******************************************************************************* * TYPE-INS AND LISTINGS ON FTP.NVG.NTNU.NO * * TYPE-INS ET LISTINGS SUR FTP.NVG.NTNU.NO * ******************************************************************************* This directory on NVG is for type-ins and listings of games, which have been published in Amstrad CPC magazines, such as Amstrad Action and Amstrad Computer User. You will also find listings of games in the Amstrad CPC manuals in this directory. However, I do not wish to include every single type-in from every single magazine in this directory, because most of them are simply not very good (as many people will agree). Therefore, you will only find a selection of reasonably good type-ins here. If you wish to send me type-ins of games for inclusion in this directory (either by e-mailing me, or uploading the files to the incoming directory of NVG), then note that I will only consider type-ins which are at least 5K in length and which are good. I would also appreciate it if you could tell me: * Which magazine the type-in(s) appeared in, including the month and year * The name of the type-in(s), and its/their author(s) (this information may not be available in the program or the REM statements in it, so I must know!) I will not consider 10-liners and other type-ins smaller than 5K, and I reserve the right to reject type-ins if I think they are not of sufficient quality. Thank you for your understanding. Nicholas Campbell (nich durge org)