2:32 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-unmetered-0.2-1.src.rpm (14074 bytes)
configuration files for diald-config to manage an unmetered interface [SRPM] (Nov 21, 1997 3:2:47 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-unmetered-0.2.tar.gz (11586 bytes)
configuration files for diald-config to manage an unmetered interface [src] (Nov 21, 1997 3:2:58 EST)
system/network/distrib/dipc-1.0.tgz (248905 bytes)
Distributed Inter-Process Communication (Nov 21, 1997 20:39:46 EST)
games/amusements/tarot_game.tar.gz (10589 bytes)
tarot reader scripts & cards (Nov 20, 1997 19:57:6 EST)
system/status/hifs-1.4.tar.gz (49242 bytes)
Hifs -- Handy Information For Sysadmins (Nov 12, 1997 13:38:16 EST)
X11/window-managers/icewm-0.8.9.src.tar.gz (102988 bytes)
yet another window manager for X11 (Oct 20, 1997 5:16:19 EST)
system/network/daemons/jail-1.02.tar.gz (11477 bytes)
jail (just another ICMP logger) (Nov 22, 1997 23:10:53 EST)
apps/doctools/info/tkinfo-2.1.tar.gz (53473 bytes)
Tcl/Tk-based browser for documentation in GNU info (Nov 26, 1997 10:14:16 EST)
apps/editors/X/cooledit-3.5.3.tar.gz (810611 bytes)
text editor w/ 3d Motif-ish look (Nov 23, 1997 7:19:58 EST)
apps/editors/X/ (2560 bytes)
oops (Dec 10, 1997 0:24:53 EST)
docs/linux-doc-project/man-pages/man-pages-1.18.tar.gz (414137 bytes)
Section 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 man pages for Linux (Dec 7, 1997 20:36:20 EST)
system/mail/mua/mailpgp-0.55 (6620 bytes)
Interface for inserting PGP into email messages (Nov 22, 1997 18:7:50 EST)
system/bbs/citadel/cit-client-source.tar.gz (48877 bytes)
Citadel client source (Dec 16, 1997 22:33:32 EST)
system/bbs/citadel/citadel-ux-4.11.tar.gz (197577 bytes)
Citadel/UX (Dec 16, 1997 22:33:4 EST)
system/bbs/citadel/webcit.tar.gz (29718 bytes)
Citadel web browser (Dec 16, 1997 22:33:16 EST)
system/mail/listservs/BeroList-2.5.2-2.5.3.diff.gz (11488 bytes)
patch from BeroList 2.52 to 2.5.3 (Dec 31, 1997 9:11:59 EST)
system/mail/listservs/BeroList-2.5.3.tar.gz (68444 bytes)
easy to configure mailing-list software (Dec 31, 1997 9:11:46 EST)
X11/desktop/FileRunner_2.4.1.tgz (119210 bytes)
filemanager with built-in FTP capabilities (Jan 7, 1998 9:16:48 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/ImageMagick-3.9.3-elf.tgz (1127572 bytes)
ImageMagick ELF binaries (Dec 22, 1997 4:30:14 EST)
apps/graphics/draw/Ipe-5.0.tar.gz (849885 bytes)
extendible drawing editor (Dec 25, 1997 7:18:2 EST)
system/mail/mta/blackmail-0.28p3.tgz (37682 bytes)
anti-spam proxy filter for users of smail, qmail and other MTAs (Dec 19, 1997 14:11:7 EST)
games/bsd-games-2.0.tar.gz (2323720 bytes)
ported source for some bsd distribution games (Dec 25, 1997 7:22:23 EST)
games/bsd-games-non-free-2.0.tar.gz (252975 bytes)
bog, paranoia, and rogue (Dec 25, 1997 7:8:48 EST)
apps/sound/cdrom/cdloop-1.0.tar.gz (37579 bytes)
audio-CD-player with looping capabilities intended to aid transcription (Dec 19, 1997 11:38:36 EST)
system/boot/loaders/chos-0.81.tar.gz (458446 bytes)
menu based boot loader (Dec 30, 1997 6:33:55 EST)
devel/debuggers/ddd/ddd-2.2.1.bin.ELF.dynamic.gz (676846 bytes)
ELF ddd with dynamic Motif (Dec 23, 1997 6:39:1 EST)
devel/debuggers/ddd/ddd-2.2.1.bin.ELF.semistatic.gz (1153104 bytes)
ELF ddd binary w/ static motif (Dec 23, 1997 6:40:5 EST)
devel/debuggers/ddd/ddd-2.2.1.bin.ELF.static.gz (1620449 bytes)
ddd binary package w/ static everything (Dec 23, 1997 6:41:41 EST)
devel/debuggers/ddd/ddd-2.2.1.tar.gz (2464675 bytes)
ddd sources (Dec 23, 1997 6:44:19 EST)
X11/xutils/dotfile-2.2.tar.gz (890607 bytes)
tcl/tk interface to generate configuration files (Dec 21, 1997 13:32:29 EST)
kernel/esep-1.5.tgz (20691 bytes)
a new "evolution scheduler" based on genetic algorithms (Dec 29, 1997 1:29:36 EST)
apps/sound/players/fesp-0.6.tar.gz (7136 bytes)
front end tool for splay (Dec 12, 1997 8:44:30 EST)
utils/text/index-0.1.1.tar.gz (20522 bytes)
generic document indexing system (Dec 18, 1997 20:34:7 EST)
X11/demos/vector-0.05p1.tar.gz (13479 bytes)
rotates 3d cube in X root window (Oct 17, 1997 5:0:21 EST)
games/strategy/vga_gamespack-1.3.1.tgz (56605 bytes)
collection of svgalib strategy games (Oct 27, 1997 0:12:12 EST)
science/cartography/vhclserv-0.2.5-LINUX.tgz (68719 bytes)
adds vehicle driving on terrain to ivmaps viewers (Jan 8, 1998 1:22:15 EST)
science/cartography/vhclserv-0.2.5.tgz (64071 bytes)
adds vehicle driving on terrain to ivmaps viewers [src] (Jan 8, 1998 1:22:14 EST)
apps/video/vid_src-0.7.tar.gz (35805 bytes)
video blaster usage under Linux and DOS (Oct 8, 1997 18:8:59 EST)
system/daemons/watchdog/watchdog-3.3.tar.gz (50271 bytes)
reboots your system if it starts to look bad (Dec 2, 1997 8:44:53 EST)
apps/sound/convert/wav2cdr-1.8.tar.gz (40684 bytes)
converts sound files to music CD format (Dec 11, 1997 23:3:1 EST)
apps/sound/players/wavtools-1.3.1.tar.gz (16225 bytes)
records and plays wav files with a command-line or X interface (Oct 30, 1997 22:36:47 EST)
apps/sound/cdrom/wmcd-0.8.tar.gz (36802 bytes)
cd player designed for afterstep/windowmaker (Nov 26, 1997 5:28:17 EST)
apps/database/www/www-sql-0.4.0.tar.gz (125946 bytes)
CGI interface to mySQL (Dec 14, 1997 23:2:18 EST)
apps/www/servers/wwwoffle-2.0.tgz (136630 bytes)
A simple proxy HTTP server (Dec 21, 1997 5:48:42 EST)
system/network/chat/irc/xIrc-2.1.tar.gz (530621 bytes)
X based IRC client based on qt classes (Nov 13, 1997 6:19:6 EST)
system/serial/Dial-Up_Utils-2.27-1.i386.rpm (75071 bytes)
Utility programs to administer a modem pool (Oct 28, 1997 5:17:32 EST)
system/serial/Dial-Up_Utils_2.27-bin.tar.gz (68671 bytes)
Utility programs to administer a modem pool (Oct 28, 1997 5:18:15 EST)
system/serial/Dial-Up_Utils_2.27.tar.gz (36037 bytes)
Utility programs to administer a modem pool (Oct 28, 1997 5:18:36 EST)
libs/graphics/FL-0.98.tar.gz (534938 bytes)
FL user interface library (Jan 10, 1998 19:8:15 EST)
apps/www/browsers/mosaic/Mosaic-linux-static-motif-2.7b5.tar.gz (3944041 bytes)
Mosaic browser, Linux ELF dynamically linked except static Motif link (Jan 5, 1998 21:47:36 EST)
apps/circuits/Prototype-1.0.tar.gz (19374 bytes)
prototyping package for PDS-6xx boards (Jan 7, 1998 22:30:5 EST)
kernel/patches/misc/QNXsched-1.16.tar.gz (18854 bytes)
QNX-style scheduling for Linux 2.0 (Dec 14, 1997 2:2:25 EST)
utils/console/SVGATextMode-1.8-bin.tar.gz (231163 bytes)
allows control of console text-mode (Dec 8, 1997 10:22:41 EST)
utils/console/SVGATextMode-1.8-dos.tar.gz (266824 bytes)
allows control of console text-mode (Dec 8, 1997 10:24:7 EST)
utils/console/SVGATextMode-1.8-src.tar.gz (379228 bytes)
allows control of console text-mode (Dec 8, 1997 10:26:24 EST)
devel/lang/assemblers/StructuredMacros-1.0.0.tar.gz (10150 bytes)
preprocessor for adding structured programming macros in 8051 assembler (Jan 5, 1998 13:14:2 EST)
apps/editors/X/TCLTextEdit0.5.0.tgz (4960 bytes)
text editor for the X-windows system (Jan 3, 1998 18:8:1 EST)
utils/compress/TkZip-0.9.5b.tar.gz (80795 bytes)
X front end for various archiving and compression utilities (Dec 19, 1997 19:8:45 EST)
apps/sound/cdrom/X/WorkMan-1.3a.tgz (176490 bytes)
WorkMan open look CD player (w/ 750 CD library) (Nov 23, 1997 4:56:9 EST)
system/mount/Xeject-1.0.tar.gz (8625 bytes)
X-based CDROM mount/unmount utility (Oct 31, 1997 4:57:46 EST)
apps/sound/mixers/XqMixer.tar.gz (7100 bytes)
a mixer for X-Windows using qt-libraries (Oct 23, 1997 16:48:20 EST)
system/bbs/adbbs-3.0.tgz (65520 bytes)
bbs/menuing system w/ ANSI color support (Jan 12, 1998 7:3:19 EST)
system/admin/accounts/addbashv2.tar.gz (2472 bytes)
creates bash accounts with notification (Nov 4, 1997 6:9:33 EST)
system/mail/mua/XCmail-0.11.7-Linux-bin.tar.gz (378473 bytes)
X11 mailtool using Xclasses layout library [bin] (Jan 5, 1998 12:21:55 EST)
X11/fonts/Xfstt-0.9.5.tgz (64742 bytes)
X Font Server for *.ttf fonts (Jan 4, 1998 11:54:15 EST)
games/arcade/Xinsane-0.4-fix.tar.gz (678 bytes)
fixes a bug in Xinsane 0.4 installation script (Nov 7, 1997 1:41:59 EST)
games/arcade/Xinsane-0.4.tar.gz (187557 bytes)
action/puzzle/duel game for X11, SVGALIB and DOS (Nov 6, 1997 0:45:48 EST)
apps/misc/addrbk.tgz (51942 bytes)
an address book for X-Windows/Openlook (Oct 17, 1997 13:47:26 EST)
apps/circuits/alliance (512 bytes)
system for chip design using a VHDL subset (Jan 16, 1998 19:6:32 EST)
apps/circuits/alliance-3.2b.patches (512 bytes)
alliance-3.2b patches (Jan 16, 1998 19:14:22 EST)
apps/www/browsers/amaya/amaya-src-1.1c.tar.gz (3424872 bytes)
amaya sources (Nov 19, 1997 4:57:20 EST)
apps/www/browsers/amaya/amaya-1.1c.tar.gz (1882143 bytes)
amaya [bin] (Jan 16, 1998 22:2:11 EST)
utils/compress/batmp3.gz (2086 bytes)
encodes multiple mp3's with one command via l3enc (Jan 13, 1998 4:21:51 EST)
apps/graphics/capture/bttvgrab-0.2b.tgz (12993 bytes)
grab tool for frame grabber cards supported by the bttv driver v0.5.1 (Jan 10, 1998 11:21:25 EST)
system/bbs/blackbox-0.8.6.tar.gz (39092 bytes)
Bulletin Board System designed from scratch for Linux (Jan 12, 1998 19:12:19 EST)
X11/window-managers/blackbox-0.8.6.tar.gz (39092 bytes)
X Window manager written from scratch in C++ (Jan 12, 1998 19:12:19 EST)
system/emulators/bsod.tar.gz (2496 bytes)
the Blue Screen of Death for Linux (Jan 8, 1998 2:56:33 EST)
apps/sound/cdrom/cdlabel-1.1.tar.gz (149180 bytes)
X11 (Qt) based audio CD insert creator (Jan 13, 1998 11:18:47 EST)
apps/math/graphs/chart-2.0.1.tar.gz (129264 bytes)
simple, non-interactive svgalib and X11 program for drawing data charts (Jan 6, 1998 3:39:6 EST)
system/keyboards/console-tools-1997.12.16-i386-libc6bin.tar.gz (633559 bytes)
programs for keyboard, console fonts and virtual terminals manipulation (Dec 16, 1997 18:31:39 EST)
system/keyboards/console-tools-1997.12.16.tar.gz (721272 bytes)
programs for keyboard, console fonts and virtual terminals manipulation (Dec 16, 1997 18:36:53 EST)
apps/editors/X/cooledit-3.5.6-42.i386.rpm (1176403 bytes)
text editor w/ 3d Motif-ish look (Dec 29, 1997 10:8:55 EST)
apps/editors/X/cooledit-3.5.6-50.i386.rpm (1197959 bytes)
text editor w/ 3d Motif-ish look (Dec 29, 1997 10:13:27 EST)
apps/editors/X/cooledit-3.5.6.tar.gz (822509 bytes)
text editor w/ 3d Motif-ish look [src] (Dec 29, 1997 10:17:24 EST)
X11/desktop/coolicon-3.5.5.Linux.ELF.tar.gz (380028 bytes)
X window icon manager/application launcher. (Dec 21, 1997 4:21:38 EST)
apps/doctools/man/coolman-3.5.5.Linux.ELF.tar.gz (143736 bytes)
X Window man page reader with nice 3D GUI (Dec 21, 1997 4:22:2 EST)
games/strategy/craft_l35.tar.Z (3008211 bytes)
"warcraft" - like strategy game [bin] (Oct 29, 1997 2:51:59 EST)
games/strategy/craftcc35.tar.Z (3123677 bytes)
"warcraft" - like strategy game [src] (Oct 29, 1997 2:51:4 EST)
games/strategy/craftdoc.tar.Z (864619 bytes)
"warcraft" - like strategy game [doc] (Oct 29, 1997 2:50:2 EST)
utils/file/cdiff-0.03-alpha.tgz (6079 bytes)
directory contents diff tool (Oct 29, 1997 13:44:54 EST)
commercial/dbox-1.40.tgz (759703 bytes)
BBS package for Linux (supports ZConnect) (Jan 10, 1998 17:33:16 EST)
apps/sound/cdrom/cli/dcd-003.tgz (2205 bytes)
dcd (Dave's CD player), a command-line CD player (Jan 15, 1998 0:4:41 EST)
kernel/patches/network/decnetlinux-0.0.1.tar.gz (25865 bytes)
DECnet socket layer and apps (Oct 8, 1997 18:43:41 EST)
system/network/serial/dial.isp.v1.tar.gz (1223 bytes)
connects you to the Internet with a PPP connection (Nov 10, 1997 9:11:0 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-1.1-2.noarch.rpm (61909 bytes)
high level diald configuration system [RPM] (Jan 7, 1998 23:35:17 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-1.1-2.src.rpm (69271 bytes)
high level diald configuration system [SRPM] (Jan 7, 1998 23:35:48 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-metered-0.2-2.noarch.rpm (13910 bytes)
configuration files for diald-config to manage a metered interface [RPM] (Jan 7, 1998 23:36:7 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-metered-0.2-2.src.rpm (14418 bytes)
configuration files for diald-config to manage a metered interface [SRPM] (Jan 7, 1998 23:36:15 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-unmetered-0.2-2.noarch.rpm (13753 bytes)
configuration files for diald-config to manage an unmetered interface [RPM] (Jan 7, 1998 23:36:37 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-config-unmetered-0.2-2.src.rpm (14227 bytes)
configuration files for diald-config to manage an unmetered interface [SRPM] (Jan 7, 1998 23:36:50 EST)
system/daemons/dialmon-0.3.tgz (154922 bytes)
monitor daemon for diald, allows remote machines to manipulate a diald link (Jan 11, 1998 9:33:19 EST)
system/network/misc/distribute-1.0.tar.gz (9690 bytes)
script for farming out a list of commands to multiple machines (Dec 31, 1997 13:14:31 EST)
system/network/misc/dnl-0.01.tgz (2409 bytes)
look up hosts on a class A, B, C, or D network (Dec 1, 1997 16:12:15 EST)
apps/doctools/doxygen-0.2.tgz (99902 bytes)
documentation system for C++ (Nov 18, 1997 2:28:25 EST)
apps/sound/dtmf-dial-0.1.tar.gz (3904 bytes)
generates DTMF (touch tone) signals (Jan 10, 1998 18:14:48 EST)
apps/circuits/e_factory-1.0.1.tgz (42694 bytes)
program to automate a factory floor (Dec 2, 1997 8:29:42 EST)
X11/xutils/edres-0.1.tar.gz (160338 bytes)
resource (bitmaps, cursors) editor for programming under QT Widget kit (Dec 22, 1997 18:53:43 EST)
system/daemons/init/failinit-1.31.tar.gz (6258 bytes)
failsafe init extension (Jan 13, 1998 20:48:35 EST)
utils/disk-management/XFormat-1.0-2.i386.rpm (290081 bytes)
X program to format floppy disks (Nov 17, 1997 3:56:59 EST)
utils/disk-management/XFormat-1.0-2.src.rpm (94264 bytes)
X program to format floppy disks [RPM] (Nov 17, 1997 3:57:4 EST)
utils/disk-management/XFormat-1.01.tar.gz (348160 bytes)
X program to format floppy disks (Nov 24, 1997 6:18:19 EST)
apps/graphics/rays/xrayps-1.0-3.i386.rpm (2373960 bytes)
PostScript docs for xray raytracer (Oct 21, 1997 13:0:1 EST)
libs/AppConfig-980118.tar.gz (119126 bytes)
libraries for managing application configuration settings. (Jan 20, 1998 7:42:25 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/mgv-2.2.1-bin.tar.gz (712697 bytes)
Motif PostScript viewer based on Ghostview 1.5 (Dec 22, 1997 1:35:45 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/mgv-2.2.1-ps.tar.gz (762550 bytes)
Motif PostScript viewer based on Ghostview 1.5 (Dec 22, 1997 1:36:32 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/mgv-2.2.1.tar.gz (433893 bytes)
Motif PostScript viewer based on Ghostview 1.5 (Dec 22, 1997 1:34:34 EST)
apps/doctools/man/man-1.5a.tar.gz (156365 bytes)
man based on man 1.3 w/ compression, locale (Jan 20, 1998 1:41:36 EST)
system/fido/FEddy-1.0.tar.gz (296323 bytes)
Fido-Scanner/Tosser/Editor with nice ncurses interface (Jan 20, 1998 17:13:43 EST)
devel/lang/python/python-1.5.tgz (2904353 bytes)
Python (Jan 2, 1998 12:56:3 EST)
apps/editors/X/thot/thot-src-2.1e.tar.gz (2630389 bytes)
Thot editor [src] (Oct 21, 1997 3:38:28 EST)
apps/editors/X/thot/thoteditor-LINUX-ELF-2.1e.tar.gz (2542196 bytes)
Thot editor [bin] (Oct 21, 1997 3:47:33 EST)
apps/editors/X/thot/thoteditor-src-2.1e.tar.gz (1206009 bytes)
Thot editor [src] (Oct 21, 1997 3:40:14 EST)
apps/editors/zed-1.0.1.tgz (171603 bytes)
powerful, multipurpose, configurable text editor (Jan 22, 1998 16:30:39 EST)
utils/compress/zoo-2.10-3.alpha.rpm (76833 bytes)
Makes/unmakes .zoo files [alpha] (Nov 4, 1997 20:20:0 EST)
utils/compress/zoo-2.10-3.src.rpm (179537 bytes)
Makes/unmakes .zoo files [src] (Nov 4, 1997 20:19:12 EST)
utils/compress/zoo-2.10.linux.diff.gz (3046 bytes)
Makes/unmakes .zoo files (diffs) (Nov 4, 1997 20:17:45 EST)
kernel/misc-cards/zr36120-971127.tgz (47829 bytes)
ZORAN ZR36120/SIEMEMS SZB6120 based frame grabbing card driver (Nov 27, 1997 22:17:48 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/zview-0.2.tar.gz (22214 bytes)
multi-format XWindows image viewer (Dec 11, 1997 15:14:7 EST)
apps/editors/X/yudit-0.95.tar.gz (701702 bytes)
unicode text editor for the X Windows (Jan 10, 1998 11:5:42 EST)
apps/editors/X/yutex-0.8.tar.gz (620064 bytes)
unicode text editor for X Windows (Nov 11, 1997 7:23:17 EST)
system/recovery/yard-1.13.tar.gz (142884 bytes)
create rescue disks (Oct 26, 1997 22:19:38 EST)
apps/serialcomm/machines/yaps-1.0.tar.gz (86567 bytes)
send messages to paging devices over a modem gateway (Nov 4, 1997 3:0:27 EST)
games/strategy/yahtzee_sbi-1.0.1.tar.gz (16201 bytes)
yahtzee poker-like dice game (Jan 20, 1998 7:11:16 EST)
system/mail/pop/yapops-1.0.tar.gz (86567 bytes)
yet another POP3 server (Dec 23, 1997 5:13:29 EST)
system/emulators/zx/xzx-2.2.0-contrib.tar.gz (18692 bytes)
ZX Spectrum emulator (contribs) (Oct 27, 1997 1:32:7 EST)
system/emulators/zx/xzx-2.2.0-roms.tar.gz (74196 bytes)
ZX Spectrum emulator (ROMs) (Oct 27, 1997 1:32:35 EST)
system/emulators/zx/xzx-2.2.0-src.tar.gz (129390 bytes)
ZX Spectrum emulator [src] (Oct 27, 1997 1:32:0 EST)
system/network/serial/xisp-2.3p7.tar.gz (193017 bytes)
X-ISP, an X11 visual interface to pppd/chat (Jan 25, 1998 10:31:2 EST)
system/network/chat/xitalk-1.1.9.tar.gz (173730 bytes)
intercept talk and write requests so they don't mess up your xterm (Jan 6, 1998 9:28:5 EST)
science/lab/xmana-1.1.tar.gz (305462 bytes)
program for graphical interactive data analysis, companion to xmad (Jan 7, 1998 3:46:23 EST)
games/strategy/xmastermind-0.1.tar.gz (24890 bytes)
mastermind game for X Windows (Dec 30, 1997 5:33:6 EST)
apps/tex/xmbibtex-1.4.tar.gz (132289 bytes)
BibTeX reference manager with Motif interface (Oct 21, 1997 6:2:55 EST)
X11/clocks/xmclock-1.1.2.tar.gz (30306 bytes)
clock program that displays metric time (Jan 7, 1998 2:7:41 EST)
apps/sound/players/xmp-1.1.2.tar.gz (185227 bytes)
Extended Module Player, a tracked music player (Jan 6, 1998 20:37:7 EST)
apps/database/sql/xmsql-0.4.tgz (251014 bytes)
X Windows frontend for the MiniSQL database engine (Jan 12, 1998 21:43:22 EST)
X11/desktop/xnc-4.0.0.elf.tar.gz (887296 bytes)
XNC desktop program [ELF] (Dec 8, 1997 8:35:12 EST)
X11/desktop/xnc-4.0.0.src.tar.gz (653807 bytes)
XNC desktop program [src] (Dec 8, 1997 8:42:47 EST)
system/status/xstatus/xnetload-1.2.tar.gz (14364 bytes)
Xnetload displays packet traffic and uptime in an X window (Dec 15, 1997 16:41:3 EST)
system/status/xstatus/xosview-1.5.1.tar.gz (112203 bytes)
displays cpu/memory/swap/network usage (Dec 8, 1997 14:8:28 EST)
system/security/xotpcalc-0.9.tar.gz (44035 bytes)
one-time password calculator which can be used with S/Key and OPIE (Nov 21, 1997 11:12:44 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/xpcd-2.04.tar.gz (101930 bytes)
viewer for PhotoCD's (Oct 14, 1997 8:16:52 EST)
apps/serialcomm/modem/xphone.tar.bz2 (24079 bytes)
turn your modem into a speaker phone (Nov 6, 1997 10:18:26 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/svga/xpmbrowser.tgz (29471 bytes)
display all XPM files in a given directory (Nov 28, 1997 21:3:45 EST)
apps/financial/accounting/xacc-1.0.16.bin-linux-i386.tar.gz (1400745 bytes)
simple single-user accounting program (Jan 17, 1998 0:34:47 EST)
apps/financial/accounting/xacc-1.0.16.tar.gz (901278 bytes)
simple single-user accounting program [src] (Jan 17, 1998 0:36:47 EST)
system/news/readers/xagent-0.7.5.tgz (324730 bytes)
off line NNTP news reader for Linux, uses xforms (Oct 19, 1997 17:53:38 EST)
apps/sound/players/xamp-0.7.6.tgz (337622 bytes)
mp3 player for X windows (Oct 30, 1997 20:23:30 EST)
X11/screensavers/ (36861 bytes)
launches programs after X has been idle (Nov 4, 1997 11:12:52 EST)
system/power/xbatcheck-1.2.tar.gz (5162 bytes)
battery and AC-line monitor for portables (Oct 14, 1997 16:58:14 EST)
system/network/chat/irc/xIrc-2.2p1.tar.gz (610423 bytes)
X based IRC client based on qt classes (Jan 24, 1998 20:49:47 EST)
games/strategy/xbomb-2.1.tgz (23773 bytes)
X minesweeper type game (Jan 24, 1998 5:58:10 EST)
utils/disk-management/xcdroast-0.96c.tar.gz (1284206 bytes)
CD-Writer-Program for X. (Dec 8, 1997 3:12:9 EST)
apps/circuits/xcircuit-1.7.tar.gz (321871 bytes)
X11 drawing tool especially for electronic circuits (Jan 30, 1998 16:57:1 EST)
X11/xutils/xcmd-1.7.tar.gz (18359 bytes)
front end for starting X programs (looks for existing instances) (Jan 3, 1998 23:29:25 EST)
X11/xutils/xcolmap-1.0.tar.gz (4967 bytes)
Xcolsel allows color mixing, name lookups, queries and conversion of RGB to color name (Oct 16, 1997 18:2:39 EST)
X11/xutils/xcolsel-1.0.tar.gz (17222 bytes)
utility to do color mixing, name lookups, queries and conversion of RGB to color name (Oct 16, 1997 18:1:42 EST)
X11/clocks/xdaliclock-2.11.tar.gz (50988 bytes)
fancy digital clock (Jan 18, 1998 17:25:47 EST)
games/arcade/xdigger-1.0.6.tgz (45008 bytes)
game like Boulderdash (Jan 1, 1998 14:8:4 EST)
apps/misc/xenmenu-0.7a.tar.gz (23219 bytes)
customizable, text-based menu generator (Jan 17, 1998 20:0:20 EST)
system/status/xesep-1.3.tgz (11658 bytes)
X monitor interface for Evolution Scheduler (esep) (Dec 29, 1997 1:29:0 EST)
X11/xutils/xexit-2.0.tgz (31359 bytes)
a button at the end of .xsession to terminate the session (Jan 6, 1998 18:52:44 EST)
apps/serialcomm/fax/xfax-1.10.i386.tar.gz (225609 bytes)
xforms based front end to efax [bin] (Oct 29, 1997 5:16:11 EST)
apps/serialcomm/fax/xfax-1.10.tar.gz (41737 bytes)
xforms based front end to efax [src] (Oct 29, 1997 5:15:51 EST)
X11/fonts/xfstt-0.9.0.tgz (62102 bytes)
X font server for ttf fonts (Oct 27, 1997 5:16:40 EST)
X11/xutils/xgreekeychanger.tgz (81587 bytes)
changes keymaps on X with xmodmap (Oct 29, 1997 5:57:10 EST)
X11/window-managers/xil-1.0.tar.gz (2845 bytes)
X window manager loader/manager (Nov 13, 1997 21:17:20 EST)
X11/terms/xiterm-1.0.fixed.tar.gz (292808 bytes)
8-bit clean, colour xterm replacement (Jan 30, 1998 8:57:49 EST)
X11/xutils/xkeycaps-2.42.tar.Z (434837 bytes)
graphical front-end to xmodmap (Jan 18, 1998 17:38:38 EST)
games/strategy/xlaby-2.0.1.tgz (20308 bytes)
labyrinth game for X (Dec 2, 1997 14:47:19 EST)
X11/screensavers/xlockmore-4.06.1.tgz (989495 bytes)
xlock w/ extra screen hacks (Nov 20, 1997 14:38:45 EST)
X11/screensavers/xlockmore-4.06.tgz (989349 bytes)
xlock w/ extra screen hacks (Nov 20, 1997 10:23:42 EST)
apps/reminder/xlrem-1.0.tar.gz (15437 bytes)
(X)(L)ogin(Rem)inder program (read messages and show them) (Oct 24, 1997 21:5:55 EST)
science/lab/xmad-2.6.tar.gz (526695 bytes)
Motif program for real time data acquisition (Nov 2, 1997 9:18:41 EST)
system/network/serial/xpppon-1.5.tar.gz (9722 bytes)
GUI front-end to the ppp-on and ppp-off shell scripts (Dec 8, 1997 0:40:18 EST)
system/network/serial/xppp-dyn-motif-1.1.tar.gz (275750 bytes)
X Window and Motif-based front end for chat and pppd (Oct 15, 1997 12:57:47 EST)
system/network/serial/xppp-src-1.1.tar.gz (31132 bytes)
X Window and Motif-based front end for chat and pppd [src] (Oct 15, 1997 12:57:21 EST)
system/network/serial/xppp-static-motif-1.1.tar.gz (791925 bytes)
X Window and Motif-based front end for chat and pppd (Oct 15, 1997 12:58:26 EST)
games/strategy/xpuzzles-5.4.3.tgz (700496 bytes)
collection of rotational 3D and sliding block puzzles (Nov 12, 1997 12:42:5 EST)
apps/sound/mixers/xqmixer-1.4.tar.gz (17451 bytes)
mixer for X Windows using qt-libraries (Feb 1, 1998 14:30:2 EST)
apps/graphics/capture/xscan.tar.gz (11613 bytes)
scans under X and saves as X bitmap (mustek scanners) (Dec 1, 1997 7:53:11 EST)
X11/screensavers/xscreensaver-2.15.tar.gz (742103 bytes)
screensaver ala After D**k (Jan 18, 1998 16:9:15 EST)
games/multiplayer/cards/xskat-2.1.tar.gz (83022 bytes)
The card game Skat, with up to 2 of 3 players simulated by computer (Dec 15, 1997 1:55:29 EST)
apps/sound/convert/xsox.1.02a_source.tar.gz (14283 bytes)
xforms front end to xsox [src] (Oct 29, 1997 5:17:8 EST)
apps/database/sql/xsqlmenu.2.03b.tar.gz (20659 bytes)
xforms interface to msql databases (Oct 29, 1997 5:16:30 EST)
system/status/xstatus/xsysinfo-1.6.tar.gz (27776 bytes)
provides a graphical representation of system state (Oct 14, 1997 18:12:24 EST)
X11/xutils/xtoolplaces-1.6.tar.gz (35076 bytes)
Xtoolplaces will collect state information from any windows currently running on an X desktop (Jan 9, 1998 9:11:5 EST)
system/status/xtop-1.1.1.tar.gz (106613 bytes)
X based process monitor for Linux (Jan 27, 1998 20:37:19 EST)
apps/sound/soundcard/xvgen-0.3.tgz (14120 bytes)
Xvgen generates a pure tone or white noise via your sound card (Jan 13, 1998 5:26:18 EST)
system/status/ps/procps-1.2.5.tar.gz (155505 bytes)
/proc fs based ps, top etc (Dec 16, 1997 18:4:19 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/pftp-0.7.2.tar.gz (28061 bytes)
FTP-like transfer program that works within telnet sessions (Jan 16, 1998 6:55:59 EST)
games/strategy/phalanx-11.tar.gz (262168 bytes)
chess program for Linux, Xboard compatible (Jan 26, 1998 4:44:3 EST)
system/news/readers/peruser-2.38.binaries.tar.gz (129541 bytes)
binaries for peruser offline reader (Dec 7, 1997 22:55:41 EST)
system/news/readers/peruser-2.38.source.tar.gz (90992 bytes)
source for X-based offline news reader (Dec 7, 1997 22:56:23 EST)
science/visualization/pflow-2.5b4.tar.gz (761455 bytes)
PFlow demonstrates ideal potential fluid flow (Jan 24, 1998 20:55:4 EST)
apps/www/mirroring/pavuk-0.7pl3.tgz (339059 bytes)
mirroring package for HTTP/FTP/Gopher (Feb 2, 1998 0:14:57 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/pppsetup-1.93.tar.gz (78228 bytes)
script to aid in PPP configuration (Jan 30, 1998 11:54:56 EST)
system/network/misc/ppptcp-0.6.tar.gz (34839 bytes)
tunnel PPP over an arbitrary TCP connection (Jan 20, 1998 21:31:20 EST)
system/status/ps/procinfo-12.tar.gz (19235 bytes)
displays system info from /proc (Jan 21, 1998 8:58:26 EST)
system/status/xstatus/procmeter-2.4.tgz (40061 bytes)
graphical statistics about CPU usage, disk access, network load (Jan 10, 1998 9:33:3 EST)
X11/xutils/propsel.tar.gz (4277 bytes)
cut and paste between X displays (Nov 27, 1997 14:53:58 EST)
apps/sound/cdrom/qCd-0.75.tgz (494271 bytes)
CDROM player, based on qt library (Nov 5, 1997 2:22:0 EST)
system/status/qps-1.3.tar.gz (113179 bytes)
An X11 based process status monitor (Jan 3, 1998 19:27:10 EST)
libs/X/c++libs/qt-1.31.tar.gz (1974709 bytes)
C++ GUI class library with Motif look and feel (Oct 15, 1997 7:5:0 EST)
libs/X/c++libs/qt/qtarch-1.3-1-i486-unknown-linux.tar.gz (313552 bytes)
Qt Architect for the Qt widget set (Nov 10, 1997 23:13:31 EST)
libs/X/c++libs/qt/qtarch-1.3-1.i386.rpm (314962 bytes)
Qt Architect for the Qt widget set [RPM] (Nov 10, 1997 23:15:26 EST)
libs/X/c++libs/qt/qtarch-1.3-1.src.rpm (343617 bytes)
Qt Architect for the Qt widget set [SRPM] (Nov 10, 1997 23:18:3 EST)
libs/X/c++libs/qt/qtarch-1.3-1.tar.gz (341354 bytes)
Qt Architect for the Qt widget set (Nov 10, 1997 23:20:3 EST)
system/network/misc/qw_mp-0.3a.tar.gz (63126 bytes)
UDP datagram forwarder and compressor (Jan 4, 1998 3:21:10 EST)
system/recovery/picoboot-0.95.tar.gz (1719264 bytes)
A boot/rescue disk containing the Pico text editor and other goodies (Jan 17, 1998 21:23:58 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/ImageMagick-4.0-elf.tgz (1205663 bytes)
ImageMagick ELF binaries (Jan 30, 1998 2:55:13 EST)
libs/X/c++libs/JX-1.0.4_link-kit.tar.gz (2898339 bytes)
shared-library version of JX (Jan 19, 1998 20:39:13 EST)
libs/X/c++libs/JX-1.0.4_shared.tar.gz (2785566 bytes)
shared-library version of JX (Jan 19, 1998 20:41:27 EST)
devel/lang/mercury-0.7.3-core.tar.gz (5048812 bytes)
Mercury, a logic/functional programming language (Jan 26, 1998 22:58:25 EST)
system/recovery/images/morecram-1.0.tar.gz (3463987 bytes)
Cramdisks - util and ftp/nfs *server* in one (Jan 8, 1998 17:24:7 EST)
apps/graphics/draw/ivtools-0.6-LINUX.tgz (2488357 bytes)
C++ frameworks for drawing editors and servers [bin] (Jan 8, 1998 1:20:9 EST)
apps/graphics/draw/ivtools-0.6.tgz (1268289 bytes)
C++ frameworks for drawing editors and servers [src] (Jan 8, 1998 1:19:32 EST)
science/cartography/ivmaps-0.6-LINUX.tgz (3116547 bytes)
frameworks for map viewers and servers [bin] (Jan 8, 1998 1:21:32 EST)
science/cartography/ivmaps-0.6.tgz (555392 bytes)
frameworks for map viewers and servers [src] (Jan 8, 1998 1:20:55 EST)
system/misc/mxapps_1.08.tar.gz (3038505 bytes)
X/Motif Mail/FTP clients for Linux (Nov 1, 1997 16:55:41 EST)
science/cartography/mxmap-1.0b5d.tar.gz (287635 bytes)
client for the GPS daemon gpsd (Dec 17, 1997 0:49:49 EST)
science/cartography/mxmap-1.0b5s.tar.gz (773816 bytes)
client for the GPS daemon gpsd (Dec 17, 1997 0:50:6 EST)
apps/graphics/misc/tnimage-2.6.5.linux.static.tar.gz (2503786 bytes)
TN-Image image analysis program [statically linked] (Dec 20, 1997 16:50:31 EST)
apps/graphics/misc/tnimage-2.6.5.linux.tar.gz (1566402 bytes)
TN-Image image analysis program (Dec 20, 1997 16:50:12 EST)
apps/graphics/misc/tnimage-2.6.5.manual.html.tar.gz (1014150 bytes)
TN-Image image analysis program HTML manual (Dec 20, 1997 16:50:53 EST)
apps/graphics/misc/tnimage.manual.html.tar.gz (627618 bytes)
TN-Image image analysis program HTML manual (Nov 15, 1997 20:44:20 EST)
devel/debuggers/ddd/ddd-2.2.3.bin.ELF.dynamic.gz (692337 bytes)
ELF ddd with dynamic Motif (Jan 29, 1998 7:7:11 EST)
devel/debuggers/ddd/ddd-2.2.3.bin.ELF.semistatic.gz (1169054 bytes)
ELF ddd binary w/ static motif (Jan 29, 1998 7:9:57 EST)
devel/debuggers/ddd/ddd-2.2.3.bin.ELF.static.gz (1636092 bytes)
ddd binary package w/ static everything (Jan 29, 1998 7:13:8 EST)
devel/debuggers/ddd/ddd-2.2.3.tar.gz (2451425 bytes)
ddd sources (Jan 29, 1998 7:5:54 EST)
games/arcade/sabre-0.2.2e.tar.gz (2107830 bytes)
fighter plane sim for Linux using svgalib (Jan 11, 1998 4:52:18 EST)
apps/sound/mixers/slab-2.1.tar.gz (2373944 bytes)
SLab Direct to Disk Recording Studio (Nov 26, 1997 4:9:52 EST)
system/news/readers/slrn- (271793 bytes)
threaded newsreader built on slrn library (Jan 29, 1998 14:50:26 EST)
system/xsystem/slxt-0.5b.tar.gz (2364679 bytes)
(Jan 17, 1998 20:12:51 EST)
apps/graphics/rays/BehemotEditor0.8.0.tar.gz (1666020 bytes)
Ray tracing program (Feb 7, 1998 15:53:53 EST)
system/mail/listservs/BeroList-2.5.5.tar.gz (69097 bytes)
easy to configure mailing-list software (Feb 3, 1998 11:27:31 EST)
system/admin/idle/Clobberd-2.9.tgz (24726 bytes)
user regulator (Jan 24, 1998 22:13:0 EST)
system/fido/FEddy-1.1-README (129 bytes)
del (Feb 7, 1998 10:2:25 EST)
system/fido/FEddy-1.1.tar.gz (227676 bytes)
Fido-Scanner/Tosser/Editor with nice ncurses interface (Feb 7, 1998 9:27:21 EST)
X11/desktop/FileRunner-2.4.2.tar.gz (118501 bytes)
filemanager with built-in FTP capabilities (Feb 15, 1998 15:16:16 EST)
commercial/IPAD.0.5.03.Linux.2.0.i486.SVGALIB.tgz (482679 bytes)
intelligent vector drawing package (SVAGLIB) (Feb 5, 1998 22:56:19 EST)
commercial/IPAD.0.5.03.Linux.2.0.i486.X11R6.3.tgz (486633 bytes)
intelligent vector drawing package (X11) (Feb 5, 1998 22:57:53 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/PPPKit-0.7.tar.gz (5072 bytes)
perl program to create a PPP chat script (Feb 3, 1998 18:44:28 EST)
devel/lang/tcl/SSLtcl-0.42.tar.gz (208031 bytes)
loadable SSL (Secure Socket Layer) module for tcl/tk (Jan 18, 1998 20:41:57 EST)
utils/compress/TkZip-0.9.18b.tar.gz (138381 bytes)
X front end for various archiving and compression utilities (Feb 4, 1998 23:48:42 EST)
science/visualization/WaveSim-Beta.1.0.tgz (505699 bytes)
plane membrane simulator using Xforms and MesaGL (Jan 19, 1998 20:16:31 EST)
system/mail/mua/XCmail-0.12.4.bin.Linux.tar.gz (561388 bytes)
X11 mailtool using Xclasses layout library [bin] (Feb 6, 1998 10:27:20 EST)
X11/fonts/Xfstt-0.9.7.tgz (64784 bytes)
X Font Server for *.ttf fonts (Feb 16, 1998 3:5:19 EST)
apps/sound/mixers/XqMixer-1.4.tar.gz (17451 bytes)
mixer for X-Windows using qt-libraries (Jan 30, 1998 8:4:30 EST)
system/admin/log/acctsum-1.0.tar.gz (7755 bytes)
truncate and summarize ISDN and process acct logs (Feb 15, 1998 7:37:47 EST)
system/serial/acua-2.03-1.i386.rpm (128053 bytes)
serial line access control and administration [RPM] (Feb 1, 1998 17:25:21 EST)
system/serial/acua-2.03-1.src.rpm (95023 bytes)
serial line access control and administration [src] (Feb 1, 1998 17:25:28 EST)
apps/doctools/man/WebRman (10530 bytes)
CGI gateway for RosettaMan, written in perl (Oct 27, 1997 3:42:5 EST)
system/recovery/tomsrtbt- (1756274 bytes)
boot/root rescue disk with a lot of hardware support and tools (Mar 3, 1998 12:34:18 EST)
system/serial/acua-2.08-1.i386.rpm (134504 bytes)
serial line access control and administration (Mar 14, 1998 21:27:7 EST)
system/serial/acua-2.08-1.src.rpm (0 bytes)
serial line access control and administration (Mar 14, 1998 21:27:9 EST)
system/serial/acua-2.08.tar.gz (95744 bytes)
serial line access control and administration (Mar 14, 1998 21:32:29 EST)
devel/vc/aegis-3.1.faq (23643 bytes)
info on aegis (Jan 19, 1998 20:13:51 EST)
devel/vc/ (242283 bytes)
documentation on aegis in PostScript (Jan 19, 1998 20:15:43 EST)
devel/vc/aegis-3.1.spec (12262 bytes)
info on aegis (Jan 19, 1998 20:16:22 EST)
devel/vc/aegis-3.1.tar.gz (1021097 bytes)
transaction based config man for parallel devel (Jan 19, 1998 20:20:18 EST)
devel/vc/ (158368 bytes)
documentation on aegis in PostScript (Jan 19, 1998 20:20:56 EST)
system/daemons/cron/anacron-2.0.tar.gz (22925 bytes)
Replacement for cron which does not require system to be up 24/7 (Feb 16, 1998 6:30:59 EST)
system/emulators/apple2-emul-v005-linux.tar.gz (193131 bytes)
Apple IIe emulator for X & Linux (Feb 13, 1998 21:19:28 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/ImageMagick-4.0.1-elf-libc5.tgz (1195104 bytes)
Binary distribution of ImageMagick in ELF format for Linux. (Feb 19, 1998 8:34:27 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/ImageMagick-4.0.1-elf.tgz (1197406 bytes)
Binary distribution of ImageMagick in ELF format for Linux. (Feb 19, 1998 8:35:1 EST)
kernel/patches/misc/QNXsched-1.20.tar.gz (19036 bytes)
QNX-style scheduling for Linux 2.0 (Mar 14, 1998 22:4:2 EST)
apps/www/servers/WWWserver-0.1.tar.gz (11709 bytes)
very small experimental tcl based Http server (Mar 10, 1998 10:32:33 EST)
system/mail/mua/XCmail-0.12.7.bin.Linux.tar.gz (595527 bytes)
X11 mailtool using Xclasses layout library [bin] (Mar 10, 1998 4:54:54 EST)
apps/math/fractals/XFracky25.tgz (78242 bytes)
a simple multithreaded Tcl/Tk 8.0 based application for rendering fractals (Mar 1, 1998 17:54:0 EST)
apps/graphics/draw/XPhotoEditor-0.1.20.tar.gz (202595 bytes)
Edits jpg images under X for linux (Mar 8, 1998 11:32:30 EST)
apps/math/fractals/XaoS-3.0-1.i386.rpm (313629 bytes)
interactive fractal zoomer for X, svgalib [RPM] (Mar 16, 1998 7:39:42 EST)
apps/math/fractals/XaoS-3.0-1.src.rpm (496392 bytes)
interactive fractal zoomer for X, svgalib [source RPM] (Mar 16, 1998 7:45:15 EST)
apps/math/fractals/XaoS-3.0.tar.gz (491049 bytes)
interactive fractal zoomer for X, svgalib (Mar 16, 1998 7:17:30 EST)
system/mount/Xeject-1.1.tar.gz (8652 bytes)
X-based CDROM mount/unmount utility (Feb 20, 1998 9:40:19 EST)
system/printing/a2gs-5.0.tar.gz (20143 bytes)
ascii -> PostScript convertor (Feb 23, 1998 13:3:17 EST)
utils/text/2UTF-1.03.tar.gz (124186 bytes)
Translates char-sets and decodes MIME (Feb 21, 1998 8:49:48 EST)
libs/graphics/aalib-1.2-1.i386.rpm (91363 bytes)
Low level gfx library (Mar 16, 1998 7:45:59 EST)
libs/graphics/aalib-1.2-1.src.rpm (0 bytes)
Low level gfx library [SRC RPM] (Mar 16, 1998 16:47:50 EST)
libs/graphics/aalib-1.2.tar.gz (234322 bytes)
Low level gfx library (Mar 16, 1998 7:19:36 EST)
libs/graphics/aalib-bin_1.2-1_i386.deb (8300 bytes)
Debian package format (Mar 16, 1998 7:59:3 EST)
libs/graphics/aalib-devel-1.2-1.i386.rpm (45399 bytes)
(Mar 16, 1998 7:51:17 EST)
libs/graphics/aalib1-dev_1.2-1_i386.deb (59460 bytes)
Low level gfx library (Mar 16, 1998 8:6:9 EST)
libs/graphics/aalib1_1.2-1_i386.deb (41810 bytes)
Low level gfx library (Mar 16, 1998 8:6:22 EST)
system/network/misc/asp-1.7.tar.gz (40268 bytes)
looks up a host by hostname, supporting dynamic-IP conections (Feb 21, 1998 12:38:5 EST)
kernel/patches/cdrom/atapispeed-0.1.tar.gz (3119 bytes)
Allows reduction of spin in ATAPI drives (Mar 16, 1998 7:0:30 EST)
kernel/patches/cdrom/atapispeed.tgz (3119 bytes)
Allows reduction of spin in ATAPI drives (Mar 1, 1998 12:25:1 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/ImageMagick-4.0.3-elf-libc5.tgz (1195955 bytes)
Binary distribution of ImageMagick in ELF format for Linux. (Mar 19, 1998 4:15:9 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/ImageMagick-4.0.3-elf.tgz (1199118 bytes)
Binary distribution of ImageMagick in ELF format for Linux. (Mar 19, 1998 4:15:37 EST)
games/amusements/agm-1.3.1.tar.gz (420211 bytes)
search for single- or multi-word anagrams of target words (Mar 17, 1998 20:13:12 EST)
utils/audio_tools.taz (82115 bytes)
Tools for recording and playing audio. (Mar 8, 1998 22:46:26 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/aview-1.2-1.i386.rpm (30744 bytes)
High quality ASCII art renderer/animation player (Mar 16, 1998 7:51:39 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/aview-1.2-1.src.rpm (52677 bytes)
High quality ASCII art renderer/animation player [RPM] (Mar 16, 1998 7:52:1 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/aview-1.2.tar.gz (50181 bytes)
High quality ASCII art renderer/animation player (Mar 16, 1998 7:20:33 EST)
games/bb-1.2.tar.gz (1561046 bytes)
An audio-visual demonstration for a text terminal (Mar 16, 1998 7:34:16 EST)
apps/religion/bibletech-0.2.bin.linux.tar.gz (507219 bytes)
Program for viewing and searching the bible and other (Feb 15, 1998 7:24:40 EST)
apps/religion/bibletech-0.2.tar.gz (1017262 bytes)
religious works.Program for viewing and searching the bible and other (Feb 15, 1998 7:22:1 EST)
system/network/daemons/dns/bind/bind-8.1.1.elf.tar.gz (313798 bytes)
Bind nameserver resolver. (Feb 10, 1998 12:34:43 EST)
games/multiplayer/conquest-6.6.src.tar.gz (223292 bytes)
Multi-player, curses based space warfare game (Mar 11, 1998 14:48:39 EST)
system/admin/login/ttc-2.6.bugfix.tar.gz (34399 bytes)
terminal type control program; allow/deny logins of given types (Feb 23, 1998 4:47:53 EST)
system/admin/login/ttc-2.7.tar.gz (24640 bytes)
terminal type control program; allow/deny logins of given types (Mar 9, 1998 4:42:58 EST)
system/mail/listservs/BeroList-2.5.6.tar.gz (69818 bytes)
easy to configure mailing-list software (Mar 20, )
devel/vc/aegis-3.2.faq (23643 bytes)
info on aegis (Mar 22, )
devel/vc/ (244214 bytes)
documentation on aegis in PostScript (Mar 22, )
devel/vc/aegis-3.2.spec (12318 bytes)
info on aegis (Mar 22, )
devel/vc/aegis-3.2.tar.gz (1039258 bytes)
transaction based config man for parallel devel (Mar 22, )
devel/vc/ (159588 bytes)
documentation on aegis in PostScript (Mar 22, )
system/daemons/cron/anacron-2.0.1.tar.gz (22991 bytes)
Replacement for cron which does not require system to be up 24/7 (Mar 21, )
system/ups/apcupsd-3.3.0.bin.linux.tar.gz (185744 bytes)
Monitor APC BackUPS or SmartUPS in "dumb" mode (Mar 20, )
apps/religion/bibletech-0.2.bin.linux.tar.gz (506616 bytes)
Program for viewing and searching the bible and other religious works. (Mar 20, )
apps/religion/bibletech-0.2.tar.gz (934548 bytes)
Program for viewing and searching the bible and other religious works. (Mar 20, )
apps/religion/bibletech.kjv.tar.gz (1410595 bytes)
Program for viewing and searching the bible and other (Mar 20, )
games/strategy/blackjack-1.1.tar.gz (90781 bytes)
X-based blackjack strategy tutor (Feb 12, )
apps/www/servers/boa-2.tar.bz2 (18972 bytes)
high speed, lightweight web server (Jan 17, )
apps/www/servers/boa-2.tar.gz (20293 bytes)
high speed, lightweight web server (Jan 17, )
games/strategy/bogged-1.0.0.gz (5437 bytes)
boggle-like word game for X (Feb 19, )
apps/graphics/hacks/svgalib/bomb.tar.gz (4038347 bytes)
automatic interactive visual stimulation (Mar 8, )
games/multiplayer/cards/briscola-4.0.tar.gz (54087 bytes)
a muktiplayer card game with X interface (Feb 2, )
system/mail/mta/bsmtp-1.00.tar.bz2 (19368 bytes)
batch SMTP support for sendmail (Feb 1, )
system/mail/mta/bsmtp-1.00.tar.gz (20023 bytes)
batch SMTP support for sendmail (Feb 1, )
apps/graphics/capture/bttvgrab-0.4b.tgz (18322 bytes)
grab tool for frame grabber cards supported by the bttv driver v0.5.1 (Mar 3, )
apps/serialcomm/machines/casio22.tgz (104118 bytes)
serial-port comm to Casio BOSS (Feb 18, )
devel/lang/c/ccmalloc-0.2.2.tar.gz (48347 bytes)
An easy to use memory profiling and malloc debugger (Mar 20, )
libs/cgilib-0.4.tar.gz (8525 bytes)
simple programming API to the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) (Mar 20, )
system/network/admin/changemac-1.0.tgz (4594 bytes)
change your mac (ethernet) address (Feb 27, )
apps/misc/chemtool-1.1.1.tar.gz (21092 bytes)
menu-driven Program for drawing organic molecules under X (Mar 13, )
apps/misc/chemtool-1.1.tar.gz (20670 bytes)
menu-driven Program for drawing organic molecules under X (Mar 2, )
apps/circuits/chipmunk5.4ntools.tgz (5384576 bytes)
schematic entry and digital or analog simlulation (Mar 18, )
apps/circuits/chipmunk5.4wtools.tgz (2052696 bytes)
schematic entry and digital or analog simlulation (Mar 14, )
system/boot/loaders/chos-0.82.tar.gz (527949 bytes)
menu based boot loader (Mar 2, )
devel/lang/simula/cim-2.8.tar.gz (349795 bytes)
simula compiler - to C (Feb 5, )
devel/lang/c/clig-1.0.2.tar.gz (42635 bytes)
generator for command-line parsing code, does more than getopt (Jan 25, )
apps/sound/players/cmp3-1.0.tar.gz (64964 bytes)
curses-based frontend to mpg123 (Jan 27, )
system/emulators/cpm-0.2.1.tar.gz (103797 bytes)
Z80 and CP/M emulator (Mar 4, )
devel/lang/c/cproto-4.6.tar.gz (124252 bytes)
?? (Jan 31, )
utils/disk-management/create-a-cd-1.01.tar.gz (197509 bytes)
tools and docs for reading and writing CDs (Feb 1, )
devel/lang/c/ctags-2.0.3.tar.gz (84563 bytes)
tag file generator for use with vi and clones (Mar 15, )
apps/sound/lightshow/cthugha-L-1.2.tar.gz (1216362 bytes)
draws swirling screens based on sound input (Feb 2, )
apps/graphics/capture/cutil-0.3.tar.gz (8743 bytes)
download pictures from Olypus digital cameras c-400 and higher (Mar 7, )
devel/lang/c/cxref-1.4-1.4a.diff.gz (13645 bytes)
diffs from previous cxref version (Feb 23, )
devel/lang/c/cxref-1.4.tgz (252820 bytes)
C cross-reference tool (Feb 23, )
apps/sound/cdrom/dagrab-0.1.tar.gz (10977 bytes)
reads digital audio from CD and puts it on wav files (Feb 11, )
logos/raytraced/dancing_linux.tar.gz (1078501 bytes)
rendered animation (*.flc) of the five letters L I N U X (Jan 28, )
apps/misc/dawn-linux-4.0b1.tar.gz (11197 bytes)
converts E-Mail addressbooks between formats of various applications (Mar 20, )
commercial/dbox-1.47.tgz (925386 bytes)
BBS package for Linux (supports ZConnect) (Mar 14, )
apps/sound/cdrom/cli/dcd-012.tgz (13204 bytes)
dcd (Dave's CD player), a command-line CD player (Mar 20, )
system/daemons/cron/dcron-2.3.3.tar.gz (22962 bytes)
DCron - yet another cron (Feb 16, )
system/network/distrib/dds-1.0.0.tar.gz (42382 bytes)
Distributed Dependancy Scheduler (Mar 7, )
apps/sound/delfin-1998.2.tgz (34760 bytes)
Realtime sampler project. (Feb 25, )
X11/desktop/dfm-0.9.1.tar.gz (194260 bytes)
WPS-like Desktop Manager (Feb 5, )
system/keyboards/diacrd-brazilian-0.31.1.tgz (30990 bytes)
keyboard mappings suitable for Brazilian use (Mar 21, )
system/network/serial/diald-config-1.2.1-1.noarch.rpm (78473 bytes)
high level diald configuration system [RPM] (Jan 19, )
system/network/serial/diald-config-1.2.1-1.src.rpm (80553 bytes)
high level diald configuration system [RPM] (Jan 19, )
system/network/serial/diald-config-1.2.1.tar.gz (76759 bytes)
high level diald configuration system [RPM] (Jan 19, )
system/network/serial/dialtty-1.25.tar.gz (25308 bytes)
dialin daemon for handling modem connections (Feb 16, )
apps/graphics/suites/dislin/ (328957 bytes)
interpreter frint end for the DISLIN library (Feb 26, )
apps/graphics/suites/dislin/disgcl-2.2.tar.gz (2254716 bytes)
interpreter frint end for the DISLIN library (Feb 26, )
apps/crypto/bugs-1.8.0.tar.gz (50172 bytes)
private-key encryption somewhat resembling DES (Mar 17, )
system/mail/biffs/coolmail-1.3+maildir.patch.gz (3239 bytes)
enhancement patch for coolmail (Feb 18, )
apps/religion/display-dhammapada-0.15.tar.gz (39408 bytes)
display a verse from the Dhammapada (Mar 11, )
system/network/misc/distribute-1.1.tar.gz (13500 bytes)
script for farming out a list of commands to multiple machines (Jan 26, )
apps/doctools/doxygen-0.3.bin.ELF.static.tar.gz (423944 bytes)
documentation system for C++ (Mar 6, )
apps/doctools/doxygen-0.3.src.tar.gz (131984 bytes)
documentation system for C++ (Mar 6, )
science/cartography/drawmap-1.3.tar.gz (88456 bytes)
Cartography package that draws maps of the USA (Jan 28, )
apps/sound/dtmf-dial-0.2.tar.gz (4136 bytes)
generates DTMF (touch tone) signals (Mar 20, )
apps/wp/spellcheck/dutch-0.1e.tar.gz (1908770 bytes)
Dutch wordlist and tools (Feb 6, )
utils/endian.taz (3752 bytes)
detects whether a machine is big- or little-endian (Mar 11, )
apps/tex/fastpictex-0.3.tar.gz (309581 bytes)
a preprocessor for PiCTeX that assists in generating charts (Feb 2, )
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.4.1-1.i386.rpm (166500 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [RPM] (Mar 24, )
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.4.1-1.src.rpm (303339 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [SRPM] (Mar 24, )
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.4.1.tar.gz (299202 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [src] (Mar 24, )
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-FAQ.html (72358 bytes)
HTML fetchmail FAQ (Dec 15, )
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-README (1821 bytes)
fetchmail feature description (Dec 15, )
X11/desktop/fileman-1.01.linux.tgz (1785077 bytes)
yet another file manager, very configurable [shared-lib binaries] (Jan 18, )
utils/file/filesplt.2.1.0.tar.gz (118327 bytes)
split large files into smaller, more manageable files (Feb 8, )
system/network/admin/firewallct-1.0.4.tar.gz (166783 bytes)
HTML based tool for the configuration of a firewall (Feb 1, )
games/multiplayer/freeciv-150.tgz (413322 bytes)
yet another multiplayer conquer-the-Universe game (Feb 4, )
X11/fonts/freetype-1.0.tar.gz (466000 bytes)
a truetype font rasterizer (Jan 29, )
system/mail/mailhandlers/frontdesk-0.3.tar.gz (25728 bytes)
put incoming mail into threaded queues which can be accessed via the web (Feb 21, )
apps/sound/players/funktrackergold-1.2.tgz (507210 bytes)
a digital module tracker (Feb 15, )
system/security/g2s-0.2.tar.gz (163745 bytes)
an interesting alternative to inetd/tcpwrapper/chrootuid/relay (Dec 1, )
devel/lang/fortran/g77-0.5.21.bin.tgz (1042590 bytes)
GNU Fortran compiler binaries (Mar 16, )
system/mail/pop/get-mail-1.0.tar.gz (13421 bytes)
a little mail collector for LinuX using the pop3-protocol (Feb 2, )
system/network/misc/getdate-1.1.tar.gz (11945 bytes)
query an RFC 868 time server and adjust/set local date/time (Jan 22, )
kernel/getpatch-2.7.tar.gz (4133 bytes)
script to get kernel patches to update running kernel (Feb 7, )
apps/editors/X/gloe-0.6.1.tgz (48901 bytes)
simple Motif/X based text editor (Dec 19, )
system/status/gmemusage-0.2.tar.gz (16872 bytes)
clone of SGI gmemusage monitor for Linux (Jan 15, )
science/ai/life/gol-0.0.2.bin.ELF.static.tar.gz (809342 bytes)
static ELF binaries of GOL (Dec 22, )
science/ai/life/gol-0.0.2.bin.ELF.tar.gz (49008 bytes)
dynamic ELF binaries of GOL (Dec 22, )
science/ai/life/gol-0.0.2.src.tar.gz (42476 bytes)
sources of Game Of Life simulator (Dec 22, )
apps/www/mirroring/graburl-2.0.1.tar.gz (38579 bytes)
get a URL (Jan 6, )
system/keyboards/greek-2.0.tar.gz (39800 bytes)
greek fonts, keymaps, and filters (Mar 9, )
utils/shell/guage.tar.gz (9246 bytes)
a realtime alternative to the 'wc' command (Nov 29, )
system/printing/hp4laser-3.6.tar.gz (12540 bytes)
a shell script print filter for "lpr", "LPRng" supporting LaserJet 4 printers (Feb 18, )
apps/math/calc/hp67-1.4.tar.gz (192057 bytes)
curses-based, programmable scientific calculator a la HP-67 (Mar 16, )
apps/www/mirroring/htget-0.1.tar.gz (22528 bytes)
gets files via HTTP protocol, including resume and redial (Feb 14, )
apps/graphics/convert/ico2xpm-1.0.tar.gz (35733 bytes)
converts Microsoft .ico icons to .xpm icons (Feb 17, )
apps/sound/editors/id3ed-1.0.tar.gz (9153 bytes)
id3ed edits the "id3" tag for mpeg layer3 files (Feb 25, )
system/fido/ifmail-2.14.tar.gz (312658 bytes)
FidoNet(r) support package for UN*X [src] (Mar 1, )
system/fido/ifqman-1.1.2.tar.gz (25213 bytes)
Command-line BinkStyle fidonet mailer manager (Dec 22, )
kernel/patches/scsi/initioscsi-1.0.tar.gz (44935 bytes)
2.0.32(redhat) and 2.0.33(vanilla) Initio 9100 Scsi patch (Feb 5, )
commercial/ipdm7001.gif (61382 bytes)
demo animation for IPAD (Jan 17, )
commercial/ipdm7002.gif (72411 bytes)
demo animation for IPAD (Jan 17, )
commercial/ipdm7003.gif (150561 bytes)
demo animation for IPAD (Jan 17, )
commercial/ipdm7004.gif (300088 bytes)
demo animation for IPAD (Jan 17, )
commercial/ipdm7005.gif (135086 bytes)
demo animation for IPAD (Jan 17, )
commercial/ipdm7006.gif (166979 bytes)
demo animation for IPAD (Jan 17, )
commercial/ipdm7007.gif (90739 bytes)
demo animation for IPAD (Jan 17, )
commercial/ipdm7008.gif (103892 bytes)
demo animation for IPAD (Jan 17, )
system/network/monitor/iptraf-1.1.0.tar.gz (182202 bytes)
IP LAN monitor with ncurses interface (Feb 28, )
system/network/daemons/ipxtund-1.0.tgz (38088 bytes)
connect IPX based LANs over TCP/IP (Feb 22, )
system/hardware/isapnptools-1.13.bin.tgz (135729 bytes)
ISA plug and play configuration utilities (Jan 2, )
system/hardware/isapnptools-1.13.tgz (43834 bytes)
ISA plug and play configuration utilities [src] (Jan 2, )
X11/window-managers/fvwm/fvwm-griff-0.2.00.tar.gz (3761 bytes)
an easy to use FVWM configuration (Oct 27, )
X11/window-managers/fvwm/fvwmconf.0.18.tar.gz (101488 bytes)
interactive configurator tool for fvwm and fvwm2 (Dec 7, )
X11/window-managers/fvwm/freesidefvwmrc-0.1.gz (3848 bytes)
new, iconless configuration for fvwm (Dec 19, )
apps/serialcomm/machines/g48-1.2.0-1.i386.rpm (35300 bytes)
compiles a subset of C to HP48G RPN language (Nov 11, )
apps/serialcomm/machines/g48-1.2.0.tgz (17383 bytes)
compiles a subset of C to HP48G RPN language (Nov 20, )
apps/database/goods-1.01.tar.gz (217242 bytes)
distributed multiplatform OODBMS with multithreaded server (Feb 19, )
apps/www/mirroring/got_it-0.28b2.tgz (10103 bytes)
transfer single file or ftp directory listing (Feb 9, )
system/keyboards/greek-console-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm (30409 bytes)
fonts and keytables to support the Greek language (Oct 13, )
kernel/misc-cards/icpci-0.4.1c.tar.gz (128193 bytes)
Imaging Technologie Inc. IC-PCI card (rev 1) (Mar 24, )
kernel/iso9660-compress-2.0.tar.gz (25314 bytes)
support transparent decompression in the iso9660 file syste (Mar 12, )
science/cartography/ivmaps-0.6.2-LINUX.tgz (3169572 bytes)
frameworks for map viewers and servers [src] (Mar 9, )
science/cartography/ivmaps-0.6.2.tgz (566422 bytes)
frameworks for map viewers and servers [src] (Mar 9, )
apps/graphics/draw/ivtools-0.6.2-LINUX.tgz (2568959 bytes)
C++ frameworks for drawing editors and servers [src] (Mar 9, )
apps/graphics/draw/ivtools-0.6.2.tgz (1291832 bytes)
C++ frameworks for drawing editors and servers [src] (Mar 9, )
X11/desktop/jafm-0.5.tar.gz (52740 bytes)
an icon-based X11 desktop file manager (Oct 24, )
system/network/daemons/jail-1.03.tar.gz (11425 bytes)
jail (just another ICMP logger) (Dec 14, )
system/network/chat/irc/janbot-3.07d.tar.gz (58651 bytes)
concurrent file server for use with irc (Jan 6, )
apps/editors/terminal/jedidemode-1.0.0.tar.gz (15702 bytes)
extension file for jed that makes it work like Borland IDE (Jan 6, )
apps/editors/terminal/jered-1.6.1.tar.gz (180089 bytes)
simple to use C/C++ text editor (Oct 13, )
games/quake/jmd2_L10.tar.gz (274074 bytes)
displays Quake .MD2 files with texturing and animation (Feb 8, )
apps/editors/terminal/joe-2.8-patch (1577 bytes)
improve joe under rxvt (Jan 17, )
X11/xutils/joy2key-1.1.tgz (13183 bytes)
allow joystick to generate e keyboard events (Dec 4, )
apps/graphics/misc/jpgtn-1.01.tar.gz (9989 bytes)
a jpeg thumbnail generator (Jan 10, )
apps/sound/cdrom/X/jxcd-1.0.tgz (26865 bytes)
simple button panel GUI to operate a CDROM drive as an audio disc player (Jan 6, )
apps/sound/mixers/kLo_mix_1.1.tgz (44495 bytes)
a sound mixer for FvwmButtons (Mar 8, )
X11/terms/kascara0.0.1.tgz (66279 bytes)
dumb terminal emulator for KDE (Jan 20, )
system/admin/frontends/kbindconfig-0.0.1pre1.tar.gz (20527 bytes)
graphical BIND configurator that runs under KDE (Jan 20, )
utils/shell/kcd-4.7.9.tar.gz (158721 bytes)
Change directories using cursor keys through directory (Feb 23, )
utils/disk-management/kfloppy-0.2.tar.gz (285833 bytes)
floppy formatter that runs under KDE (Jan 20, )
games/amusements/kfortune-0.7.tar.gz (666250 bytes)
fortune-cookie program for KDE (Jan 26, )
system/shells/kiss-0.21.tar.gz (56906 bytes)
simple shell w/ included commands for rescues (Oct 24, )
system/printing/kljettool-0.2.1.tar.gz (115774 bytes)
KDE config tool for HP LaserJets and other PJL printers (Jan 20, )
system/printing/klpq-0.2.3.tgz (80351 bytes)
KDE port of xlpq that displays the contents of the printer queue (Jan 20, )
apps/math/fractals/kmandel-0.3.tgz (205395 bytes)
Mandelbrot display for KDE (Jan 20, )
games/strategy/kmaster-0.95.tar.gz (625715 bytes)
mastermind for KDE (Jan 26, )
apps/sound/players/kmpg-0.3.2.tar.gz (126413 bytes)
MPG sound player for KDE (Jan 20, )
X11/terms/kom-0.3.50.tgz (256366 bytes)
terminal program for use with modems under KDE (Jan 20, )
system/mail/biffs/korn-0.3.tar.gz (74707 bytes)
multiple-mailbox mail notification program using KDE (Jan 20, )
games/arcade/koules/koules-1.4-1.src.rpm (320339 bytes)
source RPM for koules (needs Red Hat 3.0.3) (Mar 16, )
games/arcade/koules/koules-sound-1.4-1.i386.rpm (131730 bytes)
i386 binary RPM for koules sounds (Mar 16, )
games/arcade/koules/koules-svga-1.4-1.i386.rpm (95413 bytes)
i386 binary RPM for svgalib (Mar 16, )
games/arcade/koules/koules-x11-1.4-1.i386.rpm (104370 bytes)
i386 binary RPM for svgalib X (Mar 16, )
games/arcade/koules/koules1.4-src.tar.gz (315386 bytes)
source code for koules (Mar 16, )
science/visualization/plotting/kplot-0.2.tar.gz (115496 bytes)
function plotter for the KDE project (Dec 24, )
apps/graphics/rays/pov/kpov-0.1.5.tar.gz (11326 bytes)
]KDE front end for PoV (Jan 20, )
system/network/serial/ppp/kppp-0.5.9.tar.gz (227724 bytes)
dialer and pppd front-end for KDE (Jan 20, )
apps/sound/krecord-0.2.tar.gz (38290 bytes)
KDE sound recorder (Jan 20, )
system/admin/frontends/ksamba-0.3.2.tar.gz (154439 bytes)
KDE program to setup/configure samba (Jan 28, )
science/visualization/plotting/ksciplot-0.3.tar.gz (120302 bytes)
function plotter for the KDE project (Jan 25, )
system/network/chat/irc/ksirc-0.8.0.tar.gz (210439 bytes)
IRC client for KDE (Feb 7, )
system/network/chat/irc/ksirc-linux-0.8.0.tar.gz (821512 bytes)
IRC client for KDE (Feb 7, )
games/arcade/ksnake-0.2.tgz (625671 bytes)
KDE version of snake video game (Jan 20, )
kernel/patches/network/ktcpd-strobemasker-1.2.gz (3028 bytes)
strobe detecter/masker and TCP auditing kernel patch (Jan 18, )
kernel/patches/network/ktcpd-strobemasker.gz (2739 bytes)
?? (Jan 13, )
system/status/ktop-0.4.3.tar.gz (87957 bytes)
top version for KDE (Jan 20, )
system/admin/frontends/kvoice-0.1.01.tar.gz (109508 bytes)
KDE frontend to the mgetty package (Jan 20, )
system/admin/frontends/kwatch-0.2.b.tgz (80923 bytes)
KDE/Qt log file viewer (Jan 20, )
apps/financial/lcalc10.tar.gz (9500 bytes)
fast loan calculator (Oct 14, )
apps/editors/terminal/le-1.4.2.tar.gz (296621 bytes)
just another text editor, but good at block operation (Jan 12, )
system/news/readers/leafnode-1.4-6.src.elf.tar.gz (425678 bytes)
off-line news reading (dload, read, post, followup) (Feb 26, )
system/news/readers/leafnode-1.4-7.src.elf.tar.gz (427669 bytes)
off-line news reading (dload, read, post, followup) (Mar 1, )
apps/database/relational/leap- (189576 bytes)
rdbms w/ relational algebra query language (Mar 1, )
apps/cai/learn-2.1.tar.gz (14222 bytes)
vocable learning program with memory model (Jan 7, )
games/arcade/tetris/letris.tar.gz (11602 bytes)
yet another falling-block game (Jan 23, )
system/network/file-transfer/lftp-0.14.3.tar.gz (429439 bytes)
command-line-driven FTP client with mirriring capability (Mar 10, )
libs/graphics/lib3d-0.1.12.tar.gz (253395 bytes)
fast z-buffer rendering library (Mar 10, )
libs/graphics/libIMPlugIn-1.3-elf.tgz (1010453 bytes)
ImageMagick Plug In Library (Oct 20, )
libs/libat-1.0.tar.gz (18982 bytes)
library for manipulating 4x4 matrices and 1x4 vectors (Nov 16, )
libs/libfsm-0.1.tar.gz (16356 bytes)
C library for Finite State Machines (Nov 16, )
libs/libhash-1.0.tar.gz (2178 bytes)
C library that supports an extensible hashing system (Dec 14, )
libs/libmodem-1.1.tar.gz (40082 bytes)
interface to the modem devices (Nov 18, )
devel/lang/c/libretto-1.7.1.tar.gz (118291 bytes)
a library of easy-to-use generic container types for C (Mar 9, )
libs/libserial-0.1.1.tar.gz (15718 bytes)
simple serial port programming API (Jan 24, )
system/boot/lilo/lilo-colors-1.0.1.tar.gz (13801 bytes)
patch to lilo version 20 that enables it to use color for boot messages (Feb 28, )
system/boot/lilo/lilo-colors.tar.gz (13760 bytes)
patch to lilo version 20 that enables it to use color for boot messages (Jan 19, )
apps/www/misc/linbot-0.4.tar.gz (250674 bytes)
a site management tool for webmasters (Mar 22, )
system/keyboards/linux-lt-1.00.tar.gz (144163 bytes)
Lithuanian keyboard mapping (Feb 2, )
apps/sound/linux-sound-recorder-0.01.tar.gz (5711 bytes)
a simple program to record samples from your soundcard (Dec 13, )
logos/penguins/linux_logo-2.00.tar.gz (20424 bytes)
ANSI Color Penguin Logo that can be run at bootup (Mar 13, )
devel/lang/lisp/lisp-debug-0.6.tar.gz (225528 bytes)
source-level debugger/stepper/profiler for GCL, uses TCL/TK (Dec 30, )
utils/console/lockvc-3.0-savers.tgz (10191 bytes)
virtual console locking program w/ screensaver (Nov 16, )
utils/console/lockvc-3.0.tgz (78900 bytes)
virtual console locking program w/ screensaver (Nov 13, )
libs/logwrites-1.5.tar.gz (11602 bytes)
library for logging file modifications (Nov 22, )
utils/file/lowercase-1.0.tar.gz (1352 bytes)
shell script to convert files or directories to lowercase (Jan 23, )
system/printing/lpr-linux-1.0.0.tar.gz (108224 bytes)
line printer suite derived from the OpenBSD project with security fixes (Nov 17, )
apps/sound/cdrom/curses/lyn0.8a.9L.tar.gz (115559 bytes)
curses CD player with CD database (Nov 18, )
apps/wp/lyx-0.12.0-linux-elf-x86-libc5-bin.tar.gz (1387965 bytes)
WYSIWYG front end for LaTeX [src] (Feb 17, )
apps/wp/lyx-0.12.0.tar.gz (1730837 bytes)
WYSIWYG front end for LaTeX [src] (Feb 16, )
utils/compress/lzop-0.96.tar.gz (138743 bytes)
Tool to make working with archives easier (Mar 16, )
system/keyboards/magic-keyboard-0.1.tar.gz (12954 bytes)
allows you to use one physical keyboard with several linux machines (Dec 3, )
apps/crypto/mailcrypt-3.5b1.tar.gz (123254 bytes)
Emacs/PGP interface for PGP 2.6.* and PGP 5.0. (Feb 4, )
apps/crypto/mapil-0.2.1.tar.gz (42817 bytes)
PGP interface script for mail user agents (Dec 5, )
system/admin/frontends/mat-0.15.tgz (706013 bytes)
distributed management tool for Linux, SunOS, and Solaris machines (Jan 28, )
apps/wp/maxwell-0.5.2.tar.gz (1430130 bytes)
WYSIWYG word processor with RTF import/export (Mar 12, )
X11/clocks/mclock-1.0.tar.gz (18401 bytes)
clock designed to run in a toolbar button (Oct 16, )
kernel/patches/console/mda-0.13.tar.gz (25536 bytes)
MDA/Hercules monitor driver module (Dec 27, )
system/hardware/memtest86-1.4.tar.gz (27394 bytes)
memory tester for x86 systems (Feb 3, )
apps/graphics/viewers/X/mgv-2.3-bin.tar.gz (715608 bytes)
Motif PostScript viewer based on Ghostview 1.5 (Feb 17, )
apps/graphics/viewers/X/mgv-2.3-ps.tar.gz (578753 bytes)
Motif PostScript viewer based on Ghostview 1.5 (Feb 17, )
apps/graphics/viewers/X/mgv-2.3.tar.gz (441165 bytes)
Motif PostScript viewer based on Ghostview 1.5 (Feb 17, )
apps/doctools/info/minfo-1.7.19.tar.gz (593421 bytes)
Motif-based X browser for GNU's info documents (Nov 1, )
apps/serialcomm/dialout/minicom-1.80.1.src.tar.gz (230775 bytes)
serial comm program with zmodem support -- very nifty (Mar 22, )
libs/compression/minilzo-1.04.tar.gz (25813 bytes)
lightweight version of lzo library (Mar 16, )
system/network/file-transfer/mirror-2.8.tar.gz (71630 bytes)
industrial strength mirror script (Feb 27, )
system/backup/mirrordir-0.9.15.tar.gz (180482 bytes)
mirror a directory tree in every detail, suitable for timed backups of disk drives (Mar 17, )
games/arcade/miscom.tar.gz (93995 bytes)
curses missile-command game (Feb 21, )
apps/sound/mixers/mixer-2.3.tar.gz (7962 bytes)
change master and auxillary volumes(cd,fm,dsp,line) of a soundcard (Mar 18, )
system/filesystems/dosfs/mkdosfs-ygg-0.3c.tar.gz (19207 bytes)
makes a DOS filesystem (like DOS's own format) (Dec 6, )
system/bbs/mail/mmail-0.11.tar.gz (85808 bytes)
bluwave compatible offline reader for QWK (Mar 21, )
apps/sound/players/mmsp-0.6.tar.gz (124663 bytes)
a graphical XVIEW frontend for rplay (Feb 25, )
apps/sound/players/mplay.tar.gz (8260 bytes)
a shell script that plays multiple sound files (Oct 19, )
system/shells/interpcom-1.1.tar.gz (575636 bytes)
extensible command interpreter prototype (Mar 21, )
science/lab/xmana-1.3.tar.gz (306219 bytes)
program for graphical interactive data analysis, companion to xmad (Feb 27, )
system/network/serial/ppp/xmodemlights1.0.tgz (7203 bytes)
show your modem's status lights on an X display (Mar 12, )
X11/xutils/xmodpointer-0.1.tar.gz (3585 bytes)
lets you modify the buttons settings on XInput devices such as the Wacom pads (Mar 18, )
apps/sound/players/xmp-1.1.4.tar.gz (185396 bytes)
Extended Module Player, a tracked music player (Feb 4, )
apps/database/sql/xmsql-0.4.2.tgz (83709 bytes)
X Windows frontend for the MiniSQL database engine (Feb 6, )
system/admin/accounts/xnew-0.4a.tar.gz (37616 bytes)
programs for requesting and creating user accounts (Mar 2, )
X11/fonts/Xfstt-0.9.8.tgz (71505 bytes)
X Font Server for *.ttf fonts (Mar 24, )
apps/financial/accounting/banal-0.04.README.html (5442 bytes)
book-keeping (and other stuff) for small businesses (Mar 24, )
apps/financial/accounting/banal-0.04.tar.gz (70565 bytes)
book-keeping (and other stuff) for small businesses (Mar 24, )
apps/sound/players/cmp3-1.2.tar.gz (82531 bytes)
curses-based frontend to mpg123 (Mar 24, )
utils/text/dos2unix-3.0.tar.gz (11198 bytes)
converts text files in DOS format to UNIX format (Feb 4, )
apps/graphics/draw/fontanim-0.9.tgz (43296 bytes)
animated ascii-art fonts suitable for boot-time logos (Nov 16, )
games/amusements/fortune/fortune-0.1.tar.gz (1821 bytes)
fast version of fortune using mmap (Mar 9, )
games/amusements/fortune/fortune-fr.726.tgz (37420 bytes)
fortunes for French users (Feb 12, )
games/amusements/fortune/fortune-fr.748.tgz (38723 bytes)
fortunes for French users (Feb 17, )
games/amusements/fortune/ (408734 bytes)
fortunes for Italian users (Jan 9, )
utils/text/fprint-3.0.0.tar.gz (24366 bytes)
prints text files using Linux console font (Feb 8, )
kernel/getkernel-1.1.1.tar.gz (9014 bytes)
script for fetching a current kernel version (Feb 1, )
X11/xutils/khostchooser-0.2.2.tgz (97165 bytes)
KDE replacement for default X host chooser (Jan 20, )
X11/xutils/ksnapshot-0.2.3.tar.gz (106293 bytes)
KDE screen grabber (Jan 20, )
apps/misc/kwhereis.tar.gz (10708 bytes)
KDE replacement for whereis (Jan 20, )
apps/serialcomm/modem/lfono-1.3.tar.gz (19193 bytes)
Linux XForms speakerphone program (Jan 16, )
apps/www/browsers/lynx2.7.2-1.color.ELF.static.tar.gz (607463 bytes)
WWW browser usable on text-only terminals (Jan 18, )
libs/compression/lzo-1.04.tar.gz (270091 bytes)
real-time data compression library (Mar 16, )
apps/sound/players/mikmod-3.0.3.tar.gz (251884 bytes)
ncurses based module player (Mar 21, )
apps/sound/mixers/mix-1.0.tar.gz (11954 bytes)
a console mixer program (Dec 4, )
apps/sound/cdrom/cli/cdtool-2.1.4.tar.gz (24634 bytes)
command line utilities for audio cds (Mar 24, )
hardware/cmostool-1.0.tar.gz (12917 bytes)
display and change values in machine CMOS (Mar 24, )
apps/sound/editors/mp3tag0.2b.src.tgz (8698 bytes)
editor for mp3 tags (Mar 17, )
devel/lang/c/mpr-1.7.tar.gz (95040 bytes)
a poor man's memory profiler for Unix programs (Oct 22, )
utils/disk-management/mtools-3.9.tar.gz (260441 bytes)
progs to access dos filesystems w/ long filenames (Mar 10, )
system/network/management/mtr-0.16.tar.gz (40443 bytes)
combined traceroute & ping program (Mar 22, )
kernel/patches/console/multimon-2.0.32.tar.gz (99737 bytes)
multiple monitor kernel support (Feb 19, )
system/mail/mua/mutt-0.89.1.elf.tar.gz (259698 bytes)
the mutt mailreader with color and built-in POP3 (Jan 31, )
utils/file/mvcase-0.1.tar.gz (9467 bytes)
modified version of mv, used to convert filenames to lower/upper case (Dec 29, )
devel/lang/assemblers/nasm-0.97.tar.gz (1106071 bytes)
assembler/disassembler for 8x86 chips (Dec 6, )
system/benchmark/nbench-byte-2.1.tar.gz (195315 bytes)
Byte magazine benchmarks (Dec 11, )
system/network/file-transfer/ncftp-2.4.2+ltr-1.0.tgz (2552 bytes)
give ncftp the capability to throttle the transfer rate (Jan 31, )
system/boot/ethernet/netboot-0.7.3.tar.gz (480052 bytes)
allows booting of diskless workstations, NFS root (Feb 8, )
system/news/misc/news2mail-1.1.tar.gz (14585 bytes)
Usenet -> e-mail gateway (Feb 18, )
system/news/transport/newscache-0.9.8.tar.gz (395643 bytes)
cache server for Usenet News (Dec 5, )
system/news/readers/newsfetch-1.11-1.i386.rpm (8467 bytes)
utility to download news from an NNTP server and store in mailbox format [RPM] (Mar 9, )
system/news/readers/newsfetch-1.11-1.src.rpm (8090 bytes)
utility to download news from an NNTP server and store [SRPM] (Mar 9, )
system/news/readers/newsfetch-1.11.tar.gz (6222 bytes)
utility to download news from an NNTP server and store [src] (Mar 9, )
apps/serialcomm/machines/newtonlink-1.26.tar.gz (224368 bytes)
transfer data between Apple Newton PDA and Linux (Jan 11, )
system/admin/accounts/newuser-1.0.tar.gz (10666 bytes)
Shell script, add new user and send welcome msg (Mar 6, )
utils/file/managers/fof-0.99a-beta-i386LinuxElf-shared.tar.gz (736358 bytes)
ELF shared binaries of FOF (Nov 16, )
utils/file/managers/fof-0.99a-beta-i386LinuxElf-static.tar.gz (1249992 bytes)
static ELF shared binaries of FOF (Nov 16, )
utils/file/managers/fof-0.99a-beta-sources.tar.gz (741343 bytes)
Fred's Own Filemanager sources (Nov 16, )
apps/graphics/suites/dislin/dislin-6.3.F.tar.gz (3327803 bytes)
graphics and plotting library used to implement GCL Linux Imagine F version (Feb 26, 1998 6:10:29 EST)
apps/graphics/suites/dislin/ (4936104 bytes)
graphics and plotting library used to implement GCL (Feb 26, 1998 6:12:59 EST)
apps/graphics/suites/dislin/dislin-6.3.html.tar.gz (739936 bytes)
HTML docs for DISLIN (Feb 26, 1998 6:13:20 EST)
apps/graphics/suites/dislin/dislin-6.3.nagf90.tar.gz (3313935 bytes)
graphics and plotting library used to implement GCL Linux NAG f90 version (Feb 26, 1998 6:15:1 EST)
apps/graphics/suites/dislin/ (359393 bytes)
Perl version (Feb 26, 1998 6:15:9 EST)
apps/graphics/suites/dislin/ (1299576 bytes)
Python version (Feb 26, 1998 6:15:45 EST)
apps/graphics/suites/dislin/ (371426 bytes)
HTML docs for DISLIN (Feb 26, 1998 6:16:0 EST)
apps/graphics/suites/dislin/dislin-6.3.tar.gz (4553113 bytes)
graphics and plotting library used to implement GCL (Feb 26, 1998 6:18:48 EST)
apps/database/kaenguru-0.2.alpha.tar.gz (423119 bytes)
a meta database system build around a small Scheme interpreter (Mar 24, )
libs/X/gle.2.3.tar.gz (496075 bytes)
library for drawing extruded surfaces (Dec 20, 1997 6:36:47 EST)
apps/www/plugins/nolce-1.8.1.tar.gz (46661 bytes)
allows offline navigation of the Netscape Navigator disk cache (Jan 27, )
utils/scripts/note-1.2.1.tar.gz (3435 bytes)
shell script for creating and using personal notepads (Jan 30, )
apps/www/plugins/npamp-0.1.2.tar.gz (142247 bytes)
a Netscape plugin frontend to amp (Nov 16, )
kernel/sound/nsm-truesound-decoder-1.2.2.tar.gz (31769 bytes)
driver for the NSM TrueSound Decoder card (Oct 10, )
system/network/serial/occ-v4.tgz (21129 bytes)
online cost calculator (Nov 4, )
devel/lang/assemblers/optimizer-0.0.9f.tar.gz (43932 bytes)
optimizer for "as" assembler files (Pentium & Pentium Pro) (Feb 9, )
apps/sound/mixers/ossmixer-0.3.tgz (42674 bytes)
audio mixer program, based on OSS API, using Qt toolkit (Jan 20, )
kernel/patches/misc/linux-2.1.62.fixes.patch (12773 bytes)
Needed fixes for kernel code changes. (Nov 5, 1997 15:22:19 EST)
kernel/patches/misc/linux-2.1.65.fixes.patch (12708 bytes)
Needed fixes for kernel code changes. (Nov 19, 1997 15:46:39 EST)
utils/file/managers/linuxtree-0.0.1.tar.gz (29912 bytes)
file manager for linux (Feb 4, 1998 3:53:52 EST)
system/network/chat/irc/ll++-0.99.tgz (34806 bytes)
advanced link looker for IRC (Nov 28, 1997 11:17:57 EST)
docs/linux-doc-project/man-pages/man-pages-ja-0.3.tar.gz (1040408 bytes)
Over 650 Japanese man pages for Linux (section 1 to 8) (Mar 3, 1998 7:47:57 EST)
docs/linux-doc-project/man-pages/maninstall-1.04.2.tar.gz (5954 bytes)
Perl script to assist with the installation of man pages (Feb 9, 1998 18:20:52 EST)
docs/linux-doc-project/man-pages/manpages-es-0.3a.tgz (315693 bytes)
Spanish man pages for Linux (Mar 2, 1998 8:26:51 EST)
apps/math/ginkgo-0.07.tar.gz (15609 bytes)
svgalib math package and graphing program with user shell (Mar 24, )
devel/lang/c++/mawc-0.2.tar.gz (228431 bytes)
widget layout system & beginning of an IDE (Jan 28, )
apps/database/postgresSQL/mpsql-1.5.3-static-linux-bin.tgz (1083475 bytes)
interactive query tool for Postgres95 [bin] (Mar 24, )
apps/database/postgresSQL/mpsql-1.5.3.tgz (70968 bytes)
interactive query tool for Postgres95 [src] (Mar 24, )
system/network/management/mtr-0.17.tar.gz (43740 bytes)
combined traceroute & ping program (Mar 24, )
games/arcade/nighthawk-1.0.tgz (91149 bytes)
X arcade game resembling Nighthawk and Paradroid (Dec 18, )
system/filesystems/ovlfs1.0.src.tgz (103715 bytes)
overlay file system support for Linux (Mar 11, )
system/printing/p910nd-0.1.tar.gz (4479 bytes)
tiny non-spooling printer daemon, accepts jobs over TCP/IP from spooling hosts (Mar 17, )
apps/www/mirroring/pavuk-0.8.tgz (424633 bytes)
mirroring package for HTTP/FTP/Gopher (Feb 27, )
apps/reminder/pcal41-linux.tar.gz (78877 bytes)
print nice-looking PostScript calendars (Jan 12, )
devel/lang/pascal/pcc-1.3.tar.gz (18080 bytes)
front end pseudo compiler for p2c translator, analogous to f77 for f2c (Jan 4, )
hardware/pciutils-1.02.tar.gz (34891 bytes)
inspect and set status of devices connected to PCI bus (Feb 15, )
utils/text/pdict.tar.gz (15796 bytes)
phonetic word lookup in the Unix system dictionary (Mar 9, )
utils/shell/pdmenu-1.2.30.tar.gz (82978 bytes)
Simple full screen menu program, can be used as login shell for the newbies (Jan 2, )
system/network/file-transfer/pftp-0.7.6.tar.gz (29804 bytes)
FTP-like transfer program that works within telnet sessions (Feb 13, )
games/strategy/phalanx-13.tar.gz (264288 bytes)
chess program for Linux, Xboard compatible (Mar 16, )
apps/graphics/capture/photopc-2.3.tar.gz (47548 bytes)
library and command-line tool to drive the Epson PhotoPC digital still camera (Mar 1, )
apps/graphics/modeling/pixcon-106.tgz (2859275 bytes)
3D rendering package w/ shading (Feb 26, )
apps/financial/point-of-sale/pizza_delivery_system-small.tgz (446676 bytes)
pizza delivery trackingsystem for small pizzerias (Dec 6, )
apps/financial/point-of-sale/pizza_delivery_tutorial.tgz (1097621 bytes)
tutorial on the PDS software (Dec 6, )
apps/reminder/datebooks/plan-1.7.1-src-stat.tar.gz (1277566 bytes)
X11/Motif Schedule Planner statically linked (Feb 22, )
apps/sound/players/playmidi-2.3.pplt-fix.diff.gz (2898 bytes)
fix diff for playmidi 2.3 (Feb 16, )
apps/financial/accounting/pm-1.2.bin.ELF.tar.gz (202440 bytes)
A free money managing package for Linux/Unix/X Windows (Jan 25, )
system/mail/pop/poppy-1.1.tar.gz (21275 bytes)
simple Perl script to retrieve mail headers from POP3 server and view/save/del them (Oct 29, )
system/mail/pop/poptart-0.9.8.tar.gz (27860 bytes)
a highly configurable POP3 mail client (Oct 19, )
system/printing/powercolor-0.1.tar.gz (9848 bytes)
graphical frontend for setting some printing parameters for HP Deskjets (Feb 7, )
games/muds/powwow-0.9.6.tar.gz (122089 bytes)
a client for MUME and other MUDs (Jan 20, )
system/network/serial/ppp-in-a-box-1.01.tar.gz (3713 bytes)
flexible ppp configuration package for Linux (Nov 7, )
system/network/serial/ppp/ppp-static-patch-1.1.tar.gz (1673 bytes)
simple patch against ppp-2.2.0f to shell out static IPss (Mar 2, )
system/network/serial/ppp-system1.2f.bug (448 bytes)
a complete PPP connect system supporting multiple lines, firewalling, forwarding (Dec 28, )
system/network/serial/ppp-system1.2f.tgz (12337 bytes)
a complete PPP connect system supporting multiple lines, firewalling, forwarding (Dec 21, )
system/network/serial/ppp/pppmultidial-1.0.tar.gz (13007 bytes)
attack-dial a set of ppp cinnecrion numbers (Oct 19, )
system/network/serial/ppp/pppsetup-1.98.tar.gz (78697 bytes)
script to aid in PPP configuration (Feb 22, )
system/status/ps/procinfo-13.tar.gz (20988 bytes)
displays system info from /proc (Mar 6, )
system/status/ps/procps-1.2.6.tar.gz (155849 bytes)
/proc fs based ps, top etc (Feb 9, )
system/status/ps/psmisc-17.tar.gz (20330 bytes)
pstree, killall, and fuser source (Feb 17, )
system/mail/mailhandlers/pypost-1.0.tar.gz (13666 bytes)
python preprocessor for your MTA, for decorarting outgoing mail (Dec 6, )
games/quake/q2-wrapper-0.01.tar.gz (18314 bytes)
C wrapper for quake2 that makes it behave more like a Unix program (Mar 13, )
apps/sound/mixers/qtmixer-1.0.tar.gz (14274 bytes)
X-windows based soundcard mixer program (Feb 5, )
apps/sound/players/rap-1.0.tar.gz (10890 bytes)
Play RealAudio[tm] from the command line (Dec 13, )
utils/file/ras-0.90.tar.gz (41832 bytes)
Redundant Archive System (Jan 13, )
utils/file/ras-1.00.tar.gz (46744 bytes)
Redundant Archive System (Feb 18, )
system/status/mempeak-0.24.tar.gz (19870 bytes)
periodic monitoring of memory usage (Mar 14, )
system/admin/accounts/metash-0.3.tar.gz (3121 bytes)
system shell launcher that sets environment/umask/resource limits by user (Nov 30, )
system/network/file-transfer/mk-ftp-stats-1.0.tar.gz (2484 bytes)
converts the xferlog file to a human readable format (Mar 4, )
apps/financial/accounting/moneydance-0.8.tgz (103745 bytes)
personal finance manager written in Java (Mar 24, )
apps/graphics/hacks/curses/mss.tar.gz (8183 bytes)
stars demo on your curses screen (Oct 13, )
kernel/patches/misc/ncr3125pen2.gz (7508 bytes)
NCR3125 notepad pen driver and power off on shutdown patch for 2.0.30 (Nov 24, )
apps/www/mirroring/pavuk-0.8pl1.tgz (405839 bytes)
mirroring package for HTTP/FTP/Gopher (Mar 25, )
apps/ham/pbpg-1.1.oz6bl.tar.gz (37411 bytes)
tools for communicating with Pacsats that support the FTL0 protocol (Mar 25, )
system/misc/procdirs-0.22.gz (1023 bytes)
list current working directories of all running processes (Jan 5, )
apps/video/pxdrv-0.06.tar.gz (27560 bytes)
device driver for the ImageNation PX500 frame grabber (Mar 25, )
system/daemons/init/r2d2-0.6.3.tar.gz (33057 bytes)
sysV-compatible boot-time service launcher thaty avoids a mess of links (Nov 30, )
system/install/redhatplipks-1.0.tar.gz (14098 bytes)
RedHat kickstart over PLIP, boot disk patches and HOWTO (Feb 5, )
utils/text/rels-1.4.tar.gz (95370 bytes)
score relevance of a document to keywords by phonetic match (Feb 23, )
system/install/ (1341386 bytes)
Red Hat 5.0 boot floppy for installing Red Hat 5.0 from a Joliet-format CD (Jan 24, )
utils/package/rhupgrade-2.0.tar.gz (54010 bytes)
Perl script to assist hand upgrade from RedHat 4.x to 4.y (Mar 7, )
apps/graphics/misc/rippuken-0.07.tar.gz (19747 bytes)
extracts sprites from the .spr files found in the Lose95 port of SS2 (Nov 5, )
system/bbs/rocat-1.06.tar.gz (941658 bytes)
full-featured BBS ported to Unix (Nov 2, )
apps/math/roman-v1.1.tar.gz (14033 bytes)
convert between Roman and decimal Arabic numerals (Feb 17, )
utils/package/rpmtar-2.4.2-2.i386.rpm.tar.gz (260573 bytes)
?? (Dec 7, )
utils/package/rpmtar-2.4.2-2.src.rpm.tar.gz (328874 bytes)
?? (Dec 7, )
system/keyboards/ (9690 bytes)
Windows Cyrillic keyboard layout (Mar 8, )
system/serial/getty/rungetty-0.5.0.tar.gz (13321 bytes)
a minimal getty that can run any program, not just login (Dec 4, )
system/admin/login/sac-1.6.tgz (50302 bytes)
performs login accounting (better then ac) (Nov 13, )
apps/graphics/capture/sane-0.70-0.71.diff.gz (83995 bytes)
diifs from previous version (Feb 24, )
apps/graphics/capture/sane-0.71.tar.gz (565354 bytes)
SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) universal scanner interface project (Feb 24, )
apps/sound/speech/screader-1.5.bin.tar.gz (99139 bytes)
speech-to-text translastor (Mar 9, )
kernel/patches/scsi/scsi-changer-0.07.tar.gz (16691 bytes)
SCSI Media Changer (Jukebox) device driver (Oct 14, )
kernel/patches/scsi/scsi-idle-2.0.30.tar.gz (6112 bytes)
stops spindle on SCSI disks after inactivity (Jan 11, )
kernel/patches/scsi/scsi-idle-2.1.62.tar.gz (6425 bytes)
stops spindle on SCSI disks after inactivity (Nov 8, )
devel/lang/eiffel/se-0.82.tar.gz (1699936 bytes)
eiffel compiler and tools (Feb 7, )
apps/graphics/viewers/svga/seejpeg-1.7.tgz (44568 bytes)
svgalib based JPEG viewer (Jan 11, )
apps/sound/mixers/setmix-0.6.tar.gz (14790 bytes)
program to set and read mixers settings using a file (Jan 31, )
utils/terminal/settrans1.2.tar.gz (2704 bytes)
sets terminal translation (Feb 8, )
apps/sound/soundcard/setvol.tar.gz (3144 bytes)
command-line utility for playing with sound card settings (Feb 6, )
system/network/file-transfer/sftp-0.9.tar.gz (58093 bytes)
small, fast, efficient FTP client (Oct 26, )
system/admin/shadow-971215.tar.gz (431758 bytes)
shadow password suite (Dec 15, )
system/backup/shak-2.2a.tar.gz (155227 bytes)
script wrapper for backing up files (Dec 30, )
kernel/patches/serial/sidrv.taz (45667 bytes)
driver for Specialix cards (Jan 29, )
utils/text/signify-1.03.tar.gz (19462 bytes)
perl tool to gerneate random signatures (Oct 11, )
apps/tex/simple-2.1.1.tgz (67646 bytes)
macro preprocessor adapted for TeX (Feb 13, )
devel/lang/simula/simulatools-1.2.tar.gz (232952 bytes)
tools for the programming language SIMULA (Feb 5, )
apps/www/indexing/sitemap-1.5.tar.gz (5602 bytes)
generate site-map pages from META DESCRIPTION tags in an HTML tree (Mar 23, )
system/network/chat/sjchat-1.0.tgz (42466 bytes)
prototype Java chat client and server (Feb 20, )
system/news/readers/slrn- (272297 bytes)
threaded newsreader built on slrn library (Feb 11, )
system/network/ (2371057 bytes)
package to support Sun SPARCstation machines as Xterminal clients of Linux machines (Feb 17, )
system/network/chat/irc/smirc-0.60beta.bin.static.tgz (996815 bytes)
X11R6 IRC client, based on the Motif widget set (Dec 24, )
system/network/chat/irc/smirc-0.60beta.tgz (185901 bytes)
X11R6 IRC client, based on the Motif widget set (dynamically linked) (Dec 24, )
apps/sound/mixers/smix-1.1.tar.gz (33775 bytes)
xforms based audio mixer (Dec 11, )
apps/serialcomm/machines/sms_client-2.0.5.tgz (27127 bytes)
client for the Cellnet GSM Short Message Service centre using TAP (Feb 1, )
games/arcade/sofie-0.2.tar.gz (522713 bytes)
space-fighting demo for a 3d graphics engine with collision detection (Nov 13, )
system/network/misc/spak-0.6b.tar.gz (36646 bytes)
a TCP/IP packet assembler (Mar 2, )
system/backup/span-0.2.tar.gz (20144 bytes)
span data across or read data from multiple removable disks (Mar 23, )
apps/cai/spantut-1.2.tar.gz (18200 bytes)
foreign language vocabulary practise through Q&A self-testing (Jan 24, )
apps/serialcomm/modem/speaker-1.0.1.tar.gz (31429 bytes)
speakerphone application for US Robotics and Rockwell voice modems (Jan 12, )
system/emulators/zx/spectemu-0.91.tar.gz (174896 bytes)
Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator for Linux (Jan 20, )
apps/circuits/spice3f4-patches-1.1.tar.gz (10269 bytes)
Berkeley Spice Linux Patches (Dec 7, )
apps/circuits/spicecad-1.5.1-linuxelf.tar.gz (1845323 bytes)
Linux ELF spicecad binaries (Feb 2, )
apps/circuits/spicecad-1.5.1.tar.gz (1149401 bytes)
spicecad sources (Feb 2, )
apps/sound/players/splay-0.8.1.tar.gz (455181 bytes)
Play MPEG Layer 1,2,3 and Wave file in i?86-pc-linux (Jan 14, )
science/visualization/plotting/spline29c.tar.gz (22605 bytes)
curve-fit using splines (Dec 15, )
utils/file/spltu108.tgz (6487 bytes)
splits files into chuncks and reassembles them (Jan 10, )
apps/video/sqcam-0.2.tar.gz (17197 bytes)
full-screen SVGAlib QuickCam viewer (Jan 27, )
apps/database/postgres/sqlforms-0.6.1.tar.gz (77043 bytes)
visual form editor for making easy to use PostgreSQL classes (Mar 4, )
apps/circuits/srecord-1.1.spec (1504 bytes)
RPM spec for srecord (Mar 22, )
apps/circuits/srecord-1.1.tar.gz (92683 bytes)
editing tools for PROM-burner load files (Mar 22, )
utils/shell/ssmenu-1.14.tar.gz (15667 bytes)
Simple Shell Menu menuing system (Nov 19, )
kernel/patches/serial/stallion-5.4.0.tar.gz (134038 bytes)
driver for Stallion Technologies multiport boards (Jan 23, )
devel/lang/basic/stbasic09.tar.gz (174115 bytes)
structured BASIC Interpreter (Jan 5, )
system/admin/su/su1-4.2.tgz (25260 bytes)
allows selected users to run root programs (Dec 15, )
system/news/transport/suck-3.9.1.tar.gz (171956 bytes)
pull news off a C news or NNTP host (Feb 12, )
libs/graphics/svgalib-1.2.13.tar.gz (869355 bytes)
support for pixel graphics on an SVGA screen (Dec 10, )
games/arcade/svgatennis.tgz (2014258 bytes)
An SVGAlib tennis game. Mouse/Keyboard control (Mar 8, )
apps/www/indexing/swat-2.1.beta4.tar.gz (61121 bytes)
search your website by keywords (Jan 3, )
apps/sound/lightshow/synaesthesia-1.3.tar.gz (36511 bytes)
a program for displaying sounds from CD or line input (Feb 15, )
system/daemons/sysklogd-1.3-25.tar.gz (87008 bytes)
daemon to log system and kernel messages (Mar 20, )
system/daemons/init/sysvinit-2.74.tar.gz (99534 bytes)
init program w/ System V syntax (Mar 18, )
libs/graphics/t1lib-0.6-beta.tar.gz (780257 bytes)
rasterizer library for Adobe Type 1 fonts (Mar 18, )
utils/file/tag-types-0.0.6.tar.gz (32355 bytes)
tag-types utilities manipulate files of a format similar to that of lsm (Mar 8, )
games/amusements/tama-1.0.tar.gz (16017 bytes)
Net Tamagotchi server - maintains multiple virtual pets (Dec 26, )
system/backup/tape-scripts-1.00-1.i386.rpm (7405 bytes)
sSimple scripts for tape archive management (Feb 8, )
system/backup/tape-scripts-1.00-1.src.rpm (6828 bytes)
simple scripts for tape archive management [SRPM] (Feb 8, )
apps/sound/cdrom/curses/tcd-2.0b.bin.static.tar.gz (608084 bytes)
compact curses based CD player (Feb 23, )
apps/sound/cdrom/curses/tcd-2.0b.bin.tar.gz (36574 bytes)
compact curses based CD player (Feb 23, )
apps/sound/cdrom/curses/tcd-2.0b.tar.gz (81425 bytes)
compact curses based CD player (Feb 23, )
system/network/admin/tcpquota_1.6.8.tar.gz (60669 bytes)
monitors and debits TCP/IP connect-time quotas for users (Jan 23, )
apps/serialcomm/fax/tefax-0.15-doc.tgz (162616 bytes)
front end for efax, looks like elm (Feb 11, )
apps/serialcomm/fax/tefax-0.15.tgz (73898 bytes)
front end for efax, looks like elm (Feb 11, )
system/network/telnet/telnet+vh-0.10.tgz (77997 bytes)
telnet hacked to support virtual hosts (Dec 14, )
system/network/daemons/telprox-plus.0.7.tar.gz (12729 bytes)
telnet proxy server, enhanced version of telprox-0.2 (Jan 8, )
system/security/termlock-0.2.tar.gz (30256 bytes)
security shell prevents non-users from logging on with known account/passwd (Mar 19, )
apps/editors/emacs/tet-1.4.tar.gz (10482 bytes)
Tom's Emacs Toolkit & Template (Mar 5, )
X11/clocks/timers-1.25.tar.gz (15803 bytes)
manages stopwatches for timing things (Feb 9, )
X11/desktop/tkdesk-1.0b5.bin.ELF.static.tar.gz (365162 bytes)
Tcl/Tk desktop with drag'n'drop, many features [static ELF binaries] (Dec 16, )
X11/desktop/tkdesk-1.0b5.bin.ELF.tar.gz (49180 bytes)
Tcl/Tk desktop with drag'n'drop, many features [dynamic ELF binaries] (Dec 16, )
X11/desktop/tkdesk-1.0b5.bin.common.tar.gz (537293 bytes)
Tcl/Tk desktop with drag'n'drop, many features (Dec 16, )
X11/desktop/tkdesk-1.0b5.tar.gz (823423 bytes)
Tcl/Tk desktop with drag'n'drop, many features (Dec 16, )
apps/doctools/info/tkinfo-2.4.tar.gz (54753 bytes)
Tcl/Tk-based browser for documentation in GNU info (Jan 28, )
apps/graphics/misc/tnimage-2.6.5e.linux.static.tar.gz (2505459 bytes)
TN-Image image analysis program [statically linked] (Feb 2, )
apps/graphics/misc/tnimage-2.6.5e.linux.tar.gz (1567912 bytes)
TN-Image image analysis program (Feb 2, )
apps/graphics/misc/tnimage-2.6.5e.manual.html.tar.gz (1014649 bytes)
TN-Image image analysis program HTML manual (Feb 2, )
system/recovery/tomsrtbt- (1759893 bytes)
boot/root rescue disk with a lot of hardware support and tools (Mar 19, )
system/misc/totem-2.1.tar.gz (12818 bytes)
associates kernel version with names via /proc/totem (Oct 25, )
apps/sound/players/tplay-0.5.1.tar.gz (35965 bytes)
A simple buffered audio player (Feb 20, )
apps/tex/ts-9802.tgz (293074 bytes)
X based TeX shell (like dos texshell) (Feb 9, )
games/arcade/tutanchamun-0.1.1.tar.gz (35118 bytes)
tutankamen clone for SVGA (Feb 4, )
devel/lang/c++/tvision-0.5.tar.gz (190057 bytes)
TurboVision for UNIX (Nov 5, )
apps/ham/log/twlog-1.1.0.tar.gz (1066477 bytes)
GUI program that records basic ham log information (Nov 25, )
X11/xutils/type1inst-0.6.1.tar.gz (27966 bytes)
generate the "fonts.scale" file required to use Type 1 PostScript fonts (Feb 11, )
utils/compress/tzip-1.11-1.i386.rpm (18344 bytes)
block-sorting data compressor (Feb 7, )
utils/compress/tzip-1.11-1.src.rpm (15311 bytes)
block-sorting data compressor [RPM] (Feb 7, )
utils/package/unrpm-install-32.ELF.tar.gz (331639 bytes)
unpacker for RPM and Debian packages (Jan 9, )
apps/www/mirroring/urlget-3.12.tar.gz (36137 bytes)
command-line application that gets a file using HTTP, GOPHER or FTP (Mar 15, )
apps/www/mirroring/urlmon-23.tgz (25706 bytes)
monitor changed status of remote URLs (Jan 13, )
system/admin/isp/usage-0.2.tar.gz (15029 bytes)
WWW usage log generator (Dec 9, )
system/admin/su/usershutdown-1.1.tar.gz (2565 bytes)
allows selected users, controlled by a file in /etc, to shut down the system (Jan 1, )
apps/circuits/vbs-1.3.5-static-bin.gz (273786 bytes)
verilog simulator [bin] (Mar 17, )
apps/circuits/vbs-1.3.5.tar.gz (196015 bytes)
verilog simulator (Mar 17, )
apps/circuits/ver-0.9.6.tgz (288327 bytes)
Structural Verilog compiler for UN*X operating systems (Jan 25, )
libs/graphics/vgagl4-0.1.0.tar.gz (68740 bytes)
16-color modes extension to the graphics library vgagl of svgalib v1.28 (Oct 21, )
science/cartography/vhclserv-0.3.1-LINUX.tgz (245969 bytes)
adds vehicle driving on terrain to ivmaps viewers [src] (Mar 9, )
science/cartography/vhclserv-0.3.1.tgz (79482 bytes)
adds vehicle driving on terrain to ivmaps viewers [src] (Mar 9, )
system/emulators/commodore/vice-0.14.1-i586-linux-gnulibc1-bin.tar.gz (899027 bytes)
Commodore C64/C128/PET/VIC20 Emulators (Mar 21, )
system/emulators/commodore/vice-0.14.1.tar.gz (793230 bytes)
Commodore C64/C128/PET/VIC20 Emulators (Mar 21, )
apps/graphics/visualization/viewmol.linux.lesstif-2.1.1.tgz (153253 bytes)
visualize output from quantum chemical and molecular mechanics programs (Feb 27, )
apps/graphics/visualization/viewmol.linux.static-2.1.1.tgz (714696 bytes)
visualize output from quantum chemical and molecular mechanics programs (Feb 27, )
apps/graphics/visualization/viewmol.source-2.1.1.tgz (521993 bytes)
visualize output from quantum chemical and molecular mechanics programs (Feb 27, )
apps/serialcomm/dialout/virtmodem.src.elf.tar.gz (87332 bytes)
allows use of zmodem etc. over a telnet connection (Feb 4, )
X11/servers/vnc-3.3.1-2.bin.tar.gz (593847 bytes)
allows you to view your X Desktop from MS Windows and vice versa (Feb 27, )
X11/servers/vnc-3.3.1-2.i386.rpm (597009 bytes)
allows you to view your X Desktop from MS Windows and vice versa [RPM] (Feb 27, )
X11/servers/vnc-3.3.1-2.src.rpm (1378695 bytes)
allows you to view your X Desktop from MS Windows and vice versa [SRPM] (Feb 27, )
apps/sound/convert/wav2cdr-1.9.tar.gz (41316 bytes)
converts sound files to music CD format (Feb 1, )
utils/file/what-1.7.tar.gz (10112 bytes)
extracts SCCS id from text/binary files (Feb 4, )
apps/www/converters/wmf-1.0.2.tar.gz (45118 bytes)
convert mail to html and create index files (Mar 17, )
apps/database/www/www-sql-0.5.0.tar.gz (136420 bytes)
CGI interface to mySQL (Feb 23, )
apps/www/servers/wwwoffle-2.1.tgz (155364 bytes)
A simple proxy HTTP server (Mar 6, )
apps/www/servers/wwwserve.tar.gz (91168 bytes)
a simple WWW server (Feb 4, )
apps/www/mirroring/wwwupdate.tar.gz (12690 bytes)
program to upload a set of web documents from a local machine to a server (Feb 18, )
apps/chinese/wzce-3.0n.LinuxX86.ELF.tgz (940138 bytes)
Wei Zhong Chinese Environment binaries (Jan 19, )
apps/financial/accounting/xacc-1.0.17-linux-i386-bin.tar.gz (1421597 bytes)
simple single-user accounting program [src] (Feb 15, )
apps/financial/accounting/xacc-1.0.17.tar.gz (938830 bytes)
simple single-user accounting program [src] (Feb 15, )
apps/ham/convers/xconvers-0.4.tar.gz (19579 bytes)
Convers client for amateur radio (Mar 10, )
apps/misc/xenmenu-0.8b.tar.gz (55756 bytes)
customizable, text-based menu generator (Mar 1, )
apps/graphics/rays/pov/xfpovray-1.3-1.i386.rpm (319764 bytes)
xforms based interface to povray [RPM] (Feb 12, )
apps/graphics/rays/pov/xfpovray-1.3-1.src.rpm (453119 bytes)
xforms based interface to povray [SRPM] (Feb 12, )
apps/graphics/rays/pov/xfpovray-1.3.1-1.i386.rpm (322350 bytes)
xforms based interface to povray [RPM] (Feb 24, )
apps/graphics/rays/pov/xfpovray-1.3.1-1.src.rpm (537713 bytes)
xforms based interface to povray [SRPM] (Feb 24, )
apps/graphics/rays/pov/xfpovray-1.3.1.tar.bz2 (480859 bytes)
xforms based interface to povray [bzipped tar] (Feb 24, )
apps/graphics/rays/pov/xfpovray-1.3.1.tgz (533492 bytes)
xforms based interface to povray [gzipped tar] (Feb 24, )
apps/graphics/rays/pov/xfpovray-1.3.tgz (448985 bytes)
xforms based interface to povray [gzipped tar] (Feb 12, )
X11/screensavers/xlockmore-4.07.tgz (1021444 bytes)
screen saver/locker for X (Feb 3, )
X11/screensavers/xlockmore-4.08.1.tgz (1026516 bytes)
screen saver/locker for X (Mar 3, )
X11/screensavers/xlockmore-4.08.2.tgz (1026577 bytes)
screen saver/locker for X (Mar 9, )
X11/screensavers/xlockmore-4.08.tgz (1026252 bytes)
screen saver/locker for X (Mar 2, )
X11/screensavers/xlockmore-4.09.tgz (1030117 bytes)
screen saver/locker for X (Mar 23, )
apps/reminder/datebooks/remind-03.00.18.tgz (260208 bytes)
reminder program, helps you maintain a schedule (Feb 19, )
devel/lang/c/shaman-0.1.10.tar.gz (208978 bytes)
a simple application library including resource management and error handling (Mar 12, )
system/backup/taper-6.8.2-6.8.3-diffs.gz (3611 bytes)
diffs from 6.8.2 (Jan 1, )
system/backup/taper-6.8.3-6.8.4-diffs.gz (4750 bytes)
diffs from 6.8.3 (Mar 7, )
system/backup/taper-6.8.4.tar.gz (315850 bytes)
full-featured backup utility (Mar 7, )
system/printing/tixlpq.tar.gz (5208 bytes)
a simple front end for lpc and lpq (Jan 21, )
utils/package/tpm-0.3.3.src.tar.gz (14385 bytes)
RPM-like manager for tar.gz archives (Oct 27, )
system/network/tu.tar.gz (111331 bytes)
parallel and imoroved traceroute (Feb 1, )
utils/compress/unrar-2.02.2.tar.gz (62586 bytes)
extract, test and view RAR archives (Dec 29, )
games/amusements/vendor1.0.0.tgz (6455 bytes)
adds a vending machine to your network (Jan 12, )
devel/lang/fortran/vg_libs.Nov.94.linux.tar.gz (120862 bytes)
source for graphical libraries used in Fortran programs (Dec 15, )
apps/sound/cdrom/X/xcdplayer-2.3a-patch-ioctl.gz (331 bytes)
fix patch for xcdplayer-2.3 (Mar 15, )
games/arcade/xnibbles-1.0BETA.tar.gz (135763 bytes)
X port of the `nibbles' game (Feb 23, )
apps/graphics/viewers/X/xpdf-0.7a.bin.tar.gz (237532 bytes)
displays pdf (acrobat) files [elf bin] (Mar 2, )
apps/graphics/viewers/X/xpdf-0.7a.tar.gz (206145 bytes)
displays pdf (acrobat) files (Mar 2, )
X11/xutils/xruskb-1.5.2.tar.gz (80907 bytes)
allows switching of two keyboard layouts (Mar 13, )
X11/screensavers/xscreensaver-2.16.tar.gz (742705 bytes)
screensaver ala After D**k (Feb 21, )
games/multiplayer/cards/xskat-2.2.tar.gz (86950 bytes)
The card game Skat, with up to 2 of 3 players simulated by computer (Mar 5, )
system/status/xtop-1.1.2.tar.gz (108129 bytes)
X based process monitor for Linux (Mar 12, )
devel/lang/fortran/yaf77-1.6.tgz (9655 bytes)
f2c derivative with extra instrinsics (Mar 16, )
apps/editors/X/yudit-0.97.tar.gz (691463 bytes)
unicode text editor for X Windows (Feb 9, )
system/network/telnet/ztelnet-1.1.src.elf.tar.gz (334014 bytes)
telnet with built-in ZMODEM support (Feb 17, )
system/serial/modem-stats-1.0.1.src.elf.tar.gz (50659 bytes)
sends commands and queries modems (Jan 28, )
utils/file/rmsafe-0.1.tar.gz (17471 bytes)
`safe' remove and unremove utilities (Nov 18, )
apps/circuits/spice3f5sbins.tgz (2290472 bytes)
spice 3f5 binaries (Mar 14, )
kernel/patches/diskdrives/supermount-0.6.diff.gz (24445 bytes)
transparent kernel support for removable media (Nov 24, )
system/news/readers/tinpre-1.4-980202.elf.tar.gz (315351 bytes)
ELF binaries for tin-1.4 (Feb 3, )
system/news/readers/tinpre-1.4-980226.elf.tar.gz (319208 bytes)
ELF binaries for tin-1.4 (Feb 26, )
system/daemons/tircproxy-0.2.0.tgz (17419 bytes)
IRC proxy server that handles DCC connections correctly & transparently (Mar 19, )
system/network/management/udplog-0.1.tgz (3370 bytes)
UDP packet logger (Jan 13, )
system/network/distrib/updateNFScache-1.1.tgz (5069 bytes)
maintain a local cache of NFS requests for infrequently modified files (Jan 7, )
system/security/uwatch-0.1a.tar.gz (17190 bytes)
keep a login/logout watch on selected users (Mar 2, )
system/mount/vold_1.1.orig.tar.gz (11456 bytes)
daemon to mount removable media, such as cdroms (Dec 27, )
system/printing/xlpq-1.0.2.tgz (21955 bytes)
xforms based app to manage BSD print queue (Feb 16, )
apps/graphics/capture/xscanner.1.01.tar.gz (12094 bytes)
X Windows scanning program for HP ScanJet (Feb 2, )
apps/sound/players/zgsmplay-1.1-fix-enter.patch (813 bytes)
fix for zgsmplay if your Enter key doesn't work (Feb 21, )
apps/sound/scale.c (5493 bytes)
demonstrates X's tone-playing facility (Dec 21, )
apps/graphics/slidedraw-0.6.tar.gz (8455 bytes)
a simple presentation slide editor (Feb 10, )
apps/serialcomm/machines/wx200d-0.6.tar.gz (48584 bytes)
weather station data collector and server for the RadioShack WX200 (Feb 22, )
apps/sound/recorders/sound-recorder-0.02.tar.gz (15408 bytes)
a sound recorder (Mar 2, )
system/network/file-transfer/ssm-1.0.6.tar.gz (9425 bytes)
mirroring package using ssh for security/authentication (Jan 17, )
devel/debuggers/ups-3.29-RGA-linux-2.0.27.gz (332776 bytes)
ups debugger for Linux (Dec 1, )
devel/debuggers/ups-3.29-RGA.tar.gz (981417 bytes)
ups debugger for Linux [sources] (Dec 1, )
X11/xutils/wallflip-0.42.tar.gz (80774 bytes)
randomly changes your background image every time it is called (Mar 21, )
apps/www/indexing/wgetrel.tar.gz (25067 bytes)
score relevance of HTML documents to boolean keyword-match expressions (Feb 20, )
apps/doctools/whichman-1.3.tar.gz (9586 bytes)
search man pages with an approximate-match algorithm (Feb 24, )
apps/wp/spellcheck/witalian_1.2.tar.gz (315193 bytes)
Italian wordlist for /usr/dict (Dec 29, )
apps/sound/talk/wwr-client.tgz (14864 bytes)
client for World Wide Radio, a live-audio-over-Internet system (Dec 26, )
system/daemons/syncdV2.tar.gz (4824 bytes)
a disk-sync daemon to help prevent munged filesystems (Mar 5, )
system/network/monitor/wmrxtx-1.0.tar.gz (8204 bytes)
a Dock/Wharf applet that simulates the rx, tx and collision lights of an ethernet card (Nov 10, )
devel/sscript1.7.tar (225280 bytes)
scripting language to make networking apps (Mar 14, )
devel/tkrun-0.1.tar.gz (51742 bytes)
build a GUI from tagged comments in a shellscript (Nov 23, )
X11/xutils/tkwallpaper-0.1.tgz (5411 bytes)
script for rotating the background image (Jan 30, )
apps/www/misc/wpp-122.tgz (32064 bytes)
a simple perl5 script that allows you to preprocess html files (Nov 25, )
apps/misc/weather-1.0.0.tgz (1975 bytes)
a neat little utility that displays the local weather (Mar 25, )
devel/debuggers/ups-3.31-RGA-linux-2.0.31.gz (511838 bytes)
ups debugger for Linux (Mar 25, )
devel/debuggers/ups-3.31-RGA.tar.gz (1002165 bytes)
ups debugger for Linux (Mar 25, )
system/boot/loaders/syslinux-1.34.tar.gz (55351 bytes)
boot loader for the Linux operating system which operates off MS-DOS floppies (Mar 25, )
system/boot/loaders/ (66943 bytes)
DOS tools for making syslinux boot floppies (Mar 25, )
X11/xutils/wmnet-0.02.tar.gz (6069 bytes)
TCP/IP load meter and speedometer for your X desktop (Mar 25, )
kernel/sound/AudioExcelDSP16-2.0.32.diff.gz (20633 bytes)
configuration for Audio Excel DSP 16 sound card (Mar 26, )
apps/www/plugins/nolce-1.9.1.tar.gz (28663 bytes)
allows offline navigation of the Netscape Navigator disk cache (Mar 26, )
system/serial/getty/rungetty-0.6.0.tar.gz (13551 bytes)
a minimal getty that can run any program, not just login (Mar 26, )
apps/financial/accounting/moneydance-0.9.tgz (143156 bytes)
personal finance manager written in Java (Mar 26, )
apps/sound/players/newplayer-1.0.tar.gz (107608 bytes)
cool, ncurses based mp3 player (Mar 26, )
apps/sound/mixers/sounddesk.v1.tgz (7983 bytes)
sound level control pannel for OSS/Voxware soundcards (Mar 26, )
system/network/file-transfer/BeroFTPD-1.0-alpha1.tar.gz (155554 bytes)
wu-ftpd based ftp server (Mar 26, )
games/arcade/splumber-1.0.4.ELF.tar.gz (778414 bytes)
Space Plumber, a Doom-like first-person 3D game (Mar 27, )
games/arcade/splumber-1.0.4.X11.tar.gz (779922 bytes)
Space Plumber, a Doom-like first-person 3D game (Mar 27, )
system/network/admin/tcpquota_1.6.12.tar.gz (68003 bytes)
monitors and debits TCP/IP connect-time quotas for users (Mar 27, )
apps/www/indexing/wgetrels.tar.gz (26185 bytes)
score relevance of HTML documents to boolean keyword-match expressions (Mar 27, )
X11/xutils/xcmd-1.8.tar.gz (18555 bytes)
front end for starting X programs (looks for existing instances) (Mar 26, )
system/mail/pop/poppy-1.2.tar.gz (23608 bytes)
simple Perl script to retrieve mail headers from POP3 server and view/save/del them (Mar 27, )
apps/www/plugins/nolce-1.9.2.tar.gz (28551 bytes)
allows offline navigation of the Netscape Navigator disk cache (Mar 27, )
apps/financial/investment/tsinvest-0.4.tar.gz (1195705 bytes)
Quantitative financial analysis of equities (Mar 27, )
system/network/admin/firewallct-1.0.5b.tar.gz (181392 bytes)
HTML based tool for the configuration of a firewall (Mar 27, )
search/keeper-1.49.tar.gz (39246 bytes)
archivist's assistant, used to maintain Sunsite itself (Mar 27, )
search/keeper-1.50.tar.gz (39268 bytes)
archivist's assistant, used to maintain Sunsite itself (Mar 27, 1998 18:43:43 EST)
X11/toolbars/xfce-1.2.7.static.bin.tar.gz (1354026 bytes)
XForm toolbar for X11 (pulldown menus, color icons, 3D widgets, etc.) (Mar 28, 1998 1:43:9 EST)
X11/toolbars/xfce-1.2.7.tar.gz (1143548 bytes)
XForm toolbar for X11 (pulldown menus, color icons, 3D widgets, etc.) (Mar 28, 1998 1:48:39 EST)
apps/editors/zed-1.0.3.tar.gz (172995 bytes)
powerful, multipurpose, configurable text editor (Mar 28, 1998 1:27:52 EST)
apps/serialcomm/machines/newtonlink-1.27.tar.gz (304978 bytes)
transfer data between Apple Newton PDA and Linux (Mar 28, 1998 6:4:27 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/svga/zgv-3.0-bin.tar.gz (159536 bytes)
svga based graphics viewer [bin] (Mar 28, 1998 11:11:57 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/svga/zgv-3.0-src.tar.gz (132269 bytes)
svga based graphics viewer [src] (Mar 28, 1998 11:11:59 EST)
apps/financial/point-of-sale/JavaPizza1.0.tgz (515768 bytes)
point-of-sale system for pizza parlors (Mar 28, 1998 12:27:37 EST)
apps/financial/point-of-sale/gtk_pizza0.99.1.tgz (137037 bytes)
GTK port of JavaPizza (Mar 28, 1998 12:59:38 EST)
apps/graphics/convert/pbmtomrf-1.0.tar.gz (10998 bytes)
convert between PBM and mrf, a B&W format for high compression of line art (Mar 28, 1998 11:11:52 EST)
apps/sound/recorders/sound-recorder-0.03.tar.gz (17652 bytes)
a sound recorder (Mar 28, 1998 18:10:55 EST)
devel/sscript-1.8.tar (276480 bytes)
scripting language to make networking apps (Mar 28, 1998 10:51:49 EST)
utils/file/treetopgm-1.1.tar.gz (15353 bytes)
reads find output and graphs file hierarchy as pgm or TGA file (Mar 28, 1998 11:11:54 EST)
devel/lang/assemblers/zmac-1.0.tar.gz (23532 bytes)
Z80 macro cross-assembler (Mar 28, 1998 11:12:2 EST)
apps/sound/soundcard/opti925to929.tar.gz (2370 bytes)
sets OPTi 925-based soundcards into OPTi 929 compatibility (Mar 29, 1998 13:23:55 EST)
apps/www/indexing/wgetrel.tar.gz (25067 bytes)
score relevance of HTML documents to boolean keyword-match expressions (Mar 28, 1998 16:5:53 EST)
X11/toolbars/xfce-1.2.8.tar.gz (1143558 bytes)
?? (Mar 29, 1998 15:16:46 EST)
system/network/serial/xisp-2.4p1-ix86.tar.gz (344830 bytes)
X-ISP, an X11 visual interface to pppd/chat (Mar 29, 1998 7:2:17 EST)
system/network/serial/xisp-2.4p1.tar.gz (218015 bytes)
X-ISP, an X11 visual interface to pppd/chat (Mar 29, 1998 7:0:14 EST)
system/news/transport/suck-3.9.2.tar.gz (152594 bytes)
pull news off a C news or NNTP host (Mar 29, 1998 19:1:32 EST)
system/fido/FEddy-1.2.tar.gz (228427 bytes)
Fido-Scanner/Tosser/Editor with nice ncurses interface (Mar 29, 1998 18:30:14 EST)
devel/lang/fortran/g77-0.5.22.bin.tgz (1195643 bytes)
GNU Fortran compiler binaries (Mar 29, 1998 12:12:47 EST)
system/mail/mailhandlers/splitdigest-2.4.tar.gz (31063 bytes)
undigests a file w/ multiple mail digests (Mar 30, 1998 8:50:26 EST)
apps/ham/axw3-0.2.tar.gz (36462 bytes)
http proxy and IP/AX25 gateway that allows fetches over a pure AX25 connection (Mar 30, 1998 14:5:47 EST)
games/bsd-games-2.1.tar.gz (2330430 bytes)
hangman and other games from BSD Unix (Mar 29, 1998 11:51:14 EST)
games/bsd-games-non-free-2.1.tar.gz (254282 bytes)
bog, paranoia, and rogue (Mar 29, 1998 11:36:46 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/gppp-1.0.tar.gz (183724 bytes)
ppp setup program with a similar user interface to windows' Internet Wizard (Mar 30, 1998 16:38:13 EST)
kernel/patches/cdrom/linux-2.0.30-cm205ms-0.10.tgz (41435 bytes)
new cdrom device driver Philips/LMS cm205ms/cm206 (Mar 30, 1998 20:59:44 EST)
system/mail/mua/mr0721beta.tar.gz (71392 bytes)
mr is a colorful mailreader (Mar 31, 1998 2:29:3 EST)
system/network/chat/irc/tircproxy-0.3.0.tgz (20948 bytes)
IRC proxy server that handles DCC connections correctly & transparently (Mar 30, 1998 18:20:45 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/BeroFTPD-1.0.0.tar.gz (157917 bytes)
wu-ftpd based ftp server (Ap 2, 1998 11:34:16 EST)
apps/graphics/capture/bttvgrab-0.5b.tgz (18660 bytes)
grab tool for frame grabber cards supported by the bttv driver v0.5.1 (Ap 2, 1998 10:10:34 EST)
system/network/daemons/dhcpdpatch-1.0.0.tar.gz (3179 bytes)
Patch for ISC dhcpd 1.0.0 to add support for a single interface (Ap 1, 1998 17:33:29 EST)
apps/misc/fonter-1.5.tar.gz (260676 bytes)
a linux console font editor (Mar 31, 1998 20:36:37 EST)
science/visualization/plotting/ksciplot-0.3.2.src.tar.gz (148822 bytes)
function plotter for the KDE project (Ap 2, 1998 11:28:0 EST)
libs/graphics/lib3d-0.1.13.tar.gz (253324 bytes)
fast z-buffer rendering library (Ap 1, 1998 2:38:51 EST)
utils/text/wgetrels.tar.gz (26185 bytes)
Modifications to the "rels" package to make a variant that works with html files (Ap 2, 1998 2:42:19 EST)
apps/www/misc/wpp-1.23.tgz (43696 bytes)
a simple perl5 script that allows you to preprocess html files (Ap 2, 1998 5:9:19 EST)
X11/games/xfmame-0.3.tar.gz (110634 bytes)
Simple front-end for xmame. (Ap 1, 1998 8:6:28 EST)
games/multiplayer/seascape-0.2.tar.gz (87617 bytes)
two player network game (Mar 30, 1998 17:27:43 EST)
system/status/procleds-1.1.tar.gz (14574 bytes)
Display system load with keyboard leds (Mar 27, 1998 23:59:24 EST)
apps/www/converters/wmf-1.0.3.tar.gz (45223 bytes)
convert mail to html and create index files (Ap 2, 1998 12:40:27 EST)
system/admin/accounts/ND-0a.tgz (10240 bytes)
newuser database that creates a file but doesnt add the user (Ap 7, 1998 17:49:3 EST)
system/admin/accounts/ND-0b.tgz (1303 bytes)
newuser database that creates a file but doesnt add the user (Ap 7, 1998 17:54:21 EST)
system/mount/autofs-3.1.0.tar.gz (53520 bytes)
kernel-assisted automounter for Linux (Ap 6, 1998 7:45:45 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/BeroFTPD-1.0.1.tar.gz (194761 bytes)
wu-ftpd based ftp server (Ap 10, 1998 19:48:3 EST)
system/fido/FEddy-1.3.tar.gz (230860 bytes)
Fido-Scanner/Tosser/Editor with nice ncurses interface (Ap 16, 1998 17:34:41 EST)
libs/X/c++libs/JX-1.0.5_link-kit.tar.gz (2838174 bytes)
shared-library version of JX (Ap 15, 1998 15:56:46 EST)
libs/X/c++libs/JX-1.0.5_shared.tar.gz (2715328 bytes)
shared-library version of JX (Ap 15, 1998 15:52:5 EST)
system/serial/acua-2.09-1.i386.rpm (134907 bytes)
serial line access control and administration [RPM] (Ap 12, 1998 2:3:19 EST)
system/serial/acua-2.09-1.src.rpm (98615 bytes)
serial line access control and administration [SRPM] (Ap 12, 1998 2:3:25 EST)
system/serial/acua-2.09.tar.gz (96091 bytes)
serial line access control and administration [src] (Ap 12, 1998 2:3:2 EST)
devel/vc/aegis-3.3.faq (23643 bytes)
info on aegis (Ap 13, 1998 19:16:0 EST)
devel/vc/ (244954 bytes)
documentation on aegis in PostScript (Ap 13, 1998 19:26:23 EST)
devel/vc/aegis-3.3.spec (12318 bytes)
info on aegis (Ap 13, 1998 19:27:17 EST)
devel/vc/aegis-3.3.tar.gz (1045895 bytes)
transaction based config manager for parallel developer (Ap 13, 1998 19:49:33 EST)
apps/sound/radio/amfm-1.0.2.tar.gz (19383 bytes)
interface for Justy Radion-maru or Unit Rajikoma serial-port radious (Ap 16, 1998 10:18:48 EST)
X11/xutils/barre-2.5.tgz (10401 bytes)
Program for hacking X title bars (for Francophones) (Ap 6, 1998 10:4:36 EST)
utils/text/cols-1.1.tar.gz (4615 bytes)
a program to columnize information (Ap 9, 1998 4:15:17 EST)
apps/editors/X/cooledit-3.6.0.tar.gz (845891 bytes)
text editor w/ 3d Motif-ish look (Ap 14, 1998 22:34:37 EST)
games/quake/editskin-0.02b.tar.gz (109876 bytes)
QuakeWorld skin editor for Linux. (Ap 13, 1998 3:41:16 EST)
apps/graphics/convert/epsitopbm-1.0.tar.gz (6308 bytes)
converts EPS file with Adobe interchange format preview to PBM (Ap 3, 1998 1:37:30 EST)
devel/lang/fortran/fgen-0.3.tgz (38088 bytes)
makefile generator & source-to-HTML converter for f77 code (Ap 8, 1998 16:7:54 EST)
system/network/admin/firewallct-1.0.7.tar.gz (171414 bytes)
HTML based tool for the configuration of a firewall (Ap 16, 1998 16:29:11 EST)
system/bbs/forums-2.0.tgz.tgz (329632 bytes)
Perl-based BBS software (Ap 5, 1998 1:53:46 EST)
apps/editors/X/ (494151 bytes)
editor with syntax highlighting and smart indentation (Ap 4, 1998 0:25:12 EST)
apps/sound/players/funktrackergold-1.3.tgz (230985 bytes)
a digital module tracker (Ap 11, 1998 4:52:31 EST)
apps/financial/point-of-sale/gtk_pizza0.99.2.bin.ELF.tgz (23300 bytes)
GTK port of JavaPizza (Ap 8, 1998 10:45:37 EST)
apps/financial/point-of-sale/gtk_pizza0.99.2.tgz (166347 bytes)
GTK port of JavaPizza (Ap 8, 1998 10:44:32 EST)
system/network/monitor/iptraf-1.1.0-1.i386.rpm (50680 bytes)
IP LAN monitor with ncurses interface [RPM] (Ap 9, 1998 22:9:17 EST)
system/network/monitor/iptraf-1.1.0-1.src.rpm (184842 bytes)
IP LAN monitor with ncurses interface (Ap 9, 1998 22:10:11 EST)
games/multiplayer/lgc-2.12-1.i386.rpm (40121 bytes)
multi-player gaming system with many clients [RPM] (Ap 12, 1998 2:6:53 EST)
games/multiplayer/lgc-2.12.tar.gz (144014 bytes)
multi-player gaming system with many clients [RPM] (Ap 12, 1998 2:7:0 EST)
games/multiplayer/ (358498 bytes)
multi-player gaming system with many clients [ZIP] (Ap 12, 1998 2:7:23 EST)
libs/libretto-2.0.tar.gz (212805 bytes)
a library of easy-to-use generic container types for C (Ap 15, 1998 13:35:1 EST)
apps/www/misc/linbot-0.5.tar.gz (251406 bytes)
a site management tool for webmasters (Ap 7, 1998 21:35:10 EST)
X11/screensavers/lock-1.1.tar.gz (10219 bytes)
program to lock a terminal (Ap 6, 1998 5:41:57 EST)
system/status/mempeak-0.25.tar.gz (19797 bytes)
periodic monitoring of memory usage (Ap 4, 1998 6:8:38 EST)
apps/serialcomm/dialout/minicom-1.80.1.src.tar.gz (231667 bytes)
serial comm program with zmodem support -- very nifty (Ap 5, 1998 4:55:4 EST)
system/backup/mirrordir-0.9.23.tar.gz (185159 bytes)
mirror a directory tree in every detail, suitable for timed backups of disk drives (Ap 11, 1998 9:37:4 EST)
apps/serialcomm/modem/modem-1.0.tar.gz (198539 bytes)
distributed communication package for modems (Ap 7, 1998 9:40:54 EST)
system/network/daemons/mon-0.37i.tar.gz (55960 bytes)
extensible service monitoring daemon in Perl5 (Ap 12, 1998 17:22:41 EST)
apps/financial/accounting/moneydance-0.9.4.tgz (145364 bytes)
personal finance manager written in Java (Ap 14, 1998 20:21:6 EST)
apps/sound/players/mp3blaster-2.0b2.tar.gz (203479 bytes)
text-based mp3 player that can group tracks by album (Ap 7, 1998 15:39:45 EST)
apps/sound/editors/mp3info-0.2.15.tar.gz (25176 bytes)
get and modify header and TAG info in MPEG Audio files (Ap 10, 1998 6:43:41 EST)
system/backup/mt-st-0.5.tar.gz (26123 bytes)
tape control program mt for linux SCSI tapes (Ap 11, 1998 11:21:22 EST)
system/network/management/mtr-0.19.tar.gz (43958 bytes)
combined traceroute & ping program (Ap 16, 1998 16:8:2 EST)
apps/editors/X/nedit-5.0.2-linux.tar.gz (916820 bytes)
Linux binaries of nedit (Ap 3, 1998 16:59:29 EST)
apps/editors/X/nedit-5.0.2-source.tar.gz (523509 bytes)
sources of nedit, a Motif-nbased editor (Ap 3, 1998 16:59:36 EST)
apps/sound/players/newplayer-1.1.tar.gz (107308 bytes)
cool, ncurses based mp3 player (Ap 7, 1998 9:19:13 EST)
system/news/readers/newsfetch-1.2-1.i386.rpm (12150 bytes)
utility to download news from an NNTP server and store in mailbox format [RPM] (Ap 13, 1998 11:40:5 EST)
system/news/readers/newsfetch-1.2-1.src.rpm (12166 bytes)
utility to download news from an NNTP server and store [SRPM] (Ap 13, 1998 11:40:20 EST)
system/news/readers/newsfetch-1.2.tar.gz (10296 bytes)
utility to download news from an NNTP server and store [src] (Ap 13, 1998 11:39:48 EST)
utils/text/par-1.0.tar.gz (14374 bytes)
a simple text formatter (Ap 6, 1998 10:28:27 EST)
system/news/readers/peruser-3.0-beta18.src.tar.gz (198248 bytes)
source for X-based offline news reader (Ap 16, 1998 12:5:15 EST)
system/mail/pop/poppy-1.3.tar.gz (24018 bytes)
simple Perl script to retrieve mail headers from POP3 server and view/save/del them (Ap 7, 1998 16:10:58 EST)
games/arcade/sabre-0.2.3.tar.gz (2091342 bytes)
fighter plane sim for Linux using svgalib (Ap 12, 1998 16:25:18 EST)
devel/lang/eiffel/se-0.91.tgz (1624681 bytes)
eiffel compiler and tools (Ap 15, 1998 9:55:10 EST)
apps/tex/simple-2.1.2.tgz (71732 bytes)
macro preprocessor adapted for TeX (Ap 11, 1998 17:38:18 EST)
system/emulators/zx/spectemu-0.92.tar.gz (188901 bytes)
Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator for Linux (Ap 3, 1998 8:55:26 EST)
utils/file/spltu.1.8.tar.gz (6487 bytes)
splits files into chuncks and reassembles them (Ap 3, 1998 4:0:32 EST)
devel/sscript-1.9.tar.gz (376076 bytes)
scripting language to make networking apps (Ap 10, 1998 1:30:53 EST)
system/network/admin/tcpquota-1.6.13.tar.gz (74051 bytes)
monitors and debits TCP/IP connect-time quotas for users (Ap 13, 1998 15:58:47 EST)
system/emulators/ti4linux-0.2.tar.gz (13332 bytes)
TI-99/4A emulator, requires ROMs (Ap 7, 1998 13:20:23 EST)
system/recovery/tomsrtbt- (1760205 bytes)
boot/root rescue disk with a lot of hardware support and tools (Ap 5, 1998 15:0:2 EST)
system/mail/misc/trashmail-0.6.tar.gz (11071 bytes)
free up disc space with (configurable) mail purge (Ap 15, 1998 3:37:2 EST)
utils/compress/unrar-2.03.1.tar.gz (63645 bytes)
extract, test and view RAR archives (Ap 8, 1998 11:52:51 EST)
system/emulators/commodore/vice-0.14.2-i586-linux-gnulibc1-bin.tar.gz (902276 bytes)
Commodore C64/C128/PET/VIC20 Emulators (Ap 5, 1998 16:8:12 EST)
system/emulators/commodore/vice-0.14.2.tar.gz (802416 bytes)
Commodore C64/C128/PET/VIC20 Emulators (Ap 5, 1998 16:8:29 EST)
X11/xutils/wallp-0.52.tar.gz (84206 bytes)
random background wallpaper changer written using GTK (Ap 14, 1998 6:5:47 EST)
apps/editors/X/xwpe-1.5.7a.tgz (315486 bytes)
clone of Borland IDE for X, tty mode (Ap 5, 1998 15:57:30 EST)
apps/editors/X/yudit-0.99.tar.gz (744494 bytes)
unicode text editor for X Windows (Ap 7, 1998 7:43:28 EST)
utils/disk-management/cdchanger-1.1.tgz (29949 bytes)
CD slot changer for 2.1.x (Ap 12, 1998 0:23:20 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/mgv-2.4.2-bin.tar.gz (824348 bytes)
Motif PostScript viewer based on Ghostview 1.5 (Ap 17, 1998 12:31:4 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/mgv-2.4.2-ps.tar.gz (619288 bytes)
Motif PostScript viewer based on Ghostview 1.5 (Ap 17, 1998 12:30:37 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/mgv-2.4.2.tar.gz (610797 bytes)
Motif PostScript viewer based on Ghostview 1.5 (Ap 17, 1998 12:30:15 EST)
system/printing/powercolor-0.2.tar.gz (10909 bytes)
graphical frontend for setting some printing parameters for HP Deskjets (Ap 17, 1998 10:7:29 EST)
system/status/ps/procps-1.2.7.tar.gz (158266 bytes)
/proc fs based ps, top etc (Ap 17, 1998 16:16:40 EST)
system/mail/misc/trashmail-0.7.tgz (11568 bytes)
free up disc space with (configurable) mail purge (Ap 17, 1998 1:59:37 EST)
apps/doctools/whichman-1.4.tar.gz (10669 bytes)
search man pages with an approximate-match algorithm (Ap 17, 1998 14:18:18 EST)
games/arcade/xevil-mutant-1.5.5.tar.gz (600429 bytes)
a mutant strain of Xevil (Ap 11, 1998 13:23:12 EST)
games/strategy/xpuzzles-5.4.4.tgz (700527 bytes)
collection of rotational 3D and sliding block puzzles (Ap 17, 1998 10:21:48 EST)
libs/X/clibs/Xbaelin- (470119 bytes)
a Motif table widget (Ap 10, 1998 2:18:0 EST)
apps/www/plugins/XswallowSource-1.0.11.tar.gz (60224 bytes)
plugin for Netscape 3 and 4 that handles generic MIME types (Ap 3, 1998 11:5:40 EST)
apps/editors/X/code_crusader-0.13.0_shared.tar.gz (1031581 bytes)
C/C++ development environment for X reminiscent of Metrowerks Code Warrior (Ap 15, 1998 16:5:46 EST)
system/keyboards/console-tools-1998.04.08.tar.gz (737175 bytes)
programs for keyboard, console fonts and virtual terminals manipulation (Ap 17, 1998 15:3:14 EST)
system/network/admin/detect-scans-05.tar.gz (4481 bytes)
logs and notifies you of portscans run against your host (Ap 12, 1998 20:1:26 EST)
system/network/admin/detect-scans-052.tar.gz (6471 bytes)
logs and notifies you of portscans run against your host (Ap 16, 1998 8:18:23 EST)
utils/console/consd-1.0.tgz (13647 bytes)
virtual console management daemon - starts and kills gettys as needed (Ap 15, 1998 12:35:48 EST)
hardware/daemons/gps-time-0.2.tgz (2529 bytes)
update computer clock from an NMEA-compatible GPS device (Ap 5, 1998 7:22:40 EST)
system/network/daemons/ipxtund-1.1.tgz (32731 bytes)
connect IPX based LANs over TCP/IP (Ap 16, 1998 15:15:35 EST)
system/network/chat/irc/ircit-0.1.tgz (415454 bytes)
IRC client with capability to run in background and resume (Ap 5, 1998 12:1:37 EST)
kernel/patches/console/joystick-4-button-0.8.0.tar.gz (14400 bytes)
Kernel driver for analog joystick as a loadable module (Ap 17, 1998 0:28:17 EST)
X11/clocks/kclock-0.5.1.tgz (96559 bytes)
KDE-enabled clock program (Ap 9, 1998 9:26:44 EST)
system/status/ledstatus-0.1.tgz (9168 bytes)
LED processor meter, based on meter-0.2 but with more real-time output (Ap 4, 1998 12:57:52 EST)
system/boot/dualboot/ (777403 bytes)
Linux Loader for Windows 95, allows you to boot dtraight into linux (Ap 12, 1998 15:17:44 EST)
X11/xutils/modeselect-1.0.tar.gz (107716 bytes)
menu for XDM login screen to allow display depth selection (Ap 15, 1998 18:49:43 EST)
games/strategy/phalanx-14.tar.gz (264939 bytes)
chess program for Linux, Xboard compatible (Ap 17, 1998 9:13:51 EST)
apps/www/servers/shellver-0.0.2.tar.gz (2293 bytes)
small and simple WWW server (Ap 9, 1998 16:0:44 EST)
apps/serialcomm/modem/voicereader-0.1.tgz (9939 bytes)
graphical voice mail listening program which works with vgetty and USR modems (Ap 4, 1998 12:57:41 EST)
apps/tex/xgod-1.1.tar.gz (87272 bytes)
make Go diagrams in TeX (Ap 3, 1998 6:59:4 EST)
utils/shell/scbind-1.0.tar.gz (17661 bytes)
compile shellscripts (Ap 11, 1998 8:54:0 EST)
apps/circuits/spice3f5sbins.tgz (2401900 bytes)
spice 3f5 binaries (Ap 15, 1998 1:49:52 EST)
system/mail/mua/mailpgp-0.75b.gz (5342 bytes)
Interface for inserting PGP into email messages (Ap 5, 1998 22:9:6 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/Upm_linu.tgz (607969 bytes)
viewer for HPGL plotfiles (Ap 5, 1998 11:46:48 EST)
system/misc/fingerprobe.tar (30720 bytes)
do user usage monitoring through finger (Ap 15, 1998 0:50:49 EST)
X11/xutils/wallp-0.53.tar.gz (85226 bytes)
random background wallpaper changer written using GTK (Ap 18, 1998 7:36:7 EST)
system/network/monitor/iptraf-1.1.0.tar.gz (182202 bytes)
IP LAN monitor with ncurses interface (Ap 18, 1998 2:30:52 EST)
apps/sound/midi/jazz-3.1.n.bin.ELF.static.tar.gz (2342872 bytes)
midi sequencer (Ap 13, 1998 6:43:45 EST)
apps/sound/midi/jazz-3.1.n.bin.ELF.tar.gz (1911605 bytes)
midi sequencer (Ap 13, 1998 6:47:58 EST)
X11/xutils/kjoy-0.3.tgz (87565 bytes)
joystick setup utility for KDE (Ap 18, 1998 8:46:45 EST)
apps/reminder/rolodex/pim-0.10.tgz (50790 bytes)
a Personal Information Manager frontend for PostgresSQL (Ap 7, 1998 17:35:12 EST)
devel/lang/misc/rpilot-1.0.tar.gz (29547 bytes)
a PILOT interpreter (Ap 18, 1998 9:53:30 EST)
system/misc/rtstools-1.0.tgz (22550 bytes)
Posix.1b Real Time Scheduler Tools for Linux (Ap 2, 1998 17:48:30 EST)
system/shells/webble-1.0.tgz (129664 bytes)
ncurses front end for a class of command-line programs (Ap 7, 1998 6:30:27 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/wxftp-0.1.libc5.dynamic.tar.gz (118187 bytes)
nice FTP client with session manager, on-line help, progress bar, etc. (Ap 6, 1998 10:19:26 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/wxftp-0.1.libc5.static.tar.gz (617936 bytes)
statically linked version of wxftp (Ap 6, 1998 10:23:4 EST)
science/visualization/plotting/xFgraphs-1.0.tar.gz (27036 bytes)
graphs of mathematical functions in X-Windows (Ap 8, 1998 13:55:57 EST)
apps/graphics/draw/xart-19980417.tgz (344131 bytes)
mutAnt spawn of XPaint with more features (Ap 18, 1998 3:23:0 EST)
apps/misc/xwinweather-1.0.0.bin.ELF.tar.gz (1002971 bytes)
a weather-display program for X (Ap 5, 1998 17:41:23 EST)
apps/misc/xwinweather-1.0.0.src.tar.gz (358371 bytes)
a weather-display program for X (Ap 5, 1998 17:41:33 EST)
commercial/nftp-1.21-linux-x86.tar.gz (416187 bytes)
ftp client with bookmarking, fully scrollable remote directory view, more (Ap 4, 1998 14:42:29 EST)
apps/misc/regtime-1.40.bin.ELF.tar.gz (804841 bytes)
a project/timesheet manager (Ap 9, 1998 9:56:48 EST)
system/daemons/sendkey-0.9.tgz (12496 bytes)
a daemon to send keys on a VC through a FIFO (Ap 18, 1998 8:47:2 EST)
apps/sound/midi/fXPlayMidi- (77332 bytes)
X front end to playmidi using xforms (Ap 18, 1998 14:24:46 EST)
system/network/admin/firewallct-1.0.7.p1.tar.gz (173382 bytes)
HTML based tool for the configuration of a firewall (Ap 18, 1998 18:9:54 EST)
apps/serialcomm/machines/newtonlink-1.28.tar.gz (308679 bytes)
transfer data between Apple Newton PDA and Linux (Ap 18, 1998 11:14:18 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/wxftp-0.1.1.libc5.dynamic.tar.gz (112398 bytes)
nice FTP client with session manager, on-line help, progress bar, etc. (Ap 18, 1998 15:0:40 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/wxftp-0.1.1.libc5.static.tar.gz (610586 bytes)
statically linked version of wxftp (Ap 18, 1998 15:5:31 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/wxftp-0.1.1.libc6.dynamic.tar.gz (112714 bytes)
dynamically linked version of wxftp (Ap 18, 1998 15:2:2 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/wxftp-0.1.1.libc6.static.tar.gz (636976 bytes)
statically linked version of wxftp with libc6 (Ap 18, 1998 15:9:9 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.4.2-1.i386.rpm (168329 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [RPM] (Ap 19, 1998 0:47:2 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.4.2-1.src.rpm (306747 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [SRPM] (Ap 19, 1998 0:49:11 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.4.2.tar.gz (302614 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [src] (Ap 19, 1998 0:45:25 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-FAQ.html (82268 bytes)
HTML fetchmail FAQ (Ap 19, 1998 0:45:55 EST)
hardware/pciutils-1.03.tar.gz (41582 bytes)
inspect and set status of devices connected to PCI bus (Ap 19, 1998 7:8:43 EST)
system/printing/powercolor-0.3.tar.gz (13821 bytes)
graphical frontend for setting some printing parameters for HP Deskjets (Ap 19, 1998 8:52:33 EST)
system/network/chat/ktalkd-0.5.2.tgz (184745 bytes)
X11/KDE-aware talk daemon with answering machine (Ap 19, 1998 4:48:40 EST)
commercial/dbox-1.59.tgz (908274 bytes)
BBS package for Linux (supports ZConnect) (Ap 19, 1998 10:35:4 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/qftp-0.95.tar.gz (55467 bytes)
ftp client with background downloading, shortcuts, reconnect (Ap 19, 1998 10:18:15 EST)
docs/linux-doc-project/man-pages/man-pages-1.19.tar.gz (422724 bytes)
Section 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 man pages for Linux (Ap 19, 1998 18:3:27 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.4.3-1.i386.rpm (169151 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [RPM] (Ap 19, 1998 20:20:17 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.4.3-1.src.rpm (307748 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [SRPM] (Ap 19, 1998 20:22:2 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.4.3.tar.gz (303611 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon [src] (Ap 19, 1998 20:18:12 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-FAQ.html (83118 bytes)
HTML fetchmail FAQ (Ap 19, 1998 20:18:45 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/wxftp-0.1.2.libc5.dynamic.tar.gz (112760 bytes)
nice FTP client with session manager, on-line help, progress bar, etc. (Ap 19, 1998 13:27:54 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/wxftp-0.1.2.libc5.static.tar.gz (611170 bytes)
statically linked version of wxftp (Ap 19, 1998 13:31:58 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/wxftp-0.1.2.libc6.dynamic.tar.gz (113488 bytes)
dynamically linked version of wxftp (Ap 19, 1998 13:28:35 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/wxftp-0.1.2.libc6.static.tar.gz (637704 bytes)
statically linked version of wxftp with libc6 (Ap 19, 1998 13:35:24 EST)
devel/lang/objc/objc1.8.14-bootstrap.tar.gz (246870 bytes)
bootstrap compiler for the Portable Objective C Compiler (Ap 19, 1998 11:57:56 EST)
devel/lang/objc/objc1.8.14.tar.gz (605456 bytes)
Portable Objective C Compiler sources (Ap 19, 1998 11:57:35 EST)
games/amusements/divination/xbio-2.0.tar.gz (30516 bytes)
displays biorythms (Ap 24, 1998 17:23:14 EST)
system/network/serial/xisp-2.4p2-ix86.tar.gz (344998 bytes)
X-ISP, an X11 visual interface to pppd/chat (Ap 21, 1998 8:33:51 EST)
system/network/serial/xisp-2.4p2.tar.gz (218131 bytes)
X-ISP, an X11 visual interface to pppd/chat (Ap 21, 1998 8:32:3 EST)
apps/editors/X/xwpe-1.5.8a.tgz (317233 bytes)
clone of Borland IDE for X, tty mode (Ap 23, 1998 15:3:53 EST)
utils/text/2UTF-1.04.tar.gz (126479 bytes)
Translates char-sets and decodes MIME (Ap 20, 1998 1:0:13 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/BeroFTPD-1.0.2.tar.gz (194739 bytes)
wu-ftpd based ftp server (Ap 24, 1998 11:59:14 EST)
apps/circuits/IO256control-1.0.src.tar.gz (22321 bytes)
network server for control of home-built hardware (Ap 23, 1998 17:16:27 EST)
system/serial/acua-2.10-1.i386.rpm (135724 bytes)
serial line access control and administration [RPM] (Ap 27, 1998 1:31:48 EST)
system/serial/acua-2.10-1.src.rpm (99339 bytes)
serial line access control and administration [SRPM] (Ap 27, 1998 1:32:8 EST)
system/serial/acua-2.10.tar.gz (96821 bytes)
serial line access control and administration [src] (Ap 27, 1998 1:33:17 EST)
devel/lang/boil-1.0beta1.tar.gz (108234 bytes)
C-like interpreted language with support for distributed programming (Ap 26, 1998 19:51:14 EST)
devel/lang/boil-1.0beta2.tar.gz (108579 bytes)
C-like interpreted language with support for distributed programming (Ap 26, 1998 21:39:41 EST)
apps/sound/cdrom/curses/cd-console-1.5.tar.gz (13335 bytes)
text mode CD player (Ap 27, 1998 10:44:37 EST)
utils/console/consd-1.1.tgz (20349 bytes)
virtual console management daemon - starts and kills gettys as needed (Ap 21, 1998 10:45:19 EST)
devel/lang/c/cxref-1.4b.tgz (257703 bytes)
C cross-reference tool (Ap 21, 1998 1:55:15 EST)
apps/sound/cdrom/dagrab-0.2.tar.gz (14661 bytes)
reads digital audio from CD and puts it on wav files (Ap 23, 1998 13:50:6 EST)
commercial/dbox-1.60.tgz (908793 bytes)
BBS package for Linux (supports ZConnect) (Ap 20, 1998 15:18:40 EST)
apps/graphics/convert/epsitopgm-1.0.tar.gz (6609 bytes)
generates PGM file with preview extracted from EPS file with Adobe interchange format (Ap 23, 1998 14:51:35 EST)
system/network/admin/firewallct-1.0.8.tar.gz (188095 bytes)
HTML based tool for the configuration of a firewall (Ap 22, 1998 16:34:36 EST)
apps/ham/log/fm-2.02.tgz (27284 bytes)
manage ham contest logs (Ap 26, 1998 19:38:4 EST)
system/bbs/ft_bbs-1.4.1.tgz (129640 bytes)
allows secure file transfer via tty's (modems) (Ap 26, 1998 6:18:45 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/imagesort-1.0.tar.gz (195765 bytes)
X based image sorting tool (Ap 19, 1998 21:52:49 EST)
system/network/daemons/ipxtund-1.1.1.tgz (32781 bytes)
connect IPX based LANs over TCP/IP (Ap 26, 1998 8:9:30 EST)
apps/doctools/man/man-1.5d.tar.gz (156655 bytes)
man based on man 1.3 w/ compression, locale (Ap 23, 1998 4:43:15 EST)
apps/serialcomm/dialout/minicom-1.81.src.tar.gz (249754 bytes)
serial comm program with zmodem support -- very nifty (Ap 25, 1998 6:0:37 EST)
system/bbs/mail/mmail-0.14.tar.gz (86648 bytes)
bluwave compatible offline reader for QWK (Ap 25, 1998 1:11:0 EST)
apps/religion/msb.tar.gz (10881 bytes)
search and display tool for the KJV Bible (Ap 24, 1998 1:55:48 EST)
apps/religion/msb_utils.tar.gz (621960 bytes)
?? (Ap 24, 1998 2:0:0 EST)
devel/lang/objc/objc-1.8.15-bootstrap.tar.gz (246870 bytes)
bootstrap compiler for the Portable Objective C compiler (Ap 21, 1998 6:49:39 EST)
devel/lang/objc/objc-1.8.15.tar.gz (605874 bytes)
Portable Objective C Compiler sources (Ap 21, 1998 6:49:13 EST)
apps/sound/mixers/ossmixer-1.0.tgz (17231 bytes)
audio mixer program, based on OSS API, using Qt toolkit (Ap 20, 1998 0:14:28 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/pftp-0.8.4.tar.gz (60166 bytes)
FTP-like transfer program that works within telnet sessions (Ap 23, 1998 16:46:9 EST)
games/strategy/phalanx-14.tar.gz (264939 bytes)
chess program for Linux, Xboard compatible (Ap 22, 1998 3:12:35 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/qftp-0.96.tar.gz (55441 bytes)
ftp client with background downloading, shortcuts, reconnect (Ap 19, 1998 18:20:27 EST)
system/admin/login/sac-1.7.tgz (56360 bytes)
performs login accounting (better then ac) (Ap 23, 1998 15:44:5 EST)
apps/sound/editors/siggen-2.0.tgz (72935 bytes)
make your linux box into a laboratory signal generator (Ap 23, 1998 5:55:27 EST)
system/network/daemons/snplog-0.1.tar.gz (14779 bytes)
Simple Network Protocol logger (Ap 26, 1998 19:17:58 EST)
system/news/transport/suck-3.9.3.tar.gz (123397 bytes)
pull news off a C news or NNTP host (Ap 24, 1998 2:32:2 EST)
system/backup/tbackup-0.9.tgz (334655 bytes)
backup w/ incremental backups, indexes, and more (Ap 26, 1998 9:37:56 EST)
apps/graphics/misc/tnimage-2.6.7b.linux.static.tar.gz (2526188 bytes)
TN-Image image analysis program [statically linked] (Ap 24, 1998 14:55:21 EST)
apps/graphics/misc/tnimage-2.6.7b.linux.tar.gz (1589411 bytes)
TN-Image image analysis program (Ap 24, 1998 14:55:5 EST)
apps/graphics/misc/tnimage-2.6.7b.manual.html.tar.gz (1036620 bytes)
TN-Image image analysis program HTML manual (Ap 24, 1998 14:55:37 EST)
system/recovery/tomsrtbt- (1756521 bytes)
boot/root rescue disk with a lot of hardware support and tools (Ap 23, 1998 16:11:19 EST)
system/mail/misc/trashmail-0.9.tgz (11856 bytes)
free up disc space with (configurable) mail purge (Ap 22, 1998 10:29:20 EST)
apps/tex/ts-9804.tgz (238722 bytes)
X based TeX shell (like dos texshell) (Ap 20, 1998 2:49:28 EST)
apps/circuits/ver-0.9.8.tgz (193655 bytes)
Structural Verilog compiler for UN*X operating systems (Ap 25, 1998 23:11:45 EST)
X11/xutils/wallp-0.55.tar.gz (81797 bytes)
random background wallpaper changer written using GTK (Ap 22, 1998 0:59:8 EST)
X11/devel/winterp-2.10.tar.gz (2538353 bytes)
?? (Ap 27, 1998 0:12:31 EST)
apps/graphics/wisio.tgz (129095 bytes)
a graphic windowing server for VGA (Ap 22, 1998 15:11:20 EST)
science/biology/LPEvol-0.50.tgz (286403 bytes)
Allows you to interactiveley breed LSystems objects and view the results graphically (Ap 28, 1998 4:36:55 EST)
search/archiver-0.3a.tar.gz (25715 bytes)
PERL program which creates and maintains HTML front-ends to file archives (Ap 18, 1998 15:19:30 EST)
devel/lang/boil-1.0beta4.tar.gz (109205 bytes)
C-like interpreted language with support for distributed programming (Ap 27, 1998 11:4:15 EST)
system/network/management/SMB_SNMP.linux.0.1.tar.gz (758348 bytes)
Samba extension that allows people to see SNMP agents as shared Windows resources (May 5, 1998 3:27:25 EST)
devel/lang/lisp/STk-3.99.1.tar.gz (3156258 bytes)
scheme interpreter with Tk widget set support (Ap 30, 1998 13:11:15 EST)
apps/sound/radio/amfm-1.0.3.tar.gz (21454 bytes)
interface for Justy Radion-maru or Unit Rajikoma serial-port radios (Ap 30, 1998 14:22:41 EST)
apps/financial/accounting/banal-0.05.README.html (5258 bytes)
book-keeping (and other stuff) for small businesses (May 5, 1998 22:29:31 EST)
apps/financial/accounting/banal-0.05.tar.gz (73267 bytes)
book-keeping (and other stuff) for small businesses (May 5, 1998 22:30:39 EST)
apps/financial/accounting/banal-0.05.tar.gz.uu (100984 bytes)
book-keeping (and other stuff) for small businesses (May 5, 1998 22:32:9 EST)
apps/graphics/capture/bttvgrab-0.6b.tgz (21358 bytes)
grab tool for frame grabber cards supported by the bttv driver v0.5.1 (May 5, 1998 11:9:10 EST)
apps/sound/radio/cRadio-0.2.tar.gz (49657 bytes)
t-based program to control the Aimslab radiotrack radio card (May 2, 1998 9:51:4 EST)
utils/disk-management/cdrecord-1.6.tar.gz (601161 bytes)
CD-Recording program for SunOS/Solaris/Linux (Ap 29, 1998 7:38:39 EST)
apps/editors/X/cooledit-3.6.2-50.src.rpm (844462 bytes)
text editor w/ 3d Motif-ish look (May 1, 1998 12:48:28 EST)
apps/editors/X/cooledit-3.6.2.tar.gz (852088 bytes)
text editor w/ 3d Motif-ish look (May 1, 1998 12:45:32 EST)