New files on sunsite as of Sep 8, 1997 00:00:00 EST
Welcome message
serial line access control and administration [RPM] (Jul 1, 1997 1:1:37 EST)
system/serial/acua-1.26.tar.gz (57260 bytes)
serial line access control and administration [src] (Jul 1, 1997 1:1:40 EST)
X11/desktop/cpuload-0.1.tar.gz (37752 bytes)
Dock/Wharf applet for AfterStep that does load monitoring (Jul 1, 1997 5:4:4 EST)
commercial/dbox-1.28.tar.gz (1117174 bytes)
BBS package for Linux (supports ZConnect) (Jun 28, 1997 18:39:53 EST)
commercial/dbox-1.28.tgz (1121625 bytes)
BBS package for Linux (supports ZConnect) (Jun 27, 1997 16:28:55 EST)
apps/sound/mixers/gom-0.29.7.tar.gz (62061 bytes)
generic OSS (Open Sound System) mixer program (Jun 27, 1997 18:36:18 EST)
system/printing/hptools-1.2.3.tar.gz (132181 bytes)
generate commands for HP printers (Jun 27, 1997 6:52:3 EST)
X11/window-managers/icewm-0.8.5.src.tar.gz (82843 bytes)
yet another window manager for X11 (Jun 30, 1997 3:55:45 EST)
apps/editors/X/jcc-0.10.1_link-kit.tar.gz (1773572 bytes)
JCC linked for shared libraries (Jun 25, 1997 22:9:51 EST)
apps/editors/X/jcc-0.10.1_shared.tar.gz (555971 bytes)
JCC linked for shared libraries (Jun 25, 1997 22:10:8 EST)
utils/file/lft-1.1.0.tar.gz (82003 bytes)
list file type (Jun 25, 1997 16:17:44 EST)
science/ai/libcheckers-1.03-1.i386.rpm (21842 bytes)
checkers engine with example game [RPM] (Jun 28, 1997 12:15:53 EST)
science/ai/libcheckers-1.03.tar.gz (11426 bytes)
checkers engine with example game (Jun 28, 1997 12:15:54 EST)
system/admin/accounts/lsa-1.5b.TAR.gz (6824 bytes)
user and group administration tool for linux (May 31, 1997 15:25:29 EST)
apps/financial/accounting/pm-1.1.bin.ELF.tar.gz (78783 bytes)
A free money managing package for Linux/Unix/X Windows (Jun 25, 1997 22:2:33 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/pppsetup-1.12.tgz (6661 bytes)
script to aid in PPP configuration (Jun 30, 1997 1:2:49 EST)
devel/lang/slang-linux-patch.tar.gz (1998 bytes)
patch to allow terminfos to be read from a nonstandard location (Jun 30, 1997 14:32:6 EST)
libs/graphics/svgalib-1.2.11.elf.tgz (335755 bytes)
prevuilt ELF binaries for SVGAlib (Jul 1, 1997 7:23:58 EST)
libs/graphics/svgalib-1.2.11.tar.gz (653750 bytes)
SVGAlib sources (Jun 30, 1997 5:25:0 EST)
apps/tex/ts-9706.tgz (289204 bytes)
X based TeX shell (like dos texshell) (Jun 28, 1997 5:29:21 EST)
utils/package/unrpm-install-9.elf.tgz (100207 bytes)
unpacker for RPM and Debian packages (Jun 29, 1997 0:33:9 EST)
apps/circuits/vgi-1.7.tar.gz (50598 bytes)
VGI VHDL Graphical Interface (Jun 30, 1997 8:57:27 EST)
X11/toolbars/xfce-1.2.3.tar.gz (91859 bytes)
XForm toolbar for X11 (pulldown menus, color icons, 3D widgets, etc.) (Jun 30, 1997 9:47:0 EST)
X11/colors/xshowcolors-0.9.bin.ELF.tar.gz (39677 bytes)
shows all combinations of 2 colors from rgb.txt (Jul 1, 1997 5:44:49 EST)
libs/X/xview/xview-3.2p1.4.bin.tar.gz (2192197 bytes)
XView binaries for X11R6 (Jun 27, 1997 7:17:39 EST)
libs/X/xview/xview-3.2p1.4.diff.gz (53052 bytes)
patch to compile xview for X11R6 (Jun 27, 1997 7:17:41 EST)
libs/X/xview/xview-3.2p1.4.src.tar.gz (3227552 bytes)
XView source tree for X11R6 and ELF (Jun 27, 1997 7:19:38 EST)
utils/disk-management/ziptool-1.2.tar.gz (16387 bytes)
tools for the iomega jaz and zip drives; eject, change, or get protection mode (Jun 30, 1997 6:11:35 EST)
system/mail/mua/XCmail-0.9-Linux-bin.tar.gz (234760 bytes)
X11 mailtool using Xclasses layout library [binaries] (Jun 29, 1997 11:49:46 EST)
science/ai/libcheckers-1.04-1.i386.rpm (21855 bytes)
checkers engine with example game [RPM] (Jul 1, 1997 17:28:17 EST)
science/ai/libcheckers-1.04.tar.gz (11328 bytes)
checkers engine with example game (Jul 1, 1997 17:28:19 EST)
distributions/linux-lp144 (1474560 bytes)
single-diskette Linux demo for beginners (Jun 29, 1997 16:14:29 EST)
apps/database/postgres95/mpsql-1.5-static-linux-bin.tgz (1076921 bytes)
interactive query tool for Postgres95 [bin] (Jul 1, 1997 17:37:12 EST)
apps/database/postgres95/mpsql-1.5.tgz (38128 bytes)
interactive query tool for Postgres95 [sources] (Jul 1, 1997 17:30:15 EST)
apps/wp/xmbibtex-1.2.tar.gz (131371 bytes)
BibTeX reference manager with Motif interface (Jun 30, 1997 8:13:18 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/xmftp-1.0.1.bin.ELF.shared.tar.gz (275816 bytes)
shared-library binaries for xmftp (Jun 26, 1997 22:13:45 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/xmftp-1.0.1.bin.ELF.static.tar.gz (1167020 bytes)
static binaries for xmftp (Jun 26, 1997 22:13:34 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/xmftp-1.0.1.tar.gz (175229 bytes)
a simple X/Motif FTP client (Jun 26, 1997 22:14:38 EST)
apps/sound/radio/XawRadio-1.0.tgz (22925 bytes)
yet another PC Radio Card controlling program for Linu (Jul 2, 1997 17:7:26 EST)
kernel/esep-1.2.tgz (34838 bytes)
a new "evolution scheduler" based on genetic algorithms (Jul 3, 1997 7:29:14 EST)
science/ai/libcheckers-1.05-1.i386.rpm (21988 bytes)
checkers engine with example game [RPM] (Jul 3, 1997 1:24:18 EST)
science/ai/libcheckers-1.05.tar.gz (11483 bytes)
checkers engine with example game (Jul 3, 1997 1:24:20 EST)
apps/www/mirroring/pavuk-0.2pl4.tgz (181933 bytes)
mirroring package for HTTP/FTP/Gopher (Jul 2, 1997 4:38:12 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/pppsetup-1.13.tgz (6673 bytes)
script to aid in PPP configuration (Jul 2, 1997 2:54:3 EST)
utils/file/tcb-1.3g.tar.gz (117968 bytes)
a file biewer (Jul 2, 1997 18:20:52 EST)
system/status/xstatus/tkps-1.9.tar.gz (12633 bytes)
tk interface to ps (Jul 2, 1997 10:35:1 EST)
system/network/serial/xisp-2.1.tar.gz (91606 bytes)
X-ISP, an X11 visual interface to pppd/chat (Jul 3, 1997 11:46:34 EST)
system/network/chat/ircii-pana-72.tar.gz (1540219 bytes)
ansi color irc client (Jul 2, 1997 1:47:47 EST)
system/network/ (3055916 bytes)
buut a Sun diskless from Linux and use the Sun as an X terminal (Jul 2, 1997 18:56:22 EST)
utils/compress/Xgzip1.1.tar.gz (6017 bytes)
X interface to gzip, using the V library (Jul 6, 1997 16:47:12 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.0.0-1.i386.rpm (122503 bytes)
RPM for Intel binaries of fetchmail (Jul 9, 1997 10:44:17 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.0.0-1.src.rpm (221021 bytes)
SRPM for Intel binaries of fetchmail (Jul 9, 1997 10:46:30 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.0.0.tar.gz (219685 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon (Jul 9, 1997 10:39:21 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail.FAQ.html (50493 bytes)
fetchmail FAQ in HTML (Jul 9, 1997 10:41:0 EST)
utils/file/lft-1.1.9.tar.gz (92679 bytes)
list file type (Jul 5, 1997 16:42:18 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/lftp-0.12.0.tar.gz (400702 bytes)
command-line-driven FTP client with mirriring capability (Jul 4, 1997 11:33:49 EST)
apps/editors/X/medit-1.7.1.tar.gz (93747 bytes)
graphic multiwindow cross-platform editor demonstrating MGUI Designer (Jul 8, 1997 18:50:35 EST)
science/visualization/plotting/mgrapher-1.2.tar.gz (63325 bytes)
mini-grapher for expressions with standard C functions (Jul 8, 1997 18:48:37 EST)
X11/devel/builders/mgui-1.9.5.tar.gz (575470 bytes)
windows interface for DOS, Windows, and X (Jul 8, 1997 18:44:25 EST)
utils/disk-management/mtools-3.8.tar.gz (233579 bytes)
progs to access dos filesystems w/ long filenames (Jul 8, 1997 16:4:52 EST)
apps/ham/pb-pg-1.0.oz6bl.tar.gz (36556 bytes)
communicate with Pacsats using the FTL0 protocol (Jul 7, 1997 2:16:28 EST)
apps/graphics/capture/photopc-1.5.tar.gz (17096 bytes)
library and command-line tool to drive the Epson PhotoPC digital still camera (Jul 4, 1997 16:47:53 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/pppsetup-1.15.tgz (6871 bytes)
script to aid in PPP configuration (Jul 8, 1997 9:59:45 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.0.0-1.i386.rpm (122503 bytes)
RPM for Intel binaries of fetchmail (Jul 9, 1997 12:58:13 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.0.0-1.src.rpm (220999 bytes)
SRPM for Intel binaries of fetchmail (Jul 9, 1997 13:0:25 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.0.0.tar.gz (219654 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon (Jul 9, 1997 12:55:58 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail.FAQ.html (50493 bytes)
fetchmail FAQ in HTML (Jul 9, 1997 12:56:53 EST)
apps/misc/fonter-1.0a.tar.gz (208683 bytes)
a linux console font editor (Jul 8, 1997 1:20:48 EST)
apps/graphics/misc/gtnpic-0.1.0.tar.gz (8400 bytes)
creates thumbnails of images and outputs them into a single jpeg file (Jul 6, 1997 1:8:12 EST)
apps/circuits/hadlop230_dec_alpha.tgz (250338 bytes)
ALPHA binaries of hadlop (Jul 8, 1997 8:21:44 EST)
apps/circuits/hadlop230_linux_dynamic.tgz (134575 bytes)
intel binaries of hadlop with shared libraries (Jul 8, 1997 8:21:48 EST)
apps/circuits/hadlop230_linux_static.tgz (611737 bytes)
intel binaries of hadlop with static libraries (Jul 8, 1997 8:22:3 EST)
apps/circuits/hadlop230_sgi_irix.tgz (245110 bytes)
SGI binaries of hadlop (Jul 8, 1997 8:22:13 EST)
apps/circuits/hadlop230_sun_solaris25.tgz (196009 bytes)
Solaris binaries of hadlop (Jul 8, 1997 8:22:18 EST)
apps/circuits/hadlop_example_architectures.tgz (53602 bytes)
example architectural models for hadlop (Jul 8, 1997 8:22:20 EST)
apps/circuits/hadlop_manual10.tgz (1765057 bytes)
hadlop documentation (Jul 8, 1997 8:23:5 EST)
apps/circuits/hadlop_tutorial10.tgz (110592 bytes)
hadlop tutorial (Jul 8, 1997 8:23:20 EST)
games/arcade/Xinsane-0.2.tar.gz (66234 bytes)
insane is a action/puzzle/duel game for X11, SVGALIB and DOS (Jul 11, 1997 3:28:3 EST)
games/arcade/tetris/Xtris-0.2.tar.gz (231066 bytes)
yet another Tetris for X (Jul 11, 1997 3:28:22 EST)
utils/scripts/alien-5.11.tar.gz (36570 bytes)
convert Slackware tgzs, Red Hat RPMs and Debian debs to .rpm or .deb (Jul 9, 1997 22:18:0 EST)
system/emulators/apple2-emul-v004-linux.tar.gz (199628 bytes)
Apple IIe emulator for X & Linux (Jul 4, 1997 19:30:31 EST)
devel/make/autodep-0.9.0.tar.gz (46591 bytes)
automates Makefile generation for C/C++ compilation and linking process (Jul 9, 1997 17:1:25 EST)
apps/ham/drivers/bim-1.0.tar.gz (31186 bytes)
kernel module to drive the Radio Tech BIM-XXX-RS232; emulates a KISS TNC (Jul 8, 1997 1:53:51 EST)
utils/disk-management/cdrecord-1.4.tar.gz (288984 bytes)
CD-Recording program for SunOS/Solaris/Linux (Jul 8, 1997 4:29:11 EST)
system/boot/chos-0.7.tar.gz (53184 bytes)
menu based boot loader (Jul 11, 1997 3:25:38 EST)
apps/sound/cthugha-L-1.0.bin.tgz (473236 bytes)
draws swirling screens based on sound input (Jul 7, 1997 11:25:57 EST)
apps/sound/cthugha-L-1.0.src.tgz (156883 bytes)
draws swirling screens based on sound input (Jul 7, 1997 11:26:9 EST)
apps/sound/cthugha-L-1.0.xtr.tgz (429743 bytes)
draws swirling screens based on sound input (Jul 7, 1997 11:27:6 EST)
devel/lang/c/cutils-1.5-1.i386.rpm (98572 bytes)
basic C development utilities [RPM] (Jul 5, 1997 13:56:55 EST)
devel/lang/c/cutils-1.5-1.src.rpm (100420 bytes)
basic C development utilities [SRPM] (Jul 5, 1997 13:58:22 EST)
devel/lang/c/cutils-1.5.tar.gz (98323 bytes)
basic C development utilities (Jul 10, 1997 4:18:30 EST)
devel/lang/c/cxref-1.4.tgz (252820 bytes)
C program cross-referencing & documentation tool (Jul 6, 1997 2:47:34 EST)
apps/database/postgres95/dbbrowser-0.9.bin.tar.gz (22927 bytes)
graphical interface for Postgres95 using XForms (Jul 5, 1997 12:11:29 EST)
apps/database/postgres95/dbbrowser-0.9.src.tar.gz (17432 bytes)
graphical interface for Postgres95 using XForms [sources] (Jul 5, 1997 12:11:46 EST)
apps/graphics/capture/epscan-0.5.tar.gz (507824 bytes)
driver and X GUI for EPSON Scanners (Jul 5, 1997 22:15:28 EST)
kernel/esep-1.2.tgz (19442 bytes)
a new "evolution scheduler" based on genetic algorithms (Jul 6, 1997 18:26:15 EST)
utils/dos/ext2nt_103.tar.gz (431975 bytes)
tools for read-only access to ext2 filesystems from Windows NT (Jul 10, 1997 0:45:15 EST)
libs/X/c++libs/grafix-1.4.tar.gz (250086 bytes)
C++ library for writing X programs (Jul 10, 1997 4:19:42 EST)
apps/graphics/capture/gscan-0.0.1.tar.gz (401672 bytes)
user-level driver for the Genius ColorPage-CS color desktop scanner on SCSI (Jul 9, 1997 14:27:19 EST)
science/cartography/ivmaps-0.5.5-LINUX.tar.gz (2561671 bytes)
C++ frameworks for map viewers and servers (Jul 9, 1997 2:10:56 EST)
science/cartography/ivmaps-0.5.5.tar.gz (591265 bytes)
C++ frameworks for map viewers and servers [sources] (Jul 9, 1997 2:10:25 EST)
apps/graphics/draw/ivtools-0.5.5-LINUX.tar.gz (1868404 bytes)
C++ frameworks for drawing editors and servers (Jul 9, 1997 2:11:45 EST)
apps/graphics/draw/ivtools-0.5.5.tar.gz (1231839 bytes)
C++ frameworks for drawing editors and servers [sources] (Jul 9, 1997 2:11:25 EST)
games/strategy/konnekt4.10JUL97.tar.gz (2560 bytes)
stylish Connect Four clone (Jul 10, 1997 16:17:36 EST)
apps/cai/learn-1.4.tar.gz (14978 bytes)
vocable learning program with memory model (Jul 10, 1997 10:6:46 EST)
utils/file/lft-1.2.3.tar.gz (94590 bytes)
list file type (Jul 10, 1997 16:5:34 EST)
libs/libgnet-1.0.tar.gz (19297 bytes)
library for creating networked applications or games (Jul 9, 1997 15:35:50 EST)
logos/linux_logo-0.2.tar.gz (3225 bytes)
ANSI Color Penguin Logo that can be run at bootup (Jul 10, 1997 11:10:55 EST)
system/mail/mua/mmr-1.5.tar.gz (138146 bytes)
curses based MIME aware UNIX mailer (Jul 9, 1997 13:51:25 EST)
apps/graphics/rays/pvmpov-3.1.tgz (35350 bytes)
patch to run PovRay in parallel (Jul 7, 1997 11:48:26 EST)
games/arcade/repton-1.3-1.i386.rpm (407358 bytes)
Repton-clone arcade game [RPM] (Jul 4, 1997 8:26:33 EST)
games/arcade/repton-1.3-1.src.rpm (413133 bytes)
Repton-clone arcade game [SRPM] (Jul 4, 1997 8:30:51 EST)
games/arcade/repton-1.3-bin.tar.gz (400726 bytes)
Repton-clone arcade game [source] (Jul 4, 1997 8:35:12 EST)
games/arcade/repton-1.3.tar.gz (411606 bytes)
Repton-clone arcade game [source] (Jul 4, 1997 8:39:40 EST)
system/network/misc/rexec.tgz (14876 bytes)
rexec client (Jul 6, 1997 20:15:26 EST)
system/news/readers/slrn- (247058 bytes)
threaded newsreader built on slrn library (Jul 8, 1997 11:52:4 EST)
games/quake/startquake-0.2.tar.gz (8596 bytes)
bourne shellscript to make managing Quake/QuakeWorld missionpacks easier (Jul 4, 1997 14:44:12 EST)
system/mail/misc/tagline1.0.tar.gz (15734 bytes)
tagline plugin for PINE (Jul 5, 1997 17:36:13 EST)
system/backup/taper-6.8.0a10.tar.gz (310149 bytes)
experimental, bleeding-edge version of taper (Jul 6, 1997 1:26:25 EST)
system/backup/taper-6.8.0a9-6.8.0a10-diffs.gz (6992 bytes)
diffs from 6.7.4 to latest version (Jul 6, 1997 1:24:44 EST)
apps/graphics/misc/tnimage-2.5.10a.linux.static.tar.gz (2160259 bytes)
TN-Image image analysis program [statically linked] (Jul 9, 1997 19:39:18 EST)
apps/graphics/misc/tnimage-2.5.10a.linux.tar.gz (1243497 bytes)
TN-Image image analysis program [shared libraries] (Jul 9, 1997 19:38:48 EST)
apps/ham/twlog-1.0.tar.gz (1055121 bytes)
GUI program that records basic ham log information (Jul 8, 1997 9:43:47 EST)
X11/xutils/type1inst-0.6.tar.gz (27192 bytes)
generate the "fonts.scale" file required to use Type 1 PostScript fonts (Jul 10, 1997 8:12:27 EST)
apps/sound/ultra-2.70a.tgz (482377 bytes)
ultra-2.20a.tgz Linux Ultra Sound Project (Jul 8, 1997 7:12:24 EST)
utils/package/unrpm-install-10.tgz (99789 bytes)
unpacker for RPM and Debian packages (Jul 5, 1997 8:55:54 EST)
system/admin/watchdog_3.0.tar.gz (49516 bytes)
reboots your system if it starts to look bad (Jul 11, 1997 4:12:9 EST)
apps/www/converters/wmf-0.91.tar.gz (41096 bytes)
convert mail to html and create index files (Jul 7, 1997 1:37:57 EST)
X11/screensavers/xlockmore-4.03.tgz (940852 bytes)
xlock w/ extra screen hacks (Jul 10, 1997 9:9:16 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/xmftp-1.0.2.bin.ELF.shared.tar.gz (280350 bytes)
shared-library binaries for xmftp (Jul 7, 1997 10:21:48 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/xmftp-1.0.2.bin.ELF.static.tar.gz (1171575 bytes)
static binaries for xmftp (Jul 7, 1997 10:22:24 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/xmftp-1.0.2.tar.gz (177586 bytes)
a simple X/Motif FTP client (Jul 7, 1997 10:21:52 EST)
games/arcade/tetris/xtet42-joystick.tgz (23697 bytes)
xtetris clone with joystick support (Jul 8, 1997 5:35:40 EST)
system/status/xtop-1.0.tar.gz (101362 bytes)
X based process monitor for Linux (Jul 4, 1997 14:4:16 EST)
devel/vc/cvs-1.9-linuxbin-i386.tgz (643681 bytes)
CVS version control system add on for RCS [ELF binaries] (Jul 4, 1997 22:40:1 EST)
system/status/penguin.tar.gz (1457 bytes)
perl script to give a system reliability statistic (Jul 11, 1997 15:59:55 EST)
system/network/misc/host-0.80.tar.gz (159901 bytes)
Binaries for (ip #) <--> (hostname) translator (Jul 11, 1997 21:45:3 EST)
utils/file/lft-1.2.4.tar.gz (94627 bytes)
list file type (Jul 12, 1997 13:19:20 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/lftp-0.12.1.tar.gz (401292 bytes)
command-line-driven FTP client with mirriring capability (Jul 12, 1997 8:30:15 EST)
system/security/lightbar-1.10.tgz (156510 bytes)
Shadow package adding lots of options like animated logins (Jul 12, 1997 20:52:48 EST)
system/mail/mua/mutt-0.79e.elf.tgz (186654 bytes)
the mutt mailreader with color and built-in POP3 (Jul 12, 1997 6:19:18 EST)
utils/package/rpmtar-2.4.2-1.i386.rpm.tar.gz (260580 bytes)
RPM compatible, PGP sign-able, tar format Package Manager (Jul 12, 1997 22:25:17 EST)
utils/package/rpmtar-2.4.2-1.src.rpm.tar.gz (325057 bytes)
rpmtar source RPM (Jul 12, 1997 22:30:21 EST)
system/status/tux.tar.gz (1528 bytes)
perl script to give a system reliability statistic (Jul 11, 1997 19:23:31 EST)
apps/www/mirroring/urlmon-20.tgz (17000 bytes)
monitor changed status of remote URLs (Jul 12, 1997 21:55:39 EST)
system/status/xesep-1.2.tgz (12270 bytes)
X monitor interface for Evolution Scheduler (esep) (Jul 12, 1997 11:15:28 EST)
games/multiplayer/arcade/Maelstrom-1.4.3-L2.0.6-src.tar.gz (1465947 bytes)
asteroids type game for X and svgalib (Jul 13, 1997 16:21:15 EST)
utils/scripts/alien-5.11.tar.gz (36570 bytes)
convert Slackware tgzs, Red Hat RPMs and Debian debs to .rpm or .deb (Jul 13, 1997 13:40:46 EST)
apps/tex/dlh-0.7c.tar.gz (154936 bytes)
fast and flexible LaTeX to HTML translator (Jul 11, 1997 21:58:56 EST)
distributions/doslinux/doslnx41.exe (1440000 bytes)
self-unpacking archive of doslinux installation programs (Jul 13, 1997 0:52:8 EST)
distributions/doslinux/doslnx41.r00 (1440000 bytes)
image file #0 (Jul 13, 1997 0:59:31 EST)
distributions/doslinux/doslnx41.r01 (1440000 bytes)
image file #1 (Jul 13, 1997 2:10:27 EST)
distributions/doslinux/doslnx41.r02 (1440000 bytes)
image file #2 (Jul 13, 1997 1:14:6 EST)
distributions/doslinux/doslnx41.r03 (1440000 bytes)
image file #3 (Jul 13, 1997 1:21:28 EST)
distributions/doslinux/doslnx41.r04 (1440000 bytes)
image file #4 (Jul 13, 1997 1:28:49 EST)
distributions/doslinux/doslnx41.r05 (622326 bytes)
image file #5 (Jul 13, 1997 1:31:59 EST)
distributions/doslinux/imagedos.exe (617275 bytes)
?? (Jul 13, 1997 1:35:9 EST)
distributions/doslinux/imagew95.exe (617521 bytes)
?? (Jul 13, 1997 1:38:17 EST)
utils/package/rpmtar-2.4.2-2.i386.rpm.tar.gz (260573 bytes)
RPM compatible, PGP sign-able, tar format Package Manager (Jul 13, 1997 13:26:0 EST)
utils/package/rpmtar-2.4.2-2.src.rpm.tar.gz (328874 bytes)
rpmtar source RPM (Jul 13, 1997 13:28:57 EST)
apps/graphics/capture/sane-0.61.tar.gz (342471 bytes)
SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) universal scanner interface project (Jul 13, 1997 0:47:17 EST)
system/backup/shak-2.2.tar.gz (154847 bytes)
script wrapper for backing up files (Jul 13, 1997 13:22:48 EST)
utils/scripts/alien-5.12.tar.gz (36708 bytes)
convert Slackware tgzs, Red Hat RPMs and Debian debs to .rpm or .deb (Jul 13, 1997 23:38:28 EST)
system/status/tkmon-1.0.0.tar.gz (9922 bytes)
shows your Linux system resources through X (Jul 12, 1997 7:53:56 EST)
system/status/xstatus/tkps_1.10.tar.gz (12907 bytes)
tk interface to ps (Jul 13, 1997 10:27:40 EST)
apps/appliance/twd-0.2.tgz (21903 bytes)
IPC-based Linux driver for the Two-Way(R) X10 interface (Jul 13, 1997 21:20:46 EST)
libs/X/Xaw3d-1.1b-bin.tar.gz (1293744 bytes)
3D version of Athena widget library [binaries] (Jul 14, 1997 3:10:0 EST)
libs/X/Xaw3d-1.1b-src.tar.gz (353322 bytes)
3D version of Athena widget library [sources] (Jul 14, 1997 3:3:21 EST)
devel/lang/assemblers/asl-1.41r6.tar.gz (1419280 bytes)
cross-assembler for several different processors (Jul 14, 1997 3:7:54 EST)
utils/disk-management/fdecc-1.0.tar.gz (11285 bytes)
apply Reed-Solomon error correcting codes to (DOS) floppies (Jul 14, 1997 6:22:4 EST)
system/ups/smartups-1.1.tgz (43767 bytes)
Monitor any smart UPS that supports "Safeware" protocol (Jul 14, 1997 3:58:16 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/ImageMagick-3.8.8-elf.tgz (1105541 bytes)
ImageMagick ELF binaries (Jul 23, 1997 2:35:46 EST)
apps/math/symbolic/Kash-1.8.common.tar.gz (1559976 bytes)
shell for algebraic number theory computations (Jul 17, 1997 4:9:34 EST)
apps/math/symbolic/Kash-1.8.galois.tar.gz (3256440 bytes)
shell for algebraic number theory computations (Jul 17, 1997 4:10:39 EST)
apps/math/symbolic/Kash-1.8.linux.tar.gz (2014388 bytes)
Linux binaries of Kash (Jul 17, 1997 4:11:21 EST)
games/arcade/Terroid-1.4-486-elf.tar.gz (1074443 bytes)
a fast action-shooting game for X (Jul 20, 1997 6:24:54 EST)
system/printing/bjf-1.2.tar.gz (43984 bytes)
print filter for the Canon BubbleJet (Jul 18, 1997 10:35:13 EST)
games/bsd-games-1.5.tar.gz (2325881 bytes)
ported source for some bsd distribution games (Jul 18, 1997 13:23:39 EST)
games/bsd-games-non-free-1.5.tar.gz (225051 bytes)
bog, paranoia, and rogue (Jul 18, 1997 13:25:58 EST)
utils/file/compare-1.1.tar.gz (71804 bytes)
a cmp(1) replacement; gives better readable output (Jul 15, 1997 7:50:43 EST)
utils/file/count-1.8.tar.gz (73511 bytes)
fast and enhanced wc(1) replacement (Jul 15, 1997 8:15:28 EST)
X11/desktop/cpuload-0.2.tar.gz (44319 bytes)
Dock/Wharf applet for AfterStep that does load monitoring (Jul 15, 1997 11:25:2 EST)
system/keyboards/diacrd-usintl-0.31.tar.gz (50743 bytes)
maps dead keys on US keyboard into diacriticals (Jul 19, 1997 13:6:13 EST)
utils/dos/ext2nt-1.04.tar.gz (420382 bytes)
tools for read-only access to ext2 filesystems from Windows NT (Jul 17, 1997 1:21:44 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.0.1-1.i386.rpm (122732 bytes)
RPM for Intel binaries of fetchmail (Jul 16, 1997 16:57:30 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail-4.0.1.tar.gz (219873 bytes)
full-featured remote mail retrieval daemon (Jul 16, 1997 16:54:25 EST)
system/mail/pop/fetchmail.FAQ.html (50493 bytes)
fetchmail FAQ in HTML (Jul 16, 1997 16:55:36 EST)
apps/misc/fonter-1.3a.tar.gz (118720 bytes)
a linux console font editor (Jul 14, 1997 23:10:56 EST)
apps/graphics/draw/gsmsuite-1.0.src.tar.gz (181109 bytes)
graphical editor for finite-state machines that can generate C++ code (Jul 22, 1997 23:16:21 EST)
apps/graphics/draw/gsmsuite-1.0.staticmotif.linux.i386.elf.tar.gz (891961 bytes)
statically linked Motif binaries for gmsuite (Jul 22, 1997 23:25:30 EST)
games/arcade/pacman/ (75720 bytes)
hi-res clone of Pacman (Jul 18, 1997 17:37:52 EST)
games/arcade/pacman/hatman-0.3.tgz (65535 bytes)
hi-res clone of Pacman (Jul 18, 1997 17:36:51 EST)
utils/file/hex/hdump-1.7.tar.gz (74701 bytes)
hex dump util ala os-9 (Jul 15, 1997 7:44:9 EST)
apps/editors/emacs/hm--html-menus-5.8.tar.gz (105276 bytes)
menus for html mode of emacs (Jul 21, 1997 7:32:5 EST)
devel/lang/c/hp48cc-1.0-1.i386.rpm (12782 bytes)
HP48 C Compiler (C -> RPN) [RPM] (Jul 17, 1997 12:23:48 EST)
devel/lang/c/hp48cc-1.0-1.src.rpm (28787 bytes)
HP48 C Compiler (C -> RPN) [SRPM] (Jul 17, 1997 12:24:13 EST)
devel/lang/c/hp48cc-1.0.tar.gz (26828 bytes)
HP48 C Compiler (C -> RPN) [sources] (Jul 17, 1997 12:24:42 EST)
apps/math/calc/hp67-1.2.tar.gz (118300 bytes)
curses-based, programmable scientific calculator a la HP-67 (Jul 17, 1997 9:34:30 EST)
X11/window-managers/icewm-0.8.6.src.tar.gz (89988 bytes)
yet another window manager for X11 (Jul 15, 1997 7:50:26 EST)
system/hardware/isapnptools-1.11.bin.tgz (128615 bytes)
ISA plug and play configuration utilities (Jul 14, 1997 23:35:49 EST)
system/hardware/isapnptools-1.11.tgz (39389 bytes)
ISA plug and play configuration utilities [src] (Jul 14, 1997 23:33:16 EST)
system/status/lcdtime-0.2.tar.gz (25072 bytes)
schematic and code for displaying system time (Jul 15, 1997 9:29:22 EST)
apps/cai/learn-1.5.tar.gz (18275 bytes)
vocable learning program with memory model (Jul 17, 1997 13:9:30 EST)
utils/file/lft-1.2.7.tar.gz (97600 bytes)
list file type (Jul 16, 1997 15:25:35 EST)
utils/file/lft-1.3.0.tar.gz (98399 bytes)
list file type (Jul 20, 1997 15:35:52 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/lftp-0.12.2.tar.gz (404949 bytes)
command-line-driven FTP client with mirriring capability (Jul 19, 1997 10:39:48 EST)
libs/libgnet-1.1.tar.gz (19209 bytes)
library for creating networked applications or games (Jul 17, 1997 7:42:19 EST)
logos/linux_logo-1.01.tar.gz (10116 bytes)
ANSI Color Penguin Logo that can be run at bootup (Jul 25, 1997 16:24:11 EST)
libs/lzo-1.00.tar.gz (207395 bytes)
real-time data compression library (Jul 14, 1997 15:14:15 EST)
devel/makefiles-1.1.tar.gz (465864 bytes)
support for portable and concurrent compilation via special make rules (Jul 15, 1997 12:12:18 EST)
docs/linux-doc-project/man-pages/man-pages-1.17.tar.gz (403729 bytes)
Section 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 man pages for Linux (Jul 18, 1997 7:37:46 EST)
libs/minilzo-1.00.tar.gz (23111 bytes)
lightweight version of lzo library (Jul 14, 1997 15:14:20 EST)
system/boot/netboot-0.7.tar.gz (476399 bytes)
allows booting of diskless workstations, NFS root (Jul 23, 1997 16:51:37 EST)
apps/circuits/ntesla-1.7.tar.gz (47626 bytes)
program to help design a Tesla Coil (Jul 14, 1997 16:45:6 EST)
X11/devel/builders/otools-2.0.tgz (227777 bytes)
toolkit for writing simple X applications (Jul 18, 1997 6:14:47 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/ImageMagick- (1091949 bytes)
ImageMagick ELF binaries (Sep 3, 1997 3:25:12 EST)
kernel/patches/misc/QNXsched-1.08.tar.gz (11765 bytes)
QNX-style scheduling for Linux 2.0 (Sep 7, 1997 18:56:30 EST)
kernel/patches/misc/QNXsched-1.09.tar.gz (11753 bytes)
QNX-style scheduling for Linux 2.0 (Sep 7, 1997 19:1:49 EST)
system/mail/mua/XCmail-0.10-beta-11-Linux-bin.tar.gz (325278 bytes)
X11 mailtool using Xclasses layout library [binaries] (Aug 22, 1997 5:4:59 EST)
X11/fonts/Xfstt.tgz (59594 bytes)
X Font Server for *.ttf fonts (Aug 5, 1997 3:36:7 EST)
apps/www/plugins/Xswallow-1.0.9.tar.gz (58007 bytes)
Netscape plugin to handle mimetypes in webpages (Sep 3, 1997 10:34:4 EST)
games/arcade/tetris/Xtris-0.21.tar.gz (232559 bytes)
yet another Tetris for X (Jul 27, 1997 12:5:24 EST)
apps/wp/a2ps-4.8.4.tar.gz (1162621 bytes)
ASCII to PostScript pretty-printing converter (Aug 13, 1997 8:45:3 EST)
libs/graphics/aalib-1.0.tar.gz (109883 bytes)
Low level gfx library (Aug 6, 1997 5:4:22 EST)
system/serial/acua-1.32-1.i386.rpm (125184 bytes)
serial line access control and administration [RPM] (Sep 7, 1997 18:55:31 EST)
system/serial/acua-1.32-1.src.rpm (94469 bytes)
serial line access control and administration [src] (Sep 7, 1997 18:55:35 EST)
system/serial/getty/agetty-1.29b.tar.gz (24443 bytes)
simple getty (Aug 1, 1997 9:48:14 EST)
X11/terms/ansi-xterm-R6-motif-sb-p1.gz (13962 bytes)
A patch for ANSI Xterm to add motif scrollbar on the left (Aug 9, 1997 0:48:50 EST)
X11/terms/ansi-xterm-R6-motif-sb-static-bin.gz (780060 bytes)
A patch for ANSI Xterm to add motif scrollbar on the left [bin] (Aug 9, 1997 0:48:58 EST)
system/ups/apcupsd-2.6.tar.gz (76118 bytes)
Monitor APC BackUPS or SmartUPS in "dumb" mode (Aug 6, 1997 13:33:29 EST)
system/network/misc/asp-1.6.tar.gz (38942 bytes)
looks up a host by hostname, supporting dynamic-IP conections (Sep 5, 1997 5:8:4 EST)
devel/make/autodep-0.11.0.tar.gz (54024 bytes)
automates Makefile generation for C/C++ compilation and linking process (Aug 18, 1997 2:52:13 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/aview-1.0.tar.gz (15809 bytes)
High qualitty ascii art renderer/animation player (Aug 6, 1997 5:4:26 EST)
games/bb-1.0.tar.gz (1517628 bytes)
An audio-visual demonstration for a text terminal (Aug 6, 1997 5:8:54 EST)
X11/toolbars/bptb-1.0.tar.gz (101215 bytes)
Motif based toolbar (Aug 11, 1997 9:20:17 EST)
devel/lang/c++/cccc-2.1.1.bin.ELF.tar.gz (343040 bytes)
Source code metric analyser for C, C++, Java and Ada [bin] (Aug 12, 1997 11:35:50 EST)
devel/lang/c++/cccc-2.1.1.src.tar.gz (74931 bytes)
Source code metric analyser for C, C++, Java and Ada [src] (Aug 12, 1997 11:36:8 EST)
system/boot/chos-0.71.tar.gz (53817 bytes)
menu based boot loader (Aug 5, 1997 2:56:31 EST)
system/network/admin/cmu-snmp-linux-3.4-bin.tar.gz (140735 bytes)
SNMP agent and clients (Jul 28, 1997 16:7:21 EST)
system/network/admin/cmu-snmp-linux-3.4-src.tar.gz (214636 bytes)
SNMP agent and clients (Jul 28, 1997 16:7:13 EST)
system/network/serial/Motif-PPP-1.03-Beta.tar.gz (555906 bytes)
Motif-based PPP Connection Setup Utility (Aug 14, 1997 1:29:22 EST)
utils/file/QuickTree.tgz (7519 bytes)
MS-DOS TREE hierarchical directory tree display (Aug 31, 1997 21:33:24 EST)
system/bbs/ (1062720 bytes)
Complete BBS package (Aug 2, 1997 8:56:38 EST)
games/arcade/blaster.gz (25289 bytes)
3D X11 networked space game (Sep 2, 1997 11:41:14 EST)
devel/lang/c/ccmalloc-0.2.tar.gz (43354 bytes)
An easy to use memory profiling and malloc debugger (Sep 4, 1997 10:0:9 EST)
apps/appliance/cheaplightswitch-1.0.tgz (14895 bytes)
build a circuit to control appliances with computer (Aug 25, 1997 16:20:19 EST)
games/strategy/FICS-1.7.4-Linux-Elf-I386.tar.gz (736745 bytes)
Free Internet Chess Server (FICS) [bin] (Sep 4, 1997 15:42:20 EST)
X11/xutils/configdns-1.0.tar.gz (2356 bytes)
GUI DNS configuration tools (Jul 26, 1997 11:27:15 EST)
apps/editors/X/cooledit-3.1.17.Linux.ELF.tar.gz (164219 bytes)
text editor w/ 3d Motif-ish look [src] (Sep 5, 1997 3:43:9 EST)
apps/editors/X/cooledit-3.1.17.tar.gz (404958 bytes)
text editor w/ 3d Motif-ish look [src] (Sep 5, 1997 2:53:11 EST)
apps/sound/cthugha-L-1.1a.bin.tgz (888415 bytes)
draws swirling screens based on sound input (Aug 23, 1997 7:41:53 EST)
apps/sound/cthugha-L-1.1a.src.tgz (383969 bytes)
draws swirling screens based on sound input (Aug 23, 1997 7:42:17 EST)
apps/sound/cthugha-L-1.1a.xtr.tgz (425011 bytes)
draws swirling screens based on sound input (Aug 23, 1997 7:42:43 EST)
apps/ham/cwbeacon-0.2.tar.gz (15769 bytes)
Parallel port CW beacon (morse code) (Aug 2, 1997 8:58:24 EST)
apps/circuits/danalyzer-0.2.src.tar.gz (24746 bytes)
Digital Logic Analyzer (Jul 29, 1997 21:33:13 EST)
system/bbs/daydream_bbs-v2.04.tar.gz (456748 bytes)
Daydream BBS software (Aug 12, 1997 9:40:15 EST)
utils/dos/dbgscr-0.5.tar.gz (10764 bytes)
DOS-style debug script generator (Sep 6, 1997 1:3:29 EST)
apps/www/misc/dbmmanage-0.1.tar.gz (11644 bytes)
Utility to handle DBM-style authentication for Apache (Jul 26, 1997 11:0:31 EST)
commercial/dbox-1.33.tgz (746446 bytes)
BBS package for Linux (supports ZConnect) (Aug 28, 1997 17:4:45 EST)
kernel/patches/scsi/dc390-1.11.gz (58034 bytes)
Drivers for the Tekram DC930 PCI host adapters (Jul 23, 1997 8:24:16 EST)
system/daemons/cron/dcron-2.3.2.tar.gz (22812 bytes)
DCron - yet another cron (Sep 5, 1997 15:53:34 EST)
system/filesystems/defrag-0.70.tar.gz (64253 bytes)
defrags ext2 and minix filesystems (Aug 17, 1997 10:58:39 EST)
system/network/serial/diald-top-1.1.tar.gz (56882 bytes)
display 'top' like listing for diald packets (Aug 30, 1997 16:9:33 EST)
apps/graphics/dislin/dislin_linux.63.tar.gz (3948059 bytes)
graphics and plotting library used to implement GCL (Jul 14, 1997 9:5:15 EST)
apps/graphics/dislin/dislin_linux_F.63.tar.gz (641230 bytes)
Linux Imagine F version (Jul 14, 1997 9:5:39 EST)
apps/graphics/dislin/dislin_linux_f90.63.tar.gz (634989 bytes)
Linux NAG f90 version (Jul 14, 1997 9:6:19 EST)
apps/graphics/dislin/dislin_manual.63.tar.gz (1298380 bytes)
manual for dislin (Jul 14, 1997 9:7:38 EST)
apps/graphics/dislin/ (359393 bytes)
Perl version (Jul 14, 1997 9:9:19 EST)
apps/graphics/dislin/ (371809 bytes)
Python version (Jul 14, 1997 9:9:37 EST)
apps/graphics/dislin/dislin_html.63.tar.gz (742207 bytes)
HTML docs for DISLIN (Jul 14, 1997 9:2:11 EST)
science/cartography/drawmap-1.0.tar.gz (86528 bytes)
Cartography package that draws maps of the USA (Sep 7, 1997 4:9:1 EST)
X11/desktop/dfm-beta.4.tar.gz (166036 bytes)
OS/2 WPS-like Desktop Manager (Aug 18, 1997 6:59:32 EST)
apps/sound/speech/ears-0.32.tar.gz (188241 bytes)
single word speech recognition (Aug 21, 1997 9:19:5 EST)
apps/doctools/eg-0.05.tar.gz (73445 bytes)
A Linux based Norton Guide reader (Jul 28, 1997 16:49:51 EST)
kernel/esep-1.3a.tgz (21073 bytes)
a new "evolution scheduler" based on genetic algorithms (Aug 13, 1997 18:29:0 EST)
system/boot/etherboot-3.2.tar.gz (917474 bytes)
ethernet boot loader (Sep 7, 1997 22:47:19 EST)
system/filesystems/ext2/ (2314472 bytes)
ext2 IFS driver for OS/2 (Aug 11, 1997 17:45:37 EST)
apps/math/fofx-0.5.tar.gz (14225 bytes)
Function grapher for character-cell terminals (Jul 31, 1997 21:6:49 EST)
system/bbs/forums-1.3.01.tar.gz (326128 bytes)
BBS server, written in Perl (Jul 19, 1997 3:27:33 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/freefly-0.9.2.tar.gz (18075 bytes)
Graphical FTP Client (Jul 14, 1997 17:55:59 EST)
apps/sound/freqs/freq51-notename-patch.gz (2804 bytes)
Note-Name patch for freq51 (Aug 15, 1997 8:16:11 EST)
system/mail/mailhandlers/frontdesk-0.2.tar.gz (17995 bytes)
put incoming mail into threaded queues which can be accessed via the web (Aug 30, 1997 21:4:12 EST)
utils/disk-management/fsgrab-1.0.tar.gz (8755 bytes)
Ext2fs undeletion tool (Aug 31, 1997 11:59:20 EST)
devel/lang/fortran/ftnchek-2.9.5.tar.gz (577049 bytes)
checks fortran code for common mistakes (Aug 12, 1997 15:14:42 EST)
apps/sound/mixers/gom-0.29.8.tar.gz (63778 bytes)
generic OSS (Open Sound System) mixer program (Jul 31, 1997 20:4:33 EST)
system/admin/login/grouputils-1.1.tgz (30215 bytes)
Group admin utilities; support for group passwords at login (Aug 13, 1997 13:47:8 EST)
games/arcade/pacman/hatman-0.4.0.glibc-1.i386.rpm (124434 bytes)
hi-res clone of Pacman [glibc] (Aug 13, 1997 14:43:52 EST)
games/arcade/pacman/hatman-0.4.0.glibc-1.src.rpm (72606 bytes)
hi-res clone of Pacman [src][glibc] (Aug 13, 1997 14:44:40 EST)
games/arcade/pacman/hatman-0.4.0.glibc.tgz (106760 bytes)
hi-res clone of Pacman [bin][glibc] (Aug 13, 1997 14:45:51 EST)
games/arcade/pacman/ (75062 bytes)
hi-res clone of Pacman (Aug 13, 1997 14:46:47 EST)
games/arcade/pacman/hatman-0.4.0.tgz (72165 bytes)
hi-res clone of Pacman (Aug 13, 1997 14:47:36 EST)
system/status/hifs-1.3.tar.gz (46197 bytes)
Hifs -- Handy Information For Sysadmins (Sep 1, 1997 14:34:7 EST)
utils/text/html2sgml-0.3.tar.gz (19015 bytes)
HTML to SGML converter (using Linuxdoc.dtd) (Aug 26, 1997 9:14:57 EST)
utils/compress/iavazip11_linux.tar (552960 bytes)
Tool to make working with archives easier (Sep 2, 1997 17:41:14 EST)
system/fido/ifmail-2.11-tx8.5.i386.rpm (503144 bytes)
tx-enhanced FidoNet(r) support package for UN*X [RPM] (Aug 28, 1997 20:27:16 EST)
system/fido/ifmail-2.11-tx8.5.src.rpm (412969 bytes)
tx-enhanced FidoNet(r) support package for UN*X [src] (Aug 28, 1997 20:27:28 EST)
system/fido/ifmail-2.11-tx8.5.tar.gz (402570 bytes)
tx-enhanced FidoNet(r) support package for UN*X [src] (Aug 28, 1997 20:27:39 EST)
system/fido/ifmail-2.11_to_2.11-tx8.5.tgz (191614 bytes)
diffs between tx enhancement levels (Aug 28, 1997 20:27:45 EST)
system/fido/ifqman-1.1.1.tar.gz (7994 bytes)
Command-line BinkStyle fidonet mailer manager (Aug 7, 1997 8:44:7 EST)
libs/inline-math-2.5.tar.gz (14848 bytes)
inline floating-point GCC macros for the 80387/80486 (Aug 31, 1997 19:59:39 EST)
science/cartography/ivmaps-0.5.6-LINUX.tar.gz (2618862 bytes)
C++ frameworks for map viewers and servers [sources] (Jul 26, 1997 12:30:26 EST)
science/cartography/ivmaps-0.5.6.tar.gz (605278 bytes)
C++ frameworks for map viewers and servers [sources] (Jul 26, 1997 12:29:25 EST)
apps/graphics/draw/ivtools-0.5.6-LINUX.tar.gz (1923655 bytes)
C++ frameworks for drawing editors and servers [sources] (Jul 26, 1997 12:28:43 EST)
apps/graphics/draw/ivtools-0.5.6.tar.gz (1244204 bytes)
C++ frameworks for drawing editors and servers [sources] (Jul 26, 1997 12:28:5 EST)
X11/compress/dxpc-3.7.0.tar.gz (109529 bytes)
X protocol compressor for low bandwidth connections (Sep 8, 1997 0:24:40 EST)
apps/sound/players/gmod-3.1.tar.gz (384507 bytes)
mod player for GUS w/ X support (Sep 1, 1997 14:6:16 EST)
apps/sound/players/gmod.ann (859 bytes)
mod player for GUS w/ X support announcement (Sep 1, 1997 14:6:23 EST)
commercial/jazz-src-linux-v30q.tar.gz (950779 bytes)
MIDI sequencer (Aug 24, 1997 19:18:30 EST)
apps/editors/X/jcc-0.11.2_link-kit.tar.gz (1938948 bytes)
JCC linked for shared libraries (Jul 30, 1997 19:46:35 EST)
apps/editors/X/jcc-0.11.2_shared.tar.gz (643899 bytes)
JCC linked for shared libraries (Jul 30, 1997 19:43:18 EST)
apps/graphics/convert/jpeginfo-1.4.tar.gz (29970 bytes)
displays info, checks integrity of JPEG files (Aug 19, 1997 11:38:23 EST)
apps/graphics/convert/jpegoptim-1.1.tar.gz (13191 bytes)
utility to optimize/compress JPEG/JFIF files (Aug 19, 1997 11:38:58 EST)
utils/shell/kcd-4.7.0.tar.gz (118931 bytes)
Change directories using cursor keys through directory (Aug 11, 1997 23:23:0 EST)
games/strategy/konnekt4.30JUL97.tar.gz (273160 bytes)
stylish Connect Four clone (Jul 30, 1997 14:15:17 EST)
games/amusements/ktamaga-0.0.1.tar.gz (190588 bytes)
Tamagotchi emulator for KDE/X Windows (Aug 29, 1997 22:36:10 EST)
utils/file/lft-1.3.3.tar.gz (98827 bytes)
list file type (Aug 3, 1997 17:45:58 EST)
science/ai/libcheckers-1.06-1.i386.rpm (22419 bytes)
checkers engine with example game [RPM] (Sep 7, 1997 18:55:36 EST)
science/ai/libcheckers-1.06-1.src.rpm (13847 bytes)
checkers engine with example game [SRPM] (Sep 7, 1997 18:55:37 EST)
libs/libmodem-1.0.0.tar.gz (33414 bytes)
interface to the modem devices (Aug 26, 1997 11:50:57 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/lurkftp-0.99.tar.gz (55143 bytes)
FTP site monitor & mirroring program (Jul 30, 1997 16:46:15 EST)
libs/lzo-1.01.tar.gz (219070 bytes)
real-time data compression library (Aug 10, 1997 16:5:11 EST)
utils/compress/lzop-0.91.tar.gz (121456 bytes)
Tool to make working with archives easier (Sep 1, 1997 21:0:55 EST)
system/mail/mailhandlers/mailall-1.0.tgz (2095 bytes)
mails all users on a local system (Aug 11, 1997 19:32:27 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/mgv-2.0.2-bin.tar.gz (983455 bytes)
Motif PostScript viewer based on Ghostview 1.5 (Sep 2, 1997 12:19:28 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/mgv-2.0.2-ps.tar.gz (724783 bytes)
Motif PostScript viewer based on Ghostview 1.5 (Sep 2, 1997 12:19:48 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/mgv-2.0.2.tar.gz (398080 bytes)
Motif PostScript viewer based on Ghostview 1.5 (Sep 2, 1997 12:19:58 EST)
apps/doctools/info/minfo-1.6.10.tar.gz (830143 bytes)
Motif-based X browser for GNU's info documents (Aug 25, 1997 8:28:23 EST)
libs/minilzo-1.01.tar.gz (23842 bytes)
lightweight version of lzo library (Aug 10, 1997 16:5:45 EST)
apps/sound/mp3info-0.2.7.tar.gz (13988 bytes)
get and modify header and TAG info in MPEG Audio files (Aug 20, 1997 11:35:11 EST)
apps/sound/players/mp3menu-0.8.tar.gz (8226 bytes)
load list of mp3s, select and play them (Aug 30, 1997 23:29:49 EST)
apps/math/mtk-1.3.0.tar.gz (55956 bytes)
simple symbolic/numeric manipulation and graphing of equations (Aug 18, 1997 3:37:27 EST)
devel/lang/assemblers/nasm-0.95.tar.gz (464554 bytes)
assembler/disassembler for 8x86 chips (Jul 28, 1997 3:42:21 EST)
system/boot/netboot-0.7.2.tar.gz (477650 bytes)
allows booting of diskless workstations, NFS root (Aug 22, 1997 7:40:13 EST)
apps/www/mirroring/pavuk-0.3.tgz (199891 bytes)
mirroring package for HTTP/FTP/Gopher (Jul 28, 1997 4:35:7 EST)
apps/www/mirroring/pavuk-0.3pl1.tgz (201043 bytes)
mirroring package for HTTP/FTP/Gopher (Aug 6, 1997 4:59:58 EST)
devel/lang/fortran/pgplot5.2.0.bin.tgz (621165 bytes)
fortran package for 2d plotting (Jul 22, 1997 13:7:35 EST)
apps/graphics/draw/po-0.11.tgz (122582 bytes)
SVGAlib paint program (Aug 15, 1997 10:34:24 EST)
apps/circuits/ppc-1.0.tgz (25375 bytes)
pin-by-pin control of the parallel port via an ncurses interface (Jul 31, 1997 10:11:39 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/pppsetup-1.32.tgz (11727 bytes)
script to aid in PPP configuration (Sep 4, 1997 13:29:30 EST)
system/status/xstatus/procmeter-2.3.tgz (36978 bytes)
graphical statistics about CPU usage, disk access, network load (Aug 19, 1997 14:54:49 EST)
games/arcade/ldef1210.tgz (50098 bytes)
demo of 'defender' type arcade game for X11 (Jul 28, 1997 22:9:10 EST)
system/news/readers/peruser-2.29.binaries.tar.gz (126937 bytes)
binaries for peruser offline reader (Sep 3, 1997 14:27:35 EST)
system/news/readers/peruser-2.29.source.tar.gz (85906 bytes)
source for X-based offline news reader (Sep 3, 1997 14:28:5 EST)
system/news/transport/pexpire-0.5.tar.gz (2968 bytes)
alternate expiry for leafnodes (Sep 5, 1997 11:20:4 EST)
games/strategy/phalanx-5.tar.gz (76184 bytes)
chess program for Linux, Xboard compatible (Aug 4, 1997 2:59:23 EST)
devel/lang/c++/pstream-0.0.3.tar.gz (20264 bytes)
persistent object stream library (Aug 28, 1997 13:40:54 EST)
apps/reminder/datebooks/remind-3.0.17.tar.gz (237143 bytes)
reminder program, helps you maintain a schedule (Sep 7, 1997 15:30:9 EST)
system/network/daemons/rr-1.1.tar.gz (11194 bytes)
reboot a machine remotely over the network (Sep 5, 1997 15:35:1 EST)
games/arcade/sabre-0.2.0.tar.gz (1994731 bytes)
fighter plane sim for Linux using svgalib (Aug 11, 1997 11:4:0 EST)
apps/graphics/capture/sane-0.63.tar.gz (358645 bytes)
SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) universal scanner interface project (Sep 6, 1997 13:8:1 EST)
system/admin/satools-1.4.tgz (138034 bytes)
tools to help sys admins on large unix nets (Jul 18, 1997 17:34:3 EST)
apps/math/matrix/scilab-2.3.1-Linux-a.out.tar.gz (3258678 bytes)
matrix-based scientific software package [bin] (Sep 1, 1997 7:9:59 EST)
apps/math/matrix/scilab-2.3.1-Linux-elf.tar.gz (3494338 bytes)
matrix-based scientific software package [src] (Sep 1, 1997 7:10:53 EST)
apps/math/matrix/scilab-2.3.1-src.tar.gz (5349593 bytes)
matrix-based scientific software package [src] (Sep 1, 1997 7:12:36 EST)
utils/file/sdd-1.22.tar.gz (83565 bytes)
enhanced dd(1) replacement for UNIX (Jul 15, 1997 7:37:52 EST)
utils/file/searchtool-1.1.tar.gz (107152 bytes)
X front end for grep. find, and sed (Aug 3, 1997 3:37:20 EST)
utils/disk-management/sformat-3.3.tar.gz (255596 bytes)
SCSI disk formatting/analyze/repair program (Jul 15, 1997 9:7:58 EST)
games/arcade/snake4-1.0.9-bin.tar.gz (44038 bytes)
fruitloving, growing snake (Aug 11, 1997 15:45:52 EST)
games/arcade/snake4-1.0.9.tar.gz (41289 bytes)
fruitloving, growing snake (Aug 11, 1997 15:45:55 EST)
system/emulators/snes9x_linux0.1.tar.gz (170250 bytes)
SNES Emulator for Linux SVGA and X (Jul 14, 1997 16:36:14 EST)
system/backup/star-1.1.tar.gz (162050 bytes)
fastest & most POSIX compliant tar implementation for UNIX (Jul 14, 1997 10:11:59 EST)
system/news/transport/suck-3.6.0.tar.gz (144203 bytes)
pull news off a C news or NNTP host (Sep 8, 1997 0:12:27 EST)
system/backup/taper-6.8.2.tar.gz (311821 bytes)
full-featured backup utility (Aug 14, 1997 5:14:54 EST)
apps/sound/ultra-2.71b.tgz (483613 bytes)
ultra-2.20a.tgz Linux Ultra Sound Project (Aug 11, 1997 7:44:33 EST)
utils/package/unrpm-install-15.elf.tgz (185812 bytes)
unpacker for RPM and Debian packages (Aug 22, 1997 20:58:29 EST)
apps/circuits/vbs-1.3.2.static-bin.gz (220616 bytes)
verilog simulator [bin] (Aug 19, 1997 0:10:38 EST)
apps/circuits/vbs-1.3.2.tar.gz (170053 bytes)
verilog simulator (Aug 19, 1997 0:11:4 EST)
apps/sound/players/wavtools-1.0.1.tar.gz (37777 bytes)
records and plays wav files with a command-line or X interface (Aug 25, 1997 18:1:35 EST)
apps/www/converters/wmf-0.93.tar.gz (42646 bytes)
convert mail to html and create index files (Aug 4, 1997 1:17:47 EST)
utils/disk-management/xcdroast-0.96b.tar.gz (1003235 bytes)
CD-Writer-Program for X. (Sep 2, 1997 1:56:46 EST)
X11/toolbars/xfce-1.2.4.tar.gz (98846 bytes)
XForm toolbar for X11 (pulldown menus, color icons, 3D widgets, etc.) (Aug 20, 1997 13:5:3 EST)
system/network/serial/xisp-2.2p2.tar.gz (145454 bytes)
X-ISP, an X11 visual interface to pppd/chat (Jul 22, 1997 12:4:28 EST)
X11/screensavers/xlockmore-4.03.1.tgz (940507 bytes)
xlock w/ extra screen hacks (Jul 25, 1997 10:33:34 EST)
system/mail/biffs/xmailbox-2.5-bin.tar.gz (40929 bytes)
X new-mail notifier that can use sounds and animation [bin] (Jul 16, 1997 14:21:45 EST)
system/mail/biffs/xmailbox-2.5-src.tar.gz (43535 bytes)
X new-mail notifier that can use sounds and animation [src] (Jul 16, 1997 14:21:27 EST)
science/lab/xmana-0.6.tar.gz (314759 bytes)
program for graphical interactive data analysis, companion to xmad (Aug 25, 1997 2:56:31 EST)
apps/reminder/xmemos-0.1.0.tar.gz (5573 bytes)
a little notepad using xforms (Jul 28, 1997 13:57:15 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/xmftp-1.0.4.bin.ELF.shared.tar.gz (300558 bytes)
shared-library binaries for xmftp (Aug 20, 1997 18:34:59 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/xmftp-1.0.4.bin.ELF.static.tar.gz (772133 bytes)
static binaries for xmftp (Aug 20, 1997 18:35:13 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/xmftp-1.0.4.tar.gz (152614 bytes)
a simple X/Motif FTP client (Aug 20, 1997 18:35:15 EST)
system/mount/xmmount-4.4.tar.gz (8223 bytes)
motif app for mounting/unmounting filesystems (Sep 1, 1997 3:15:41 EST)
science/lab/xmstat-1.1.tar.gz (408015 bytes)
calculate commonly used statistical tests (t-test, ANOVA, etc.) (Sep 3, 1997 9:33:59 EST)
X11/desktop/xnc-3.0.8.elf.tar.gz (719754 bytes)
XNC desktop program [ELF] (Jul 14, 1997 15:33:11 EST)
X11/desktop/xnc-3.0.8.src.tar.gz (466763 bytes)
XNC desktop program [src] (Jul 14, 1997 15:30:44 EST)
apps/graphics/viewers/X/xpcd-2.02.tar.gz (97155 bytes)
viewer for PhotoCD's (Aug 20, 1997 12:42:13 EST)
games/multiplayer/cards/xskat-2.0.tar.gz (77026 bytes)
The card game Skat, with up to 2 of 3 players simulated by computer (Sep 8, 1997 2:8:59 EST)
devel/lang/fortran/yaf77-1.5.tgz (9565 bytes)
f2c derivative with extra instrinsics (Aug 16, 1997 9:49:51 EST)
system/recovery/yard-1.12a.tar.gz (127156 bytes)
create rescue disks (Jul 19, 1997 14:44:47 EST)
utils/file/managers/ytree-1.61.tar.gz (75695 bytes)
ytree is a nifty filemanager similar to xtree (Sep 6, 1997 9:56:51 EST)
system/serial/callback-4.22.tar.gz (124932 bytes)
allows dial-in modems to require callback (Sep 8, 1997 2:40:25 EST)
games/amusements/laroec-0.1.tar.gz (19472 bytes)
laroec is a random oracle (Jul 31, 1997 23:8:1 EST)
system/keyboards/linux-lt_0.97.tar.gz (105503 bytes)
Lithuanian keyboard mapping (Aug 29, 1997 23:50:28 EST)
docs/linux-doc-project/man-pages/linux-man-pages-ja-0.2.tar.gz (648496 bytes)
Over 500 Japanese man pages for Linux (section 1 to 8) (Aug 13, 1997 0:39:1 EST)
logos/linuxrocks.gif (2060 bytes)
"Linux Rocks!" logo (Aug 12, 1997 22:26:0 EST)
apps/sound/cdrom/curses/lyn-0.8a.5L.tar.gz (115962 bytes)
curses CD player with CD database (Aug 18, 1997 22:30:39 EST)
apps/doctools/man/man-1.4j.tar.gz (111510 bytes)
man based on man 1.3 w/ compression, locale (Jul 30, 1997 18:49:30 EST)
X11/desktop/mdb-1.9.bin.tar.gz (1882387 bytes)
database Manager with Motif GUI (static ELF i386 version) (Jul 31, 1997 8:27:1 EST)
X11/desktop/mdb-1.9.tar.gz (168007 bytes)
database Manager with Motif GUI (sources) (Jul 29, 1997 9:51:57 EST)
apps/sound/players/mpg123tk-1.0.tar.gz (45 bytes)
Tcl/Tk interface to the mpg123 Layer I,II,III MPEG player (Aug 17, 1997 14:29:2 EST)
apps/database/postgres95/mpsql-1.5.1-static-linux-bin.tgz (1081249 bytes)
interactive query tool for Postgres95 [bin] (Aug 17, 1997 17:9:21 EST)
apps/misc/mxmap-1.0b3d.tar.gz (1424267 bytes)
client for the GPS daemon gpsd (Jul 26, 1997 22:35:57 EST)
apps/misc/mxmap-1.0b3s.tar.gz (1911913 bytes)
client for the GPS daemon gpsd (Jul 26, 1997 22:46:46 EST)
system/network/netkit-rusers-0.11.tar.gz (17822 bytes)
system rusers utility and service daemon (formerly part of netkit) (Aug 10, 1997 1:28:12 EST)
system/news/readers/newsfetch-1.0.tar.gz (5474 bytes)
utility to download news from an NNTP server and store in mailbox format (Aug 6, 1997 0:1:12 EST)
system/admin/accounts/newuser02.gz (982 bytes)
Shell script, add new user and send welcome msg (Aug 3, 1997 14:1:6 EST)
kernel/sound/nsm-truesound-decoder-1.2.1.tar.gz (31609 bytes)
driver for the NSM TrueSound Decoder card (Aug 24, 1997 11:4:9 EST)
system/network/serial/occ-v3.tgz (21154 bytes)
online cost calculator (Aug 25, 1997 12:9:39 EST)
devel/lang/assemblers/optimizer-0.0.9a.tar.gz (28590 bytes)
optimizer for "as" assembler files (Pentium & Pentium Pro) (Sep 3, 1997 6:18:47 EST)
system/network/serial/qsermon-0.8.tar.gz (23853 bytes)
watch the activities on a given serial port (shows pin states) (Jul 20, 1997 18:53:9 EST)
apps/www/browsers/qweb-1.3-1.i386.rpm (290274 bytes)
SGML World Wide Web browser supporting progressive rendering, style sheets (Aug 12, 1997 1:11:15 EST)
apps/www/browsers/qweb-1.3-x86-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz (288542 bytes)
SGML World Wide Web browser supporting progressive rendering, style sheets (Aug 12, 1997 1:13:0 EST)
apps/www/browsers/qweb-1.3.tar.gz (434443 bytes)
qwerb sources (Aug 12, 1997 1:15:31 EST)
system/daemons/init/r2d2_v0.4.tar.gz (6263 bytes)
r2d2 is designed to replace the traditional shell-script /etc/init.d/rc (Aug 15, 1997 14:23:37 EST)
system/shells/rc-1.5-bin.tar.gz (202603 bytes)
The AT&T Plan 9 shell ported to Unix (Jul 26, 1997 17:18:45 EST)
utils/disk-management/scgskeleton-1.0.tar.gz (62453 bytes)
SCSI user level skeleton program for SunOS/Solaris/Linux/*BSD (Jul 15, 1997 9:13:39 EST)
kernel/patches/scsi/scsi-changer-0.06.tar.gz (16247 bytes)
SCSI Media Changer (Jukebox) device driver (Sep 4, 1997 4:51:39 EST)
X11/fonts/Xfstt-0.0.2.tgz (58372 bytes)
X Font Server for *.ttf fonts (Sep 8, 1997 4:4:0 EST)
kernel/misc-cards/abt320-3.0.bin.tar.gz (92516 bytes)
driver for the Alva Braille Terminals (Jul 14, 1997 10:48:8 EST)
X11/xutils/joy2key-1.0.tgz (11869 bytes)
allow joystick to generate e keyboard events (Aug 12, 1997 4:15:46 EST)
devel/lang/c/rsm.tar.gz (561081 bytes)
Resource Standard Metrics - C/C++ Quality & Metrics Tool (Aug 23, 1997 13:42:2 EST)
devel/lang/misc/sbl-0.1.tar.gz (156696 bytes)
a compact stack-based language with good string capabilities (Jul 17, 1997 19:38:36 EST)
system/network/chat/scrollz-1.8e4.tar.gz (555848 bytes)
yet another IRC client (Aug 6, 1997 12:51:48 EST)
devel/lang/eiffel/se-0.85.tar.gz (1803310 bytes)
eiffel compiler and tools (Jul 30, 1997 3:33:15 EST)
devel/lang/eiffel/se.READ_ME (2364 bytes)
eiffel compiler and tools (Jul 30, 1997 3:33:24 EST)
system/serial/setserial-2.12_CTI.tgz (58901 bytes)
configures the serial port device (Aug 2, 1997 1:2:41 EST)
system/network/file-transfer/sftp-0.04.tar.gz (9456 bytes)
small, fast, efficient FTP client (Sep 7, 1997 12:35:12 EST)
apps/sound/editors/snd-1.bin.gz (525600 bytes)
a sound editor (Aug 14, 1997 11:59:26 EST)
apps/sound/editors/snd-1.src.tar.gz (536569 bytes)
a sound editor [src] (Aug 14, 1997 11:29:31 EST)
games/solitaires/sol-1.0.4-bin.tar.gz (71318 bytes)
Canfield solitaire game with X interface (Aug 10, 1997 5:17:13 EST)
games/solitaires/sol-1.0.4.tar.gz (33714 bytes)
Canfield solitaire game with X interface (Aug 10, 1997 5:19:1 EST)
utils/file/stat_1.0.tar.gz (3149 bytes)
A wrapper for stat(2) (Aug 28, 1997 9:1:14 EST)
apps/graphics/hacks/swapper.tar.gz (10028 bytes)
Background radomizer for X (Aug 20, 1997 12:47:21 EST)
apps/sound/cdrom/curses/tcd-1.0.tar.gz (24048 bytes)
compact curses based CD player (Sep 2, 1997 19:1:45 EST)
apps/sound/players/traplayer-0.5.tar.gz (13164 bytes)
text-based RealAudio Player for use as a helper app from Lynx or command line (Sep 6, 1997 1:15:34 EST)
utils/shell/trashcan-1.2.2d.tar.gz (20489 bytes)
full rm replacement with deletion undo (Aug 15, 1997 1:21:41 EST)
system/network/chat/uirc.017.tgz (152161 bytes)
simple irc client for with ANSI COLOR for Linux (Aug 4, 1997 7:39:17 EST)
system/admin/accounts/umaint10.tgz (9609 bytes)
graphical dialog interface to user account handling (Aug 29, 1997 6:0:31 EST)
apps/ham/morse/unixcw-1.1.tar.gz (144203 bytes)
CW tutor program similar to CP222 by VU2ZAP; curses- or command-line based (Aug 11, 1997 16:57:42 EST)
system/network/misc/alt_connect-0.99.tar.gz (2814 bytes)
alternate ip source for tcp clients without recompilation (Aug 22, 1997 7:26:5 EST)
apps/sound/cdrom/curses/cdplayer-0.1.1.tar.gz (65573 bytes)
ncurses cdplayer (Sep 8, 1997 9:51:34 EST)
utils/compress/exepak-1.1.tar.gz (247730 bytes)
EXEPAK executable file compressor for Linux (Aug 29, 1997 23:9:5 EST)
apps/www/mirroring/got_it-0.23.tgz (7244 bytes)
transfer single file or ftp directory listing (Sep 8, 1997 2:36:39 EST)
apps/sound/convert/lilypond-0.1.0.tar.gz (344708 bytes)
converts music definition files to visual or audible output (Aug 1, 1997 7:24:10 EST)
system/printing/ljetmgr-2.6.all.linux.tar.gz (803677 bytes)
makes the options on the front panel of a HP Laserjet printer directly available to the user (Jul 21, 1997 14:14:11 EST)
X11/screensavers/lock-1.0.tar.gz (12951 bytes)
program to lock a terminal (Aug 4, 1997 2:13:42 EST)
apps/math/matrix/magicsqr.tgz (7150 bytes)
generator/checker for magic-square matrices (Aug 21, 1997 15:32:12 EST)
system/network/serial/ppp/pppsetup-1.33.tgz (11895 bytes)
script to aid in PPP configuration (Sep 8, 1997 7:34:32 EST)
apps/sound/radio/radiod.v2.0.tar.gz (13230 bytes)
daemon for remote controlling Zoltrix Radio Plus (Aug 7, 1997 7:53:52 EST)
apps/graphics/misc/tnimage-2.5.11a.linux.static.tar.gz (2179681 bytes)
TN-Image image analysis program [statically linked] (Aug 29, 1997 20:50:9 EST)
apps/graphics/misc/tnimage-2.5.11a.linux.tar.gz (1263680 bytes)
TN-Image image analysis program [statically linked] (Aug 29, 1997 20:49:55 EST)
apps/www/mirroring/urlget-2.2.tar.gz (8107 bytes)
command-line application that gets a file using HTTP, GOPHER or FTP (Aug 14, 1997 14:5:42 EST)
ALPHA/userfs/userfs- (233317 bytes)
module for user space filesystems (Jul 30, 1997 17:9:21 EST)
system/admin/accounts/usrconfig-0.01.tar.gz (12855 bytes)
an easy to use user account configurator. (Aug 2, 1997 2:31:52 EST)
system/misc/util-linux-2.7.1.tar.gz (524712 bytes)
vast collection of linux utilities (Aug 7, 1997 9:21:18 EST)
apps/www/plugins/XswallowSource-1.0.10.tar.gz (38307 bytes)
plugin for Netscape 3 and 4 that handles generic MIME types (Sep 8, 1997 12:40:32 EST)
apps/crypto/pgp-memlock.pat (1183 bytes)
patch PGP so critical data never gets wapped to disk (Jul 26, 1997 2:16:9 EST)
utils/text/sgml-powertools.tar.gz (2910247 bytes)
improved version of sgml-tools (Aug 8, 1997 18:43:22 EST)
libs/graphics/svgalib-1.2.11.elf.good.tgz (351760 bytes)
prebuilt ELF binaries for SVGAlib (Jul 17, 1997 4:40:27 EST)
apps/sound/lightshow/synaesthesia-1.2.tar.gz (28345 bytes)
a program for displaying sounds from CD or line input (Aug 6, 1997 5:15:54 EST)
apps/www/converters/t2htmll.tgz (58209 bytes)
convert plain text to HTML (Aug 28, 1997 23:39:37 EST)
apps/www/mirroring/urlmon-21.tgz (19268 bytes)
monitor changed status of remote URLs (Sep 8, 1997 18:59:2 EST)
apps/circuits/ver090.tar.gz (107401 bytes)
Structural Verilog compiler for UN*X operating systems (Aug 22, 1997 20:42:0 EST)
science/cartography/vhclserv-0.2-LINUX.tar.gz (68786 bytes)
adds vehicle driving on terrain to ivmaps viewers (Jul 14, 1997 12:33:31 EST)
science/cartography/vhclserv-0.2.tar.gz (63472 bytes)
adds vehicle driving on terrain to ivmaps viewers [src] (Jul 14, 1997 12:31:21 EST)
utils/console/vtscreensaver-0.2c.tar.gz (41389 bytes)
screensaver driver for linux virtual terminals (Aug 17, 1997 15:46:14 EST)
utils/text/wrap-1.0.0.tar.gz (4021 bytes)
break text lines at specified character width (Aug 23, 1997 23:31:39 EST)
apps/database/www/www-sql-0.3.0.tar.gz (61599 bytes)
CGI interface to msql (Sep 1, 1997 4:48:34 EST)
system/news/readers/xagent.05.tgz (267125 bytes)
off line NNTP news reader for Linux, uses xforms (Aug 22, 1997 18:39:10 EST)
X11/xutils/xcmd-1.5.tar.gz (17365 bytes)
front end for starting X programs (looks for existing instances) (Aug 11, 1997 2:58:10 EST)
science/lab/xmstat-1.2.tar.gz (471960 bytes)
calculate commonly used statistical tests (t-test, ANOVA, etc.) (Sep 8, 1997 4:4:15 EST)
apps/financial/spreadsheet/xxl-v2.0.1.tgz (232904 bytes)
easy-to-use graphical spreadsheet (Sep 8, 1997 4:37:20 EST)
system/admin/accounts/ya-deluser-1.1.tgz (2268 bytes)
another delete user utility for administrators (modifies groups file too) (Aug 20, 1997 14:44:37 EST)
devel/lang/compiler_tools/yacc-1.9.1.tar.Z (64805 bytes)
yacc hacked to allow C++ in action code (Jul 23, 1997 0:0:45 EST)
system/network/daemons/ringconnectd-2.2.tar.gz (11790 bytes)
auto-connects online when you call your modem line (Aug 2, 1997 16:15:42 EST)
devel/lang/c/rsm270.tar.gz (554070 bytes)
Resource Standard Metrics - C/C++ Quality & Metrics Tool (Sep 8, 1997 20:48:13 EST)
system/status/sysmgr-1.0.tar.gz (397085 bytes)
monitor several aspects of networked Linux and Solaris machines (Aug 14, 1997 1:6:1 EST)
system/security/xexec-1.00.tar.gz (3452 bytes)
daemon and client for executing things between trusted systems (Jul 22, 1997 1:38:2 EST)
X11/xutils/xffm-1.0.tar.gz (148058 bytes)
new X background menu that works like a file cabinet (Jul 22, 1997 7:21:51 EST)
X11/terms/xiterm-1.0.tar.gz (308112 bytes)
8-bit clean, colour xterm replacement (Aug 11, 1997 4:34:56 EST)
X11/desktop/xplore-0.99h.tar.gz (193264 bytes)
yet another X11/Motif-based file manager (Aug 12, 1997 6:46:15 EST)
system/network/daemons/xringd-1.20.tgz (31787 bytes)
matches commands with ring timings (Jul 21, 1997 18:27:32 EST)
libs/zfunc-0.1.tar.gz (96221 bytes)
library that sits on top of zlib, offering buffered i/o (Aug 26, 1997 0:42:6 EST)
apps/serialcomm/dialout/minicom-1.75-s-2.elf.tgz (156194 bytes)
serial comm program with zmodem support -- very nifty (Aug 31, 1997 13:21:31 EST)
apps/serialcomm/dialout/minicom_175patch.tar.gz (13000 bytes)
fix patch for stock 175 version (Aug 31, 1997 3:6:10 EST)
system/network/misc/tcpscan-0.99.tar.gz (6363 bytes)
TCP port scannerTCP port scanner (Aug 1, 1997 18:42:19 EST)
X11/desktop/FileRunner-2.4.tgz (118430 bytes)
filemanager with built-in FTP capabilities (Sep 9, 1997 4:9:9 EST)
apps/sound/cdrom/curses/cdplayer-0.1.1.tar.gz (66400 bytes)
ncurses cdplayer (Sep 9, 1997 5:20:8 EST)