******************************************************************************* * WHAT'S NEW ON FTP.NVG.NTNU.NO * * QUOI DE NOUVEAU SUR FTP.NVG.NTNU.NO * ******************************************************************************* 03/03/2025 ---------- games/arcade ------------ impossma.zip Impossamal Ball game impossmo.zip Impossamole Platform game (renamed/renommé) 02/03/2025 ---------- games/adventur/graphic ---------------------- transcae.zip Transylvanian Castle Role-playing game games/arcade ------------ nuclheis.zip Nuclear Heist Helicopter shoot-'em-up (new version/nouvelle version) games/educatio -------------- caestrav.zip Caesar's Travels Graphic adventure games/sports ------------ hotrod.zip Hot Rod Car racing (new version/nouvelle version) thaiboxi.zip Thai Boxing Kickboxing (new version/nouvelle version) utils/windows ------------- zx0.zip ZX0 File compressor 16/02/2025 ---------- games/arcade ------------ bestgirl.zip Bestial Girl Platform game cybor.zip Cybor Maze exploration (new version/nouvelle version) hostcomo.zip Hostias Como Panes Beat-'em-up rolanrea.zip Roland in RetroAlacant Arcade game (renamed/renommé) rolanret.zip Roland Retires Platform game streehaw.zip Street Hawk Shoot-'em-up/target shooting (new version/nouvelle version) games/cartridg -------------- harrattr.zip Harrier Attack Reloaded Plane shoot-'em-up 09/02/2025 ---------- games/adventur/graphic ---------------------- toadruna.zip Toad Runner Arcade adventure (new version/nouvelle version) games/adventur/text ------------------- mansion.zip Mansion Text adventure games/arcade ------------ chuckegg.zip Chuckie Egg Platform game (new version/nouvelle version) cowbkidz.zip Cowboy Kidz Shoot-'em-up (new version/nouvelle version) dripzonp.zip Dripzone Plus Breakout clone zargon.zip Zargon Arcade game games/board ----------- ghismo.zip Ghismo Quiz game games/cartridg -------------- krookc.zip Krook Arcade game games/sports ------------ 3dboxing.zip 3D Boxing Boxing (new version/nouvelle version) 04/02/2025 ---------- emulator/windows ---------------- acedl.zip ACE-DL Amstrad CPC emulator (new version/nouvelle version) games/adventur/graphic ---------------------- kommusbe.zip Kommando Urbex: The Secret Bunker Graphic adventure/driving gam kommusbs.zip Kommando Urbex: The Secret Bunker Graphic adventure/driving gam games/adventur/text ------------------- robinshl.zip Robin of Sherlock Text adventure with graphics (new version/nouvelle version) rodolsk3.zip Rodolfo Skylarriente 3 Text adventure with graphics games/arcade ------------ 21gramss.zip 21 Grams of Soul Exploration moonrn.zip MoonRN Platform game shortfus.zip Short's Fuse Platform game (new version/nouvelle version) solomkey.zip Solomon's Key Platform game (new version/nouvelle version) games/board ----------- milenio.zip Milenio: El Juego del Año 2000 Board game notme.zip Not Me! Hangman games/sports ------------ crazygol.zip Crazy Golf Golf (renamed/renommé) par5golf.zip PAR 5 GOLF Golf (new version/nouvelle version) poolbill.zip Pool Billard Pool (renamed/renommé ; previously games/sports/poola.zip / précédemment games/sports/poola.zip) games/typeins ------------- oxyda.zip Oxyda Platform game (new version/nouvelle version ; moved/déplacé) sport.zip Sport Athletics (new version/nouvelle version ; moved/déplacé) utils/cpc --------- 4colorch.zip 4 Color Char Editor Character set editor utils/windows ------------- rasm.zip Rasm Assembler (new version/nouvelle version) 12/01/2025 ---------- games/adventur/graphic ---------------------- tarzboca.zip Tarzanete: De la Boca al Ojete Arcade adventure tarzjour.zip Tarzanete: A Journey to the Secret H Arcade adventure games/adventur/text ------------------- onceknig.zip Once a Knight Is Enough Text adventure (ADLAN) games/arcade ------------ krook.zip Krook Arcade game superske.zip Super Skweek Arcade game/shoot-'em-up superskf.zip Super Skweek Arcade game/shoot-'em-up superskw.zip SUPER SKWEEK Arcade game/shoot-'em-up (deleted/effacé ; see games/arcade/superske.zip and games/arcade/superskf.zip / voir games/arcade/superske.zip et games/arcade/superskf.zip) games/packs ----------- 10jeuxsp.zip 10 Jeux Spectaculaires Compilation 6comphi2.zip 6 Computer Hits 2 Compilation 6comphi3.zip 6 Computer Hits 3 Compilation 6comphi4.zip 6 Computer Hits 4 Compilation 6comphit.zip 6 Computer Hits Compilation starwart.zip Star Wars Trilogy, The Compilation 07/01/2025 ---------- games/adventur/graphic ---------------------- keye.zip Key, The Graphic adventure keyf.zip Key, The Graphic adventure keyi.zip Key, The Graphic adventure keys.zip Key, The Graphic adventure 05/01/2025 ---------- games/arcade ------------ mieyen.zip Mieyen Arcade game peppbust.zip Pepper Buster Pac-Man clone games/board ----------- kolotoc.zip Kolotoc Quiz game (deleted/effacé ; see games/board/kolotoce.zip and games/board/kolotocf.zip / voir games/board/kolotoce.zip et games/board/kolotocf.zip) kolotoce.zip Kolotoc Quiz game kolotocf.zip Kolotoc Quiz game games/puzzle ------------ dungeo2e.zip Dungeon II Puzzle game dungeo2f.zip Dungeon II Puzzle game 02/01/2025 ---------- games/cartridg -------------- ohchutec.zip Oh Chute! Arcade game (deleted/effacé ; the author no longer permits redistribution of this version/ l'auteur le permet plus la redistribution de cette version ; see/voir ) 27/12/2024 ---------- emulator/windows ---------------- cpcec.zip CPCEC Amstrad CPC emulator (new version/nouvelle version) games/board ----------- kolotoc.zip Kolotoc Quiz game games/puzzle ------------ crystpla.zip Crystal Place Puzzle game utils/cpc --------- labelbas.zip Label-Base Database 18/12/2024 ---------- games/adventur/text ------------------- adventur.zip Adventure Text adventure (Z-machine) games/arcade ------------ gommydef.zip Gommy, Defensor Medieval Arcade game gommymed.zip Gommy, Medieval Defender Arcade game games/puzzle ------------ dunggomi.zip Dungeons of Gomilandia Puzzle/platform game 15/12/2024 ---------- games/arcade ------------ assaul24.zip Assault24 Space shoot-'em-up bombero.zip Bombero Arcade game 07/12/2024 ---------- games/arcade ------------ thrustem.zip Thrust: Extra Missions Arcade game/shoot-'em-up 06/12/2024 ---------- games/adventur/text ------------------- tribus.zip Tribus Text adventure (new version/nouvelle version) games/arcade ------------ gateshea.zip Gates to Heaven Platform game secrtome.zip Secret of the Tomb, The Maze exploration secrtomf.zip Secret du Tombeau, Le Maze exploration (renamed/renommé ; previously games/arcade/secrtomb.zip / précédemment games/arcade/secrtomb.zip) 02/12/2024 ---------- games/adventur/graphic ---------------------- mewilos.zip Méwilo Graphic adventure games/arcade ------------ babaliba.zip Babaliba Maze exploration (new version/nouvelle version) games/board ----------- carremap.zip Carré Magix+ Card game games/puzzle ------------ conec5na.zip Conecta 5 en Navidad Puzzle game games/typeins ------------- castle.zip Castle, The Text adventure (new version/nouvelle version ; moved and renamed/déplacé et renommé ; originally included in games/adventur/text/castadve.zip / originellement inclu dans games/adventur/text/castadve.zip) utils/windows ------------- arkostr2.zip Arkos Tracker 2 Music composer 09/11/2024 ---------- gamedocs/maps ------------- mineesca.zip MINE ESCAPE (MAP) Map games/arcade ------------ crocof28.zip Croco Folie &28 Platform game mineesca.zip Mine Escape Maze exploration (new version/nouvelle version) mrcube.zip Mr Cube Arcade game 03/11/2024 ---------- emulator/windows ---------------- acedl.zip ACE-DL Amstrad CPC emulator (new version/nouvelle version) cpcec.zip CPCEC Amstrad CPC emulator (new version/nouvelle version) 02/11/2024 ---------- games/adventur/text ------------------- ghostdel.zip Ghostship Delgado Text adventure (Quill) games/arcade ------------ babaliba.zip Babaliba Maze exploration monstmay.zip Monster Mayhem Target shooting thanatoa.zip Thanatos Arcade game games/cartridg -------------- mineescc.zip Mine Escape Maze exploration monstmac.zip Monster Mayhem Target shooting utils/windows ------------- rasm.zip Rasm Assembler (new version/nouvelle version) 10/10/2024 ---------- games/arcade ------------ mineesca.zip Mine Escape Maze exploration 08/10/2024 ---------- games/arcade ------------ nita.zip Nita Platform game (new version/nouvelle version) 30/09/2024 ---------- games/adventur/text ------------------- ellenfor.zip Ellen: For the Love of a Girl Text adventure games/arcade ------------ rolanret.zip Roland in RetroAlacant Arcade game games/board ----------- cyrus2ce.zip Cyrus II Chess Chess (new version/nouvelle version ; renamed/renommé) cyrus2cf.zip Cyrus II Chess Chess games/sports ------------ rockball.zip Rocket Ball Futuristic sport (new version/nouvelle version ; renamed/renommé) 14/09/2024 ---------- games/adventur/text ------------------- escalien.zip Escape from the Alien Spaceship Text adventure (Quill) games/arcade ------------ midnstre.zip Midnight Streets Platform game games/cartridg -------------- midnstrc.zip Midnight Streets Platform game games/sports ------------ crickcht.zip Cricket Captain Cricket (new version/nouvelle version) 06/09/2024 ---------- emulator/windows ---------------- cpcec.zip CPCEC Amstrad CPC emulator (new version/nouvelle version) games/arcade ------------ darkknig.zip Dark Knight: Shadow of Madness Platform/driving game (new version/nouvelle version) dragueue.zip Dragueur Arcade game dragueuf.zip Dragueur Arcade game superlee.zip SuperLéo Obstacle course superlef.zip SuperLéo Obstacle course games/sports ------------ cycit.zip Cycit Motorbike racing (new version/nouvelle version) Nicholas Campbell (nich durge org)